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high rated
Ragnarblackmane: Oh you're awful, ninja-gifting a much-wanted wishlisted flash sale game! Thank you penumbren, fellow Dwarrow scholar.

Everyone please show your appreciation for her generosity with uprating that post.
Awwww. *blush* Just play your game and enjoy it. That's an order, Baron! :P
Ragnarblackmane: Oh you're awful, ninja-gifting a much-wanted wishlisted flash sale game! Thank you penumbren, fellow Dwarrow scholar.

Everyone please show your appreciation for her generosity with uprating that post.
penumbren: Awwww. *blush* Just play your game and enjoy it. That's an order, Baron! :P
You blushed. So that got uprated too. -laughs- =)
All right, will take advantage of a lull to post music. Why? Why the hell not, that's why. ;)
(And while the label might be wrong, the song's pretty damn good.)
CarrionCrow: All right, will take advantage of a lull to post music. Why? Why the hell not, that's why. ;)
(And while the label might be wrong, the song's pretty damn good.)
I'd rather have Perturbator right now. ;) So good...
I think I'm done with the sale. Between a bit of a gifting go-round with apehater, and the Oddworlds coming back through the flashes, I wound up getting:

Mount & Blade Warband + DLC
Sacred 2
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Oddwordl: Abe's Exoddys
Empire Earth
CarrionCrow: All right, will take advantage of a lull to post music. Why? Why the hell not, that's why. ;)
(And while the label might be wrong, the song's pretty damn good.)
Wurzelkraft: I'd rather have Perturbator right now. ;) So good...
Aaaaaaaand now I have a new band's music to catch up on....-giggles-
CarrionCrow: Aaaaaaaand now I have a new band's music to catch up on....-giggles-
Let me help you out:
All of these are PWYW (pay what you want).
This EP is also PWYW and his other EP is 5.5€. ;)
Wurzelkraft: I'd rather have Perturbator right now. ;) So good...
CarrionCrow: Aaaaaaaand now I have a new band's music to catch up on....-giggles-
Kings of Lion is a must if you wanna chill with a beer in your hand while looking at the starlight
Is there any point to picking up the first Disciples Sacred land if you have the second?
CarrionCrow: Aaaaaaaand now I have a new band's music to catch up on....-giggles-
Wurzelkraft: Let me help you out:
All of these are PWYW (pay what you want).
This EP is also PWYW and his other EP is 5.5€. ;)
Bookmarked, bookmarked and bookmarked. (While I thought about Hotline Miami, how frigging good it is and how hard I'm going to buy the new one when it comes out.)
Niggles: Is there any point to picking up the first Disciples Sacred land if you have the second?
If you have Diablo II, do you want Diablo? Fallout 2 to the original one?
Niggles: Is there any point to picking up the first Disciples Sacred land if you have the second?
Not sure. I'm a completionist freak who's eyeing such reputed crap piles as Master of Orion 3, just to have complete series. All else fails, there's always Wikipedia. -laughs- Catch up through that, get the Cliff's Notes version of previous plot, then go on with the one you have.
hummer010: I think I'm done with the sale. [snip]
That's what I said earlier this week. Yet, I keep coming back for more :p
hummer010: I think I'm done with the sale. [snip]
foxworks: That's what I said earlier this week. Yet, I keep coming back for more :p
Who wouldn't?, you would have to be mad
Wurzelkraft: Let me help you out:
All of these are PWYW (pay what you want).
This EP is also PWYW and his other EP is 5.5€. ;)
CarrionCrow: Bookmarked, bookmarked and bookmarked. (While I thought about Hotline Miami, how frigging good it is and how hard I'm going to buy the new one when it comes out.)
Is this the type of music I can expect for Hotline Miami?
If so that game just took a big jump up my backlog.