Conrad57: BARF!
Wow, you really missed my point after the rhetorical question. However, with writing something that long, perhaps you started answering before I went back and clarified myself by adding "rhetorical" in there about 3 minutes after I posted it; about 3, maybe 4...
My point was that paying a little or a lot, I appreciate people buying on GOG because I found my old favorites there. I don't have enough time to read your novel reply. Yes, that's a pun. I read the first 3 sentences, jumped to the 3rd paragraph, skimmed more, and gave up. I've taken the economics and accounting classes and can run a business. You totally missed the point. I can see that by what you quoted. Try this quote again from my original post, "So, whether we support with a little (flash sale) or a lot (full price), thanks! ..." Why thanks? Because I've personally benefited from everyone who has supported GOG. Go re-read it.
Not sorry. I don't have time to read your rewrite of textbooks I've already learned.

Zurvan7: Mmhh this kind of arrogance has lead many businesses into bankruptcy also started the financial crisis in the US. Everyone was like hey I understand what I'm doing, so what if I take a second mortgage if I am not able to pay off my first one. But that's getting out of topic. I think that skeletonbow did a great explanation and it's never too late to learn stuff from other people. Even if you are a billion dollar business mogul.
With that being said you should have answered your own question. As long as gog can cover its average cost (maintaining servers etc) they can do as many low discounts as they want. Just like when some operators charge you less during specific hours, when electricity is cheaper in my country after 10 pm and why some airplanes fly with empty seats. Plus all these discounts have been discussed with the publishers/developers. They are the ones who decide if they want to participate in these sales or not. Plus gog does not make the most money from the sale sin general because they are just a distribution network. They will receive a percentage and did not invest their own money into publishing and developing the games. But I guess you already knew that ;)
I hope you enjoy the sales though :)
I skimmed more of the reply than I probably gave the impression of. There's a good way to do research quickly when reading articles by checking the beginning, end, and middle, or a few segments in the middle if it's a very long article, quickly and skimming the rest. I really didn't see anything new (to me). That's nothing like the arrogance of bankers pressuring congress to remove Glass-Steagal so that they can play casino, nor like moguls exporting manufacturing from a country.
I know that I answered my own question. For my first question, it's called walking the reader through a thought process. For the second question (on getting links), my links don't actually answer what I was looking for. However, that's because such information, contract terms between companies, are not usually public until there's a lawsuit. So how much does DeveloperX get from GOG sales and under what terms (per+% or just %)? We may never know.
Like the earlier replier, you missed the point of my original post. I realized that any support GOG gets had benefitted me and I appreciated it. You didn't comment on that, but instead called me arrogant. Please read more carefully.