CarrionCrow: Yeah....the bundles aren't really filling me with confidence, either. One game shy of having the whole lot of them, and that's only because I didn't think the game was appealing enough to be worth 2 and a quarter.
Also, if you want, I can keep an eye out for Space Run in case it hits again while I'm up and you're proving your superior common sense by actually sleeping regularly.
IAmSinistar: The only bundle I actually bought in this sale was the
Mount & Blade Series one. And it would have been damn hard for me to have those games here before they offered that one. I already had everything in
The Ultimate D&D Collection,
Best of Bullfrog,
Theme Rollercoaster,
Spiderweb RPGs,
Heroes of Might and Magic Series,
Deponia Trilogy,
Indie Puzzlers,
Thief Series,
WadjetEye Retroventures, and
Hitman Classics before this started, plus some of the games in other ones. No surprise that this sale hasn't set my wallet aflame. :D
Thanks for the offer to keep watch for Space Run. I believe Foxy is doing the same, so please make sure you don't both buy it. And I'll let you all know if I happen to be online in time to get it myself. But if it rolls around in the wee hours again, I likely won't.
Not a problem. Might as well put insomnia to use.
Additional - I can't stop watching the Dethklok clip about lack of zazz. It fits the situation to an almost insane degree.