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LaPtiteBete: I didn't meant they should make "two flash sales", sorry... I misspoke. But they could put the movies just below the games, and not "instead"... so that everyone will be pleased. I agree with you on one point : the big sales bring new customers, and this would be the perfect time if GOG wants to promote its movies offers. But that shouldn't decrease the games offers... I don't know if I'm clear :-|
I understand now what you mean. That would be a good idea, but with there being so few movies, I'm not sure a separate flash sale for just the movies would work. Maybe just a shorter bundle (maybe 40 minutes like the flash sale) now and then as well as the two game bundles. That way it would not take the place of any games and would help promote the movies. But I guess GOG is sticking to it's games for the promo, which is fine, as that's what most of the customers have come here for.

As I said, having movies features in the sale is not something I perpetually want, as I have no interested in the indie movies/documentaries, I was just saying that from a business point of view, it would have been a good opportunity to highlight the movies.
IronArcturus: Has anyone tried that "Heroes of Annihilated Empires?"
A generous GOGer surprised me with it recently. I've spent several hours playing it (campaign and skirmish modes,) and I think it is really fun. I thought It blended RTS and RPG pretty well.
In the campaign, you control a hero like you would in an RPG - you have an inventory, you level up, use skills, and trade at shops in the world. At the same time, you command an army in traditional RTS-style. Some missions include base building, some don't.
In skirmish/multiplayer mode, you choose at the start of the game whether you want to play as a hero and recruit "neutral" units - or you can choose to trade your hero for a base and build your own army. You can play as 4 different races, and they are all very unique with diverse units and spells.

I'm not very good at it, but I've had a ton of fun playing it.
Stilton: It looked pretty good on first sight, but after I did some searching around it seems its been a bit clumsily put together, so I decided against. It seems to be another of those with shortcomings its fans are prepared to overlook/put up with, but those who are less enthralled find a pain in the rear. That's my take, anyway ;-)
IronArcturus: I see! Also, have you tried either that Tomb Raider Last Revelation or TR: The Angel of Darkness at all?
My experience with Tomb Raider is 99% via the PSOne and 2, so I can't pass conclusive comment on any of the titles here. However, there was a point on the PSOne when the quality of each new game became uneven - the brand changed publisher/developer and the essence was lost, which has continued to be reflected in the games since then, I think. I can't recall exactly when it started to go pear-shaped (although 1-3 were brilliant, the first being my favourite), but I'd say do some checking around on review sites and look for the more subtle reviews from people who have played the series and can make informed and sensible judgements rather the fanboys or haters. Overall, the character still has a lot of life, its just finding the episodes on the pc that were her best (wow...I'm talking like she's real...) Hope that kind of helps ;-)
AdamR: A generous GOGer surprised me with it recently. I've spent several hours playing it (campaign and skirmish modes,) and I think it is really fun. I thought It blended RTS and RPG pretty well.
In the campaign, you control a hero like you would in an RPG - you have an inventory, you level up, use skills, and trade at shops in the world. At the same time, you command an army in traditional RTS-style. Some missions include base building, some don't.
In skirmish/multiplayer mode, you choose at the start of the game whether you want to play as a hero and recruit "neutral" units - or you can choose to trade your hero for a base and build your own army. You can play as 4 different races, and they are all very unique with diverse units and spells.

I'm not very good at it, but I've had a ton of fun playing it.
Sounds cool! Does it run in a window at all?
Damn, just when I thought I am finished with this sale after long wait for Dreamfall to appear for the third time they had to put there that Myst bundle. Why they are doing this to me? :)
At this price level it is extremely tempting (at least for me, I know, that everyone else added all Mysts to their collection ages ago), so I expect I will again succumb to my impulsive buying reflex...
Oh man, this was the third time I've missed Carmageddon Max Pack while it was on flash sale. Such a bummer, would have really bought it while it was 80% off regular price.
Finally a decent bundle. My Myst collection is now (almost) completed. :)
IronArcturus: Has anyone tried that "Heroes of Annihilated Empires?"
AdamR: A generous GOGer surprised me with it recently. I've spent several hours playing it (campaign and skirmish modes,) and I think it is really fun. I thought It blended RTS and RPG pretty well.
In the campaign, you control a hero like you would in an RPG - you have an inventory, you level up, use skills, and trade at shops in the world. At the same time, you command an army in traditional RTS-style. Some missions include base building, some don't.
In skirmish/multiplayer mode, you choose at the start of the game whether you want to play as a hero and recruit "neutral" units - or you can choose to trade your hero for a base and build your own army. You can play as 4 different races, and they are all very unique with diverse units and spells.

I'm not very good at it, but I've had a ton of fun playing it.
This description reminds me Spellforce gameplay !
IronArcturus: Sounds cool! Does it run in a window at all?
I don't see any options for it in the menu.
Look at that, a Myst bundle - to complete or not to complete?
HypersomniacLive: Look at that, a Myst bundle - to complete or not to complete?
Should be pretty cheap if you already have parts of it. But then, do you want the parts you don't have?
HypersomniacLive: Look at that, a Myst bundle - to complete or not to complete?
Do it. Otherwise, I'll utter a terrible pun.
HypersomniacLive: Look at that, a Myst bundle - to complete or not to complete?
IAmSinistar: Should be pretty cheap if you already have parts of it. But then, do you want the parts you don't have?
That was my dilemma, I figured i could wait...
I am just overwhelmed.
I got a free copy of Witcher 2 only for doing what i do any way: checking what's new on
how cool is this?
Oh come on!!! I was waiting all night for Dreamfall and gave up, I wake up today and have missed it by just 2 entries, first thing I saw was AI War.....damn it