IAmSinistar: Fool, you have
Outcast on your wishlist? The hell is wrong with you? GET THAT ON YOUR SHELF NOW!
Check your PMs.
Just did, and you grabbed a non-sale item during this lumbering half-dead rhinoceros of a sale!
Seriously, though, thank you very much. Yet another game I've been wanting to play for a long time now, and thanks to you I now have it. =)
penumbren: *snerk* Had I known it was such an Occasion, I'd've let you know when I made mine. ;P
On a different note, has anyone played
Consortium? I'm still looking for some feedback on this one.
I haven't played it, but it does look interesting. I wouldn't mind seeing some opinions on it, either.
Ragnarblackmane: Oh you're awful, ninja-gifting a much-wanted wishlisted flash sale game! Thank you penumbren, fellow Dwarrow scholar.
Everyone please show your appreciation for her generosity with uprating that post.
Scrolled back, post found and done. =)