CarrionCrow: In almost the same boat there. At this point I remember frustration at post-main game levels more than I do any of the standard, balanced for fun/puzzle/platforming ones. Fairly sure that the developer had an intensely miserable day/week/month and decided to vent by torturing people who play the post-main game stuff.
Stilton: I'm trying to keep a clear head about it, but there were times during the play-through that I started bleating and considered dabbling in goat-worship/satanism just to avoid getting slammed by another block or incinerated for the 10,000th time. Odd how I can still like the game after all of that, but that probably says more about my unstable mental state than anything else. Why do gamers sometimes like being punished..?
LaPtiteBete: I also bought Escape Goat 2.. since you all speak about Escape Goat 1 for pages... did you try the 2nd opus ? is it good ? I've never played the first one... :)
Stilton: The game is fun but very challenging. A bit like playing tag with a real goat and getting kicked every ten seconds. (Sort of).
-laughs- Add getting bisected by sawblades to the blocks and incineration, and that sums it up pretty well.
Also, the further on you go, the more and more the developer whips out a "SURPRISE! YOU'RE DEAD!" trap. There's a level I'm stuck on right now that pulls that move so hard and so fast, I've had to die probably a hundred times just to see the ultimate deathstroke half a dozen times and I'm still trying to work out how to get past it.
(That level sucks SO MUCH. Dear gods, I hate it.)
As for game player masochism? I think it's a combo of things that meld together - people want a decent challenge, a lot of people like seeing that they've completed everything the game has to throw at them.
And when that runs up against an Escape Goat scenario (that being one where I'm beginning to believe that the game designer(s) found their boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/whoever in bed with half a dozen members of a professional sports team and rather than just shooting them all, they decided to take out their all-consuming rage on anyone who pays them money for their product), you get to a crossroads playing it - you either get so mad that you want to finish out of spite, or you say to hell with this madness-inducing nightmare, embrace the happiness of beating the primary game and go onto something else.
CarrionCrow: I have to ask - did you clear out the All Intensive Purposes section as well?
hummer010: I sure didn't. I gave up. My desire to play 2 over road my desire to be a completionist. Luckily, my C.O.D doesn't include completionism. As long as I finish a game, then I can play the next one.
Certainly nothing wrong with that. Bottom line, you and Stilton are far wiser individuals than I. -laughs-