CarrionCrow: What's your overall game total?
Oh dear, that's a loaded question. lol~
107 on GOG
a LOT at Big Fish (but casual games take much less time to play)
Steam says I have over 400 games, but a LOT of those were freebies, and a lot more were games that I activated just because they were part of bundles that I bought -- I didn't know about gifting or trading back in those days, so a lot of junk games I have no interest in.
There's my Desura account, too, but a lot of those are duplicates, since I got both Desura and Steam keys from bundles.
I will definitely play ALL of my GOG and Big Fish games, and I will play all of the games I traded for or won/was gifted, too.
My already-played list is pretty darned long, but not as easy to tally up!
opticq: Anyone play Don't Starve here? I wanna know if it ends or has some sort of campaign. I don't really like endless games.
I played it during the free weekend at Steam. While I liked it, I enjoyed Island Castaway 2 more, so I'm not in a hurry to get Don't Starve. I can't answer your question about whether it has a clear-cut ending, though :p