It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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Crewdroog: If you REALLY want a run down, talk to ragnarblackmane. This is like his game, and the one who introduced me to it.
You and Ragnar are huge fans of this one too? (I have a little rundown too, on the previous page). Actually, I do think I remember Ragnar mentioning a mod for it not too long ago. Hmm...
For those wondering about images, this time they seem to use a 64 digit hexadecimal number for single games () and a 32 digit hexadecimal for the bundles ([url=]example). Will try grabbing them, but I fear an automated tool to do so will result in a (hopefully temporarily) ban on my IP.
Off to grab images then.
Artoemius: Image URLs are encrypted this time...
Not encrypted, simple numbers. Very large numbers, but numbers nonetheless.
Post edited November 12, 2014 by JMich
Yay finally! :D It's time again to beat a path to gogbears door! :D
Artoemius: Image URLs are encrypted this time...
Crap, it's learning. We're doomed!

I was happy to see the GOG Bear when I first tried loading GOG this morning as it could only mean one thing: Fall sale!

I'll be recharging my debit card today.
Thanks for doing this again IAmSinistar, this is always as fun as the sale itself. ;)
Flash sales, daily deals and most of the catalog on sale for the duration.
Shouldn't be nearly as many dissatisfied users as usual. (snicker) :-O
The not live yet Meridian: New World show as 25% off in its game page.
phaolo: Uh, the flash deals are limited in time.. so.. should I skip Dreamfall (TLJ2) and play directly Dreamfall2?
TLJ1 was great, but the sequel seemed a bit shallow from the LP.
Your call, but I'd assume that Dreamfall: Chapters has strong ties to Dreamfall: TLJ, especially since the story of DF:TLJ wasn't concluded and people were hoping for a continuation; and DF:TLJ introduced important new characters. Then again, if you didn't like what you saw of DF:TLJ, you might not like DF:Chapters either. The gameplay is probably a lot closer to the first Dreamfall than to The Longest Journey (I think the devs said something about aiming to create an experience similar to The Walking Dead). I haven't played Chapters myself though, only TLJ and DF:TLJ.
Post edited November 12, 2014 by Leroux
gibbeynator: Geez, you couldn't wait another month for the winter sale? Cash grab much?
This isn't a cash grab. Talk to the contemptible DLC peddlers drip-feeding and nickel-diming content they could have easily put into their primary games to customers about that.
Virtually everything's on sale, plus bundles, plus flash sales, plus freebies. No one's getting ripped off here.
News post is up.

Clarification on the stamps -
Visit us daily and collect special stamps on our front page. Gather 7, and you'll receive a copy of CD PROJEKT RED's flag-ship RPG, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and a brilliant movie The Gamers: Director's Cut absolutely for FREE.
donsanderson: Shouldn't be nearly as many dissatisfied users as usual. (snicker) :-O
Nah, it is quite easy too find something to moan about. Like how this should have been insomnia and not "boring" fall sale :D
Anyone have a link to the Carmageddon image? Missed that one.
Cavalary: So now it seems we have 2 bundles / day, 1 new single game sale introduced every 40 min and lasting for 6 hours, and a "stamp" every 18 hours. Still no official news post though, which is odd.
It just started and its a ton of stuff. I think there wasn't even an email announcing this sale yet.
Maybe this thread will be the replacement for an official news.
Crewdroog: But seriously, it is the fighting that makes this game stand out. here is a video tutorial to give you a basic idea.
dont forget the mods!
Now this is interesting, I clicked on Meridian: New World and it's showing up for me with a 25% discount already. I think it's had a lower discount than that on other sales, so that can't be a preview of the flash sale price, can it?

Edit: Hey people, check your wishlists. I found AI War Collection 50% off, Xenonauts 30% off, Reprisal Universe 29% off, Perimeter 49% off, the Prince of Persia games all 50% off, Avernum and Avadon games 50% off, the STALKER games 50% off (GBP prices).

No idea if this indicates potential future flash sales or more general sales, but none are marked as being on sale in my wishlist, nor on the games list with 'discounted' as an option.
Post edited November 12, 2014 by katya_stevens
JMich: Will try grabbing them, but I fear an automated tool to do so will result in a (hopefully temporarily) ban on my IP.
Off to grab images then.
LOL you're awesome you know that ;) All in the name of science!
donsanderson: Shouldn't be nearly as many dissatisfied users as usual. (snicker) :-O
moonshineshadow: Nah, it is quite easy too find something to moan about. Like how this should have been insomnia and not "boring" fall sale :D
"I have to come back to the site SEVEN WHOLE TIMES to get my free AAA 40 Hour+ Title?" "Gees, I GUESS I could sink hours and hours into my free copy of Mount and Blade, but what the heck I didn't even see it was free. What the hell is up with that promo that hides it?"

Thread Title:

"OMG GoG Sucks and Stole mY Copy of Mount And Blade, I Bought ALL The Other Games and Didn't Get my Freebie!!!"
Post edited November 12, 2014 by Ixamyakxim