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Man... Giving reviews on the spot is hard. I hope I didn't end up screwing anyone over.
Post edited November 20, 2014 by AdamR
HypersomniacLive: Look at that, a Myst bundle - to complete or not to complete?
Smells like OCD to me.. XD :p
Hey, everyone. =)

It's day nine, and the hills are alive with that lovely fart sound you get from a rapidly deflating balloon....
Hi Crow. Did you get a good rest ? My head's back in place today.
Stilton: Hi Crow. Did you get a good rest ? My head's back in place today.
Hey, Stilton. Not falling all over the desk anymore, so that's good. Glad to know you're back in clock-watching shape. By day 12 you might be wishing you'd let it fall off when you had the chance.
high rated
Little Bunny Foo Foo,
Hoppin' through the wishlists,
Pick up the sale games and
Droppin' 'em on the shelves.

HypersomniacLive: snip
LynetteC: snap
Wurzelkraft: snep
Grargar: snop
Stilton: snup
Check your PMs.

Beware the bored man with a credit card, and as for the rest of you, get those wishlists publicised.
So, excluding the "random" games that have only showed up sporadically, today will conclude the third wave of repeats from Days 1, 2 and 3. If they repeat the waves one more time, that would take them through the 23rd, which would be Day 12. Since, on Day 6, they did the Daily Bundle explosion, they could do a second Daily Bundle explosion of the next set of them on the 23rd. That would leave the 24th (and 25th?) wide open to do something interesting. Of course, this could just be putting all 12 of the bundles on sale and maybe expanding how many flash deals are on deck at one time, but there is certainly a chance for GOG to do something new and fun.

The only question that remains is; Will they?
IAmSinistar: Beware the bored man with a credit card, and as for the rest of you, get those wishlists publicised.
NEVER! :-)

* runs away from the mad man with a credit card *

(+1 for the usual generosity, awesome as usual, IAmSinistar)
Post edited November 20, 2014 by ddickinson
All right, 3 more items up, and another bundle cleared. Not a bad start, given the overall stagnation. Will I be able to match or beat Fox's haul total? Probably not....but it's fun trying. =)

Additional - On-the-fly PSA here - If you enjoy blood, carnage, general madness and the experience of skillfully murdering masses of criminals while wearing a variety of festive animal masks, Hotline Miami is your game. And it's on for another 4 minutes or so....
Post edited November 20, 2014 by CarrionCrow
IAmSinistar: Little Bunny Foo Foo,
Aces! Well done :)
IAmSinistar: Little Bunny Foo Foo,
Hoppin' through the wishlists,
Pick up the sale games and
Droppin' 'em on the shelves.

Stilton: snup
IAmSinistar: Check your PMs.

Beware the bored man with a credit card, and as for the rest of you, get those wishlists publicised.
Wonderful generosity and VERY much appreciated, but you're a fake - you're not Sinistar in the slightest ;-)

Thank you from the heart of my bottom!
Post edited November 20, 2014 by Stilton
IAmSinistar: Little Bunny Foo Foo,
Hoppin' through the wishlists,
Pick up the sale games and
Droppin' 'em on the shelves.

Check your PMs.

Beware the bored man with a credit card, and as for the rest of you, get those wishlists publicised.
*blushes* Thanks a lot.
Come on, Fractured Soul! Get your slow ass out here already!
IAmSinistar: Little Bunny Foo Foo,
Hoppin' through the wishlists,
Pick up the sale games and
Droppin' 'em on the shelves.
Oh my gosh... hahaha XD

IAmSinistar: Beware the bored man with a credit card, and as for the rest of you, get those wishlists publicised.
Glad to see you follow your own advice! *goes to peruse Sinistar's list*
Post edited November 20, 2014 by genkicolleen
high rated
genkicolleen: Oh my gosh... hahaha XD
Another wishlist! ATTACK!!!

Check your PMs for the aftermath.