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IAmSinistar: Well done!

I find it amusing how many people have Moonbase Commander on their wishlist. It's a cheap game, yet folks seem to be unable to prioritise it as a purchase. :) I've got it but not played it yet, perhaps I should just to see if it's worth recommending.

Meanwhile, check your PMs for something to add to your shelf from the wishlist.
Wow... that was unexpected. Thank you very much for the gift!
IAmSinistar: Well done!

I find it amusing how many people have Moonbase Commander on their wishlist. It's a cheap game, yet folks seem to be unable to prioritise it as a purchase. :) I've got it but not played it yet, perhaps I should just to see if it's worth recommending.

Meanwhile, check your PMs for something to add to your shelf from the wishlist.
BillyMaysFan59: Wow... that was unexpected. Thank you very much for the gift!
You're welcome.

Wishlist first blood goes to me! LynetteC and CarrionCrow will have to be faster next time. ;)
BillyMaysFan59: A bit late, but now it has been done. :D

(My wishlist anyways, I'm going to organize my shelf before posting it)
IAmSinistar: Well done!

I find it amusing how many people have Moonbase Commander on their wishlist. It's a cheap game, yet folks seem to be unable to prioritise it as a purchase. :) I've got it but not played it yet, perhaps I should just to see if it's worth recommending.

Meanwhile, check your PMs for something to add to your shelf from the wishlist.
Already have that one, but had to doublecheck. It kinda got buried in there among everything else. Can't even remember when it was purchased or for how much.
Oh, GOG. I love it when you make me think I have early-onset Alzheimer's....
HypersomniacLive: There never was a community more happy to see a sale end.
Its a shame - it wasn't that bad. It just needed a bit more energy and less repetition. Otherwise, I'm pleased enough with what I got.
Post edited November 25, 2014 by Stilton
CarrionCrow: Already have that one, but had to doublecheck. It kinda got buried in there among everything else. Can't even remember when it was purchased or for how much.
Oh, GOG. I love it when you make me think I have early-onset Alzheimer's....
Actually, Moonbase Commander has made me doubt my memory as well. I would have sworn when I bought it that it had some pretty dreadful CGA graphics, but it looks much better in the screenshots than I recall. Almost like a proto-Perimeter. So we're all going doddery together.
CarrionCrow: Already have that one, but had to doublecheck. It kinda got buried in there among everything else. Can't even remember when it was purchased or for how much.
Oh, GOG. I love it when you make me think I have early-onset Alzheimer's....
IAmSinistar: Actually, Moonbase Commander has made me doubt my memory as well. I would have sworn when I bought it that it had some pretty dreadful CGA graphics, but it looks much better in the screenshots than I recall. Almost like a proto-Perimeter. So we're all going doddery together.
Has anyone played Perimeter? I've been on/off tempted by it but can't convince myself either way.
IAmSinistar: Actually, Moonbase Commander has made me doubt my memory as well. I would have sworn when I bought it that it had some pretty dreadful CGA graphics, but it looks much better in the screenshots than I recall. Almost like a proto-Perimeter. So we're all going doddery together.
Stilton: Has anyone played Perimeter? I've been on/off tempted by it but can't convince myself either way.
The person you just quoted. :P
Ever have one of those moments where you're just being generally horrible, a total killjoy, and you're doing it so hard you can almost feel the blackness of the happiness-destroying void you're generating? Dear gods, it's fun to have those kinds of moments every once in a while. =)
Stilton: Has anyone played Perimeter? I've been on/off tempted by it but can't convince myself either way.
Grargar: The person you just quoted. :P
Indeed. :D

I like it, it's an RTS with a number of fresh ideas, and the presentation is very cool. Be warned though that it's buggy, and it's possible to complete a mission but not have the game recognise you have done so (especially if you do certain goals out of order). Regardless, if you like RTSes, it's worth your time.

As a side note, Vangers has a lot in common with Perimeter, so if you've played that, you might have a notion of whether you'd like the latter as well. But they have a lot of differences too.
CarrionCrow: Ever have one of those moments where you're just being generally horrible, a total killjoy, and you're doing it so hard you can almost feel the blackness of the happiness-destroying void you're generating? Dear gods, it's fun to have those kinds of moments every once in a while. =)
That happens when you play any nintendo multiplayer game with your friends, especially in brawl, when everbody "agrees" to do random characthers and the noob gets Meta Knight every time
Stilton: Its a shame - it wasn't that bad. It just needed a bit more energy and less repetition. Otherwise, I'm pleased enough with what I got.
Don't get me wrong, the deals were pretty good and I'm also quite pleased with what I got. The pacing however was not designed for the regulars here, hence got tiresome rather quickly, and that's what I meant with my comment.

If it wasn't for the community, this thread, the discussions and your poems, I'd have given up on the sale after the first few days.
IAmSinistar: I like it, it's an RTS with a number of fresh ideas, and the presentation is very cool. Be warned though that it's buggy, and it's possible to complete a mission but not have the game recognise you have done so (especially if you do certain goals out of order). Regardless, if you like RTSes, it's worth your time.

As a side note, Vangers has a lot in common with Perimeter, so if you've played that, you might have a notion of whether you'd like the latter as well. But they have a lot of differences too.
Thanks for that. I'm not sure I'd be too accommodating about the game sometimes not recognising progress; that's the kind of thing that starts me losing interest. I may still give it a go, though.

Stilton: Its a shame - it wasn't that bad. It just needed a bit more energy and less repetition. Otherwise, I'm pleased enough with what I got.
HypersomniacLive: Don't get me wrong, the deals were pretty good and I'm also quite pleased with what I got. The pacing however was not designed for the regulars here, hence got tiresome rather quickly, and that's what I meant with my comment.

If it wasn't for the community, this thread, the discussions and your poems, I'd have given up on the sale after the first few days.
I should have been clearer in my reply - I was actually agreeing with you. Although overall the sale was fairly good, its a shame that it didn't have more life and we had to see the same titles so many times.

And thanks for your comment vis a vis my contribution to things ;-)
Post edited November 25, 2014 by Stilton
Stilton: Its a shame - it wasn't that bad. It just needed a bit more energy and less repetition. Otherwise, I'm pleased enough with what I got.
HypersomniacLive: Don't get me wrong, the deals were pretty good and I'm also quite pleased with what I got. The pacing however was not designed for the regulars here, hence got tiresome rather quickly, and that's what I meant with my comment.

If it wasn't for the community, this thread, the discussions and your poems, I'd have given up on the sale after the first few days.
Agreed. Good sale, garbage pacing, too dull to sit through without the community.
HypersomniacLive: If it wasn't for the community, this thread, the discussions and your poems, I'd have given up on the sale after the first few days.
CarrionCrow: Agreed. Good sale, garbage pacing, too dull to sit through without the community.
This. Sale was quite good but pacing was annoying. And while I liked the stamp thing, the flood of postings related to that which are even coming in now made me question if that was really a smart way to give away a free game and movie ;-)
So back to the Insomnia thread from last year until a new tracker thread for winter sale starts :D
Ragnarblackmane: Hmm, I noticed your wishlist and shelf are absent, mate, you should change that;)
BillyMaysFan59: A bit late, but now it has been done. :D

(My wishlist anyways, I'm going to organize my shelf before posting it)
You need to beef up the wishlist because "The best things in life are free - and $19.95." :p