j0ekerr: Italians being shy is not in their nature, but I'm actually surprised to read that about a korean. I suppose I'm barking up the wrong stereotype tree. So what happens if you substitute the korean with a japanese?
So I take it the worst pairings are the ones that are most similar to each other, like Irish/English?
Most of the Far Eastern cultures are really hard working in the classroom and not embarrassed to make mistakes, so they don't mind speaking up in the classroom. They are there to
master the material and will do
anything to get there.
Generally, the more reserved European cultures, like Swedes, Finns or Czech tend to blend into the woodwork when you pair them with more chatty cultures, like Spaniards. They are amongst the easiest to teach because they will talk about anything, and discuss whatever grammar rule and its exceptions until the dead horse is thoroughly beaten.