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KunoNoOni: So if I understand what I've been reading the flash sales will end tomorrow and we will only have Bundles left plus the other discounted games. So what is going to happen on Monday when the 24 hours for the bundles are up? Just curious as the sales is suppose to end on Tuesday.

I can't believe they removed Gangland from the sale :(
The encore of the 22 bundles will last for 48hrs, i.e. till the end of the Falle Sale on Nov 25.
Stilton: Has the now you see it, now you don't SotS Juggernaut situation been resolved yet?
CarrionCrow: I think so. The aforementioned Wurzelkraft, aside from having good taste in music, is also really generous, so they gifted it to me.
I bought it and downloaded it without a problem.

And as for music, it's a juggernaut.

(Disclaimer: I've actually liked this song for years, I didn't just hunt it up for this post.)

ddickinson: What? It was your idea not to tell CarrionCrow! Sorry I have a conscience and had to tell when CarrionCrow came online. It just wasn't fair that some users missed such a once in a lifetime epic GOG sale. ;-)
HypersomniacLive: Whoever that "we" includes, you and I are not part of it; you because you were only too eager to crush him by telling him that he missed a fictional stupendous mini Insomnia Promo, and I because I never hid that there wasn't even a new title in the Flash Deals and how disappointed I am because of it. Pretty clear who of us acted on conscience. ;-P
Wait, I'm losing track. Are we back to pretending the Flashsomnia Sale didn't happen? Because I'm getting ready to update my GOGwiki page, and I'll need a different lie to cover all the additions if so.
Post edited November 22, 2014 by IAmSinistar
CarrionCrow: I think so. The aforementioned Wurzelkraft, aside from having good taste in music, is also really generous, so they gifted it to me.
IAmSinistar: I bought it and downloaded it without a problem.

And as for music, it's a juggernaut.

(Disclaimer: I've actually liked this song for years, I didn't just hunt it up for this post.)

HypersomniacLive: Whoever that "we" includes, you and I are not part of it; you because you were only too eager to crush him by telling him that he missed a fictional stupendous mini Insomnia Promo, and I because I never hid that there wasn't even a new title in the Flash Deals and how disappointed I am because of it. Pretty clear who of us acted on conscience. ;-P
IAmSinistar: Wait, I'm losing track. Are we back to pretending the Flashsomnia Sale didn't happen? Because I'm getting ready to update my GOGwiki page, and I'll need a different lie to cover all the additions if so.
I'm calling it the Autumn Nyquil Sleepover Party, myself. =)
HypersomniacLive: Pictures or it never happened. ;-D
moonshineshadow: Here :D Only one is missing which will be done after dinner :D
Oo, nice cookies! You must not have pets if you can set those on the floor like that. :)
moonshineshadow: Here :D Only one is missing which will be done after dinner :D
IAmSinistar: Oo, nice cookies! You must not have pets if you can set those on the floor like that. :)
So true....if I went that route, I wouldn't be able to do any baking. Would have to spend every second running interference to keep dogs and cats out of them.
IAmSinistar: [...]

Wait, I'm losing track. Are we back to pretending the Flashsomnia Sale didn't happen? Because I'm getting ready to update my GOGwiki page, and I'll need a different lie to cover all the additions if so.
ddickinson jokingly messed with CarrionCrow that here was an actual mini Insomnia Promo while he was AFK, and that of course led to a few exchanges between her and me where she, as usually, tried to twist my words and position on the matter to make look bad. ;-D
HypersomniacLive: ddickinson jokingly messed with CarrionCrow that here was an actual mini Insomnia Promo while he was AFK, and that of course led to a few exchanges between her and me where she, as usually, tried to twist my words and position on the matter to make look bad. ;-D
Right, so we're pretending it didn't happen. Gotcha. But it was friggin' awesome all the same. And CarrionCrow has only himself to blame if he was All F'cK'd up when it was happening. ;)
HypersomniacLive: ddickinson jokingly messed with CarrionCrow that here was an actual mini Insomnia Promo while he was AFK, and that of course led to a few exchanges between her and me where she, as usually, tried to twist my words and position on the matter to make look bad. ;-D
IAmSinistar: Right, so we're pretending it didn't happen. Gotcha. But it was friggin' awesome all the same. And CarrionCrow has only himself to blame if he was All F'cK'd up when it was happening. ;)
Yeah well, as much as I'd like to at times, I can't do everything strictly on here. Store managers to terrorize, koala bear suits to clean, black market organ deals to broker. And then I have to find time to actually sleep a bit in between all that. Just not enough hours in the day sometimes, ya know? ;)
HypersomniacLive: ddickinson jokingly messed with CarrionCrow that here was an actual mini Insomnia Promo while he was AFK, and that of course led to a few exchanges between her and me where she, as usually, tried to twist my words and position on the matter to make look bad. ;-D
You're a fine one to talk about twisting words. No matter what I say or do, you make out there is something sinister behind it. I think you don't like people being nice, I think you like the drama of people being sinister. :-)
Tekkaman-James: Both of the Oddworld games are up at the same time? Damn. Looks like I'm buying them. :P
No, I shouldn't. Tales of Monkey Island is coming up soon and that's on my wishlist. I don't REALLY want the Oddworld games; they just look tempting sitting right next to each other. Granted, ToMI will be discounted like this again in the future, but so will the Oddworld games. So...

Ugh...I don't know. This sale just needs to end already. It's doing my head in. :P
jackster79: Pardon for jumping in, but I am curious:

In your experience, are there any other languages besides English that are guilty of doing things just because? If so, how is that aspect of of them compared to English's?
j0ekerr: I take it you have never studied any romance languages? Their just because rules and exceptions are everywhere, to the point that sometimes they seem to outnumber the regularities.

English grammar is orderly (yes german speakers I just said that, stop scoffing) compared to most romance languages. Latin from which they evolved was a royal pain in the neck with the seemingly unlimited number of declensions. But they had a system, a method to the madness. Romance languages chucked that out of the window.
No, cannot say I have (unless French is one of them?).

Our grammar may be orderly but seriously, we do NOT need 10 million ways to say the same thing (and not each use is context-sensitive). To illustrate, I think English is the only language where all these exist:
1.) Words that both sound and are spelled the same but have different meanings (i.e. nap)
2.) Words that both sound and mean the same, but are spelled differently (i.e. color, colour)
3.) Words that both are spelled and mean the same but sound differently (i.e. route)
4.) Words that have the same meaning but are spelled and sound differently (i.e. adore, love)
Tekkaman-James: Both of the Oddworld games are up at the same time? Damn. Looks like I'm buying them. :P
Tekkaman-James: No, I shouldn't. Tales of Monkey Island is coming up soon and that's on my wishlist. I don't REALLY want the Oddworld games; they just look tempting sitting right next to each other. Granted, ToMI will be discounted like this again in the future, but so will the Oddworld games. So...

Ugh...I don't know. This sale just needs to end already. It's doing my head in. :P
You know what your target is. Focus on it. Save the impulse buys for a time when you're more bored than you might be right now. =)
high rated
Tekkaman-James: Both of the Oddworld games are up at the same time? Damn. Looks like I'm buying them. :P
Tekkaman-James: No, I shouldn't. Tales of Monkey Island is coming up soon and that's on my wishlist. I don't REALLY want the Oddworld games; they just look tempting sitting right next to each other. Granted, ToMI will be discounted like this again in the future, but so will the Oddworld games. So...

Ugh...I don't know. This sale just needs to end already. It's doing my head in. :P
Allow me to resolve your dilemma. :-)
Sagely advise. You're right. In fact, I'll probably let them both go for now. Tales of Monkey Island has been on sale three or four times in the short time I've been a member here. There's no rush. I'll just stick to my plan of grabbing Volgarr (per your request) and Shogo (a game I've wanted to play for years).

It's just getting to the point with this dang sale where you see these games for the 12th time and you think, "That is a good price, isn't it? Why didn't I buy it the first eleven times it showed up?" This sale is 5-7 days too long. I'm ready to be done. -_-;

LynetteC: Allow me to resolve your dilemma. :-)
You are far too kind! Thanks a million! Now, let's not let this get out of hand, okay? My wants typically outweigh my funds, so this will turn into quite a production if you keep this up. It is very much appreciated though. ^_^
Post edited November 22, 2014 by Tekkaman-James
Tekkaman-James: Sagely advise. You're right. In fact, I'll probably let them both go for now. Tales of Monkey Island has been on sale three or four times in the short time I've been a member here. There's no rush. I'll just stick to my plan of grabbing Volgarr (per your request) and Shogo (a game I've wanted to play for years).

It's just getting to the point with this dang sale where you see these games for the 12th time and you think, "That is a good price, isn't it? Why didn't I buy it the first eleven times it showed up?" This sale is 5-7 days too long. I'm ready to be done. -_-;

LynetteC: Allow me to resolve your dilemma. :-)
Tekkaman-James: You are far too kind! Thanks a million! Now, let's not let this get out of hand, okay? My wants typically outweigh my funds, so this will turn into quite a production if you keep this up. It is very much appreciated though. ^_^
At these prices, it's my pleasure. I'm fortunate enough to have a few spare £s to spend and making people happy makes me happy. Enjoy the Oddness. :-)