ddickinson: [...]
Actually, I never considered a boulder. I was going to leave it at just the brick. :-)
Well, at least you didn't throw chocolate at my front door. ;-P
CarrionCrow: Okay....wow. Just loaded up Barefoot Essentials and I'm already in love with it. Anything that lets me eliminate owned games from the overall list while showing me commands for posting that I didn't know is pretty damn cool.
Another one converted, welcome!
Now, take the next step and rectify [url=http://www.gogwiki.com/wiki/Special:GOGUser/CarrionCrow]this[/url].
stg83: Haha...I certainly don't want to threatened with a kick to the nether regions I am only being difficult because you're as well, I really will share my list
if you promise to make yours public as well. :)
Don't be a fool, she clearly can't be trusted - she's not even accepting a GA prize without trying to pay back for it.
She has to go first. ;-D