donsanderson: justorderedanewcoffeepotbecausethiswaymakesitwaytoostrong
I think I can hear your teeth clattering as you perform the dance of the overcaffeineated from here....
Stilton: Its a natural enough thing to want the absolute best deal, and tempted though I am to get Escape Goat 2 now at a very reasonable 50% off, I'm wondering if it'll appear sometime soon even cheaper. Which is kind of ridiculous, really, but I can comfortably blame that on these sales, which at times have offered things as seriously low prices.
IAmSinistar: Quite so. I loved the first Escape Goat so much that I immediately bought the sequel upon release here. And frankly it's better in every way, from visuals to puzzles to new gameplay elements. Both games are a must-have to me, but the second one truly is a follow-up done right.
I hope Escape Claus brings you both a very merry Goatmas. :)
Doing room 5 of Engine of Insanity right now. I can see where Stilton's coming from, insofar as the "came for puzzles, stayed despite getting a sawblade to the nether regions 50 plus times" is concerned. It's a lot more platformer than I thought it would be.
PsyRabbit: Make sure you are wearing your helmet and strap it on so you don't throw it at your computer. ;P
Stilton: Its got pretty close to that a couple of times already ;-)
I'm not convinced that 'so damn hard it'll make you bay at the moon' should always be associated with 'classic' or even 'good' at times. I feel EG does deserve a good deal of praise, but with other
ridiculously difficult games I've played I've wondered if the developers were out and out sadists. After all, the primary reason I play these things is to enjoy myself, not invite an embolism.
Actually watched a video earlier today that summed things up pretty eloquently, I think.
The person said that well-made high-difficulty games from the modern (era? time period? screw it, will say it as "within the last several years") are hard, but fair.
They agreed with your statement in that they stated that a lot of the retro-type games were hard, but unfair in their difficulty to the point of being total dicks about it. (Looking at you so frigging hard, Battletoads and TMNT for NES.)