Ceht: I don't mean for this to sound pissy and ungrateful, but with so many games now on GOG, do we really need to have the same handful in constant rotation for the flash sales? It's great they're being put on sale and all, but it seems a little ridiculous to see the same games come up day after day; like the system's stuck on "Repeat" instead of "Shuffle."
srilumpa: I wouldn't call 227 games a handful.
Especially given that GOG has 754 games (not counting DLC), so you have 30% of the catalogue on flash sale.
It only
appears to be few because we keep such a close eye on it and because they chose more appearances for shorter periods rather than longer appearances (*eyes Steam's 8 hours "flash" sales*).
GOG could easily have given us an impression of variety with less games by rationing how many they showed at first and adding one or two per day. Start with 100 games, add 5 a day for 18 days and you get the new game rush that you seek with only 190 games instead of 227.
But while it would make the sale more interesting for us (more insomnia like) it would also make it much easier to miss games you want from the flash sale if you don't follow it assiduously.
And now I'm off to get some sun while it's out.
Oh, I don't doubt that there are more games than what I'm seeing. But when I said "handful," I'm talking about the games that literally show up for multiple days in a row when I check to see what new stuff's there.
Divinity: Dragon Commander,
Duke Nukem 3D,
Rise Of The Triad (2013),
Inquisitor, and a fair number of others make daily appearances. Yeah, it's nice to get another shot at something, but do we really need
that many shots at it when there are other games that could use a little spotlight love?
The pack idea's great, and that the games go on sale at all is wonderful. But that said, I think the flash sales need to be shuffled better so people like me don't feel like they're in Groundhog Day as the same games keep popping up each time. 227 games over two weeks or more shouldn't leave me feeling like I'm mostly seeing the same 50 games over and over, ya know?