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hummer010: I think I'm done with the sale. [snip]
foxworks: That's what I said earlier this week. Yet, I keep coming back for more :p
There you are. Well, even with generosity levels that are incredible in their level of willingness to give to some weird person who gibbers in threads about whatever silly crap comes to mind, my haul isn't as large as yours.
At least for today, you are the superior collector. =)

Course, I'm gearing up for Winter already....maybe I can beat you then. -laughs-
CarrionCrow: Bookmarked, bookmarked and bookmarked. (While I thought about Hotline Miami, how frigging good it is and how hard I'm going to buy the new one when it comes out.)
PsyRabbit: Is this the type of music I can expect for Hotline Miami?
If so that game just took a big jump up my backlog.
Yes, it is. The music is ridiculously good. Having it playing while you're trying to not panic as you fight a dozen or more people, where they're all hyped up and can blast you into hamburger with one shot, makes it all even better.
Post edited November 22, 2014 by CarrionCrow
hummer010: I think I'm done with the sale. [snip]
foxworks: That's what I said earlier this week. Yet, I keep coming back for more :p
Need to get out more ;)
foxworks: That's what I said earlier this week. Yet, I keep coming back for more :p
GioVio123: Who wouldn't?, you would have to be mad
We don't come for the sale. We come for the forum the sale is just a bonus. ;)
PsyRabbit: Is this the type of music I can expect for Hotline Miami?
If so that game just took a big jump up my backlog.
foxworks: That's what I said earlier this week. Yet, I keep coming back for more :p
Niggles: Need to get out more ;)
That doesn't always work out....I got out more earlier. Stuck in a packed supermarket, then hearing some cashier lady talking about how some fucking piece of gutter shit yelled at her and cursed at her because he was too stupid to read an advertisement on how to get a discount on turkey. Told her her boss needs to do something to take care of their employees.
Then I ended up talking with the boss myself. Was more than a little hyper, more than a little pissed off because the cashier lady is really nice and people treat her like garbage like it's their fucking right, kinda sweating buckets at the time because that's just me sometimes, and the manager tells me "I make sure to tell the cashier how much she's appreciated".
Told the manager she needs to take a customer she KNOWS is a piece of garbage and throw them the hell out. Embarrass the bastard so they have a story to tell their friends. A story entitled "Why I got banned from the grocery store" with the spoiler of "because I'm a complete asshole who doesn't know how to treat people decently like a grownup".
Moral of the story? Getting out can be very, very overrated.
Post edited November 22, 2014 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: There you are. Well, even with generosity levels that are incredible in their level of willingness to give to some weird person who gibbers in threads about whatever silly crap comes to mind, my haul isn't as large as yours.
At least for today, you are the superior collector. =)

Course, I'm gearing up for Winter already....maybe I can beat you then. -laughs-
Yes, it is. The music is ridiculously good. Having it playing while you're trying to not panic as you fight a dozen or more people, where they're all hyped up and can blast you into hamburger with one shot, makes it all even better.
Wurzelkraft: YES!
I will have to wait until after the sale to play. Site is to slow for my liking to download games.
PsyRabbit: Is this the type of music I can expect for Hotline Miami?
If so that game just took a big jump up my backlog.
I don't normally like that kind of music, but much as what happened with the soundtrack to Drive (which is no accident) I ended up digging it all a lot and may even be going so far as to purchasing the artists' work.
Niggles: Need to get out more ;)
CarrionCrow: That doesn't always work out....I got out more earlier. Stuck in a packed supermarket, then hearing some cashier lady talking about how some fucking piece of gutter shit yelled at her and cursed at her because he was too stupid to read an advertisement on how to get a discount on turkey. Told her her boss needs to do something to take care of their employees.
Then I ended up talking with the boss myself. Was more than a little hyper, more than a little pissed off because the cashier lady is really nice and people treat her like garbage like it's their fucking right, kinda sweating buckets at the time because that's just me sometimes, and the manager tells me "I make sure to tell the cashier how much she's appreciated".
Told the manager she needs to take a customer she KNOWS is a piece of garbage and throw them the hell out. Embarrass the bastard so they have a story to tell their friends. A story entitled "Why I got banned from the grocery store" with the spoiler of "because I'm a complete asshole who doesn't know how to treat people decently like a grownup".
Moral of the story? Getting out can be very, very overrated.
What is witht the world acting like Jim Sterling...Za Warudo? it can't be
foxworks: That's what I said earlier this week. Yet, I keep coming back for more :p
CarrionCrow: There you are. Well, even with generosity levels that are incredible in their level of willingness to give to some weird person who gibbers in threads about whatever silly crap comes to mind, my haul isn't as large as yours.
At least for today, you are the superior collector. =)

Course, I'm gearing up for Winter already....maybe I can beat you then. -laughs-
A challenge *claps* Looking forward to it already :D
CarrionCrow: There you are. Well, even with generosity levels that are incredible in their level of willingness to give to some weird person who gibbers in threads about whatever silly crap comes to mind, my haul isn't as large as yours.
At least for today, you are the superior collector. =)

Course, I'm gearing up for Winter already....maybe I can beat you then. -laughs-
foxworks: A challenge *claps* Looking forward to it already :D
Looking forward to it as well. =)
Get a room you two
GioVio123: Get a room you two
We already have one. Just so happens that it's full of games right now. So we're making due here. ;)
CarrionCrow: Looking forward to it as well. =)
Make sure all wishlist and shelf's are in their upright and lock position.
When winter sale comes around. :P
GioVio123: Get a room you two
CarrionCrow: We already have one. Just so happens that it's full of games right now. So we're making due here. ;)
o/////o you just proned the way to the fanfic mind brother
CarrionCrow: Looking forward to it as well. =)
PsyRabbit: Make sure all wishlist and shelf's are in their upright and lock position.
When winter sale comes around. :P
Need to break 500 at the very least, and that's hopefully a seriously low-ball projection. It's a whole different playing field than what it was last year for me. Last year was clear out everything, no problem. But that was a few hundred games ago.