jackster79: That was quite a haul, and plenty of good titles too!
Any particular one you will start playing first?
LaPtiteBete: Hi !
I've already tested a couple of little games, which don't require much time to get into ;
Don't Starve (nice survival game ; not so easy at the early beginning, but once you get the concept... there's no tutorial, no indication ; but if you have a look on your menu on the left, you can see how many of each item you should find if you want to craft something (for example, one log and 3 grass to make a campfire...) :)
Triple Town : nice puzzle game. You have to gather 3 items of each type to obtain a new one of a better rank, and so on. My 7 years old kid loves this one.
Botanicula : a beautiful and "zen" click'n play for kids, with only graphic language, in which you manage a team of plant friends, and search small objects ; each has its own abilities.
Beatbuddy : a platformer in which you must use music beats (like boucing on a loudspeaker) to move faster and destroy obstacles...
I'll test
Galactic Civilizations soon, it intrigues me.
For the moment I still play
Sam & Max : Save the World, which I've bought at last year's Insomnia Fall sales :)
So I'll wait to finish it before starting another long adventure game (but I can't wait to discover
Kentucky Route Zero... or even
Sanitarium !)
Maybe I'll start
Shadowrun : Dragonfall soon ; or why not an "old" fantasy rôle play... but I still can't decide which one (
Arcanum ?
Planescape Torment ?... one I don't know yet !) ; and a strategy/wargame would be nice too (
Empire Earth ?)... haa, too many games... and so little time ! :)
Nice! I hear you on the so-many-games-so-little-time thing.
Currently have
Don't Starve on my Netbook, so I play it whenever the opportunity arises and the desktop not available. I have started a few attempts but it always seemed to me that the resources were too scattered out/scarce and thus hard to get a foothold. I have yet to get over this initial hump but I am sure once I do it will become an immensely more satisfying game.
Triple Town: This one is on both machines, and I use it as the casual 5/10-min waster (kinda the role those solitaire games played)
I played lots of
GalCiv when it first came out; I believe you will enjoy it if you enjoy 4x games. Personally, cannot wait until GalCiv2 gets here as I feel that one eclipses the first one in every way.
I wholeheartedly recommend
Sanitarium (or even
The Longest Journey). They can be long if the puzzles are not your forte (though TLJ lives up to its name with so many chapters).
Planescape and
Arcanum are good games (though for Arcanum you definitely should get the unofficial community patch); played starting areas in them but got distracted before I could progress further. That does not take anything away from the games, just a symptom of the way my life operates.
Anyway, welcome to the have-too-many-games club! We are always looking for new members! :-D
In the meantime, happy gaming!