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Stilton: Well, half a hoped for outcome is better than none! I hope it looks lovely on your shelf.
IAmSinistar: Many games do, while they await their place in the great backlog pipeline. Given my progress through said backlog, I'll probably get to 1849 just in time for the title's bicentennial.
OK, I'll ask again then... ;-)
CarrionCrow: Please, for the love of crap, please let there be something I actually want when the stinking timer gets to zero....

(Would pray to the digital gods, but I know that they don't care. They're too busy working through their game backlogs and won't be available for another 1,500 years or so.)
HypersomniacLive: I've reached a point where I don't even care that much for something I want to pop-up, I just want something to happen, anything that would shake this near comatose state I've fallen into.
An easy solution would be for GOG to give out some information, like telling us if and when the next phase is coming (if we are indeed in any kind of staggered progression), what kind of games to expect, if there's going to be another week of stamp collection. Being left in the dark is almost as bad as seeing the same old faces slide gloomily by.
Post edited November 18, 2014 by Stilton
Tekkaman-James: D'aww. T'weren't nuthin'. Sorry to hear you had a crummy day, but glad that I was able to put a silver lining on it. ^_^

I will let you know post-haste if something catches my fancy. So far today, aside from the bundles, it's been a real snooze-fest. -_-;
The WadjetEye one looks interesting. I'm not so much into space games. Apart from the DLC for Don't Starve, have we even had any new games today?
LynetteC: The WadjetEye one looks interesting. I'm not so much into space games. Apart from the DLC for Don't Starve, have we even had any new games today?
Don't Stave's DLC isn't new. It also appeared on the 3rd day.
CarrionCrow: Please, for the love of crap, please let there be something I actually want when the stinking timer gets to zero....

(Would pray to the digital gods, but I know that they don't care. They're too busy working through their game backlogs and won't be available for another 1,500 years or so.)
HypersomniacLive: I've reached a point where I don't even care that much for something I want to pop-up, I just want something to happen, anything that would shake this near comatose state I've fallen into.
*grabs HypersomniacLive by both shoulders and gives a good rattle

How's that? :p
Hey, I've seen you guys before! ;)
Played NOX, made a pot of coffee and have 3 quarts of baked beans in the oven.
I'm ready for next round other than a PayPal balance of exactly zero. :-) Spent my last 99 cents on The Shivah.
donsanderson: Played NOX, made a pot of coffee and have 3 quarts of baked beans in the oven.
That sounds great, can I come round? I'll bring some ales...
Stilton: OK, I'll ask again then... ;-)
An easy solution would be for GOG to give out some information, like telling us if and when the next phase is coming (if we are indeed in any kind of staggered progression), what kind of games to expect, if there's going to be another week of stamp collection. Being left in the dark is almost as bad as seeing the same old faces slide gloomily by.
I'd love to see you say all that in verse. ;-D

On a more serious note, what you described is sooo not GOG. The Sale is obviously targeting the passer-by customer - stop by, check what's on, purchase/ don't purchase, leave and return after five hours; rinse and repeat.

I've started eyeing Gangland. Opinions?
LynetteC: The WadjetEye one looks interesting. I'm not so much into space games. Apart from the DLC for Don't Starve, have we even had any new games today?
Grargar: Don't Stave's DLC isn't new. It also appeared on the 3rd day.
Did it? I must've missed that, although I remember seeing the base game at some point. BTW, did you get my PM?
donsanderson: Played NOX, made a pot of coffee and have 3 quarts of baked beans in the oven.
Stilton: That sounds great, can I come round? I'll bring some ales...
Sure, one belching contest coming right up! ;)
foxworks: *grabs HypersomniacLive by both shoulders and gives a good rattle

How's that? :p
Think I just suffered a stroke... yep, that was a stroke. Condition definitely not improved.
HypersomniacLive: I've started eyeing Gangland. Opinions?
No opinions for you. Just gangsters. Yes, gangsters knocking at your door... Better watch out.
Post edited November 18, 2014 by Grargar
HypersomniacLive: [
foxworks: *grabs HypersomniacLive by both shoulders and gives a good rattle

How's that? :p
HypersomniacLive: Think I just suffered a stroke... yep, that was a stroke. Condition definitely not improved.
How many fingers am I holding up, 2 or 3? ||||||
LynetteC: Did it? I must've missed that, although I remember seeing the base game at some point. BTW, did you get my PM?
Must have missed it. Let me take a look.
HypersomniacLive: Condition definitely not improved.
Dr. Scott... !


*Gives up and edits*
Post edited November 19, 2014 by genkicolleen
Stilton: OK, I'll ask again then... ;-)
An easy solution would be for GOG to give out some information, like telling us if and when the next phase is coming (if we are indeed in any kind of staggered progression), what kind of games to expect, if there's going to be another week of stamp collection. Being left in the dark is almost as bad as seeing the same old faces slide gloomily by.
HypersomniacLive: I'd love to see you say all that in verse. ;-D

On a more serious note, what you described is sooo not GOG. The Sale is obviously targeting the passer-by customer - stop by, check what's on, purchase/ don't purchase, leave and return after five hours; rinse and repeat.

I've started eyeing Gangland. Opinions?
My Viking instincts tell me that the reviews are where your answer lies. Too many are unhappy with what they found, which is enough for me to steer away.

Outright boredom was getting to me, too, and I considered Eleven Minutes To Seven for a while. I like its looks and laid back temperament, but in the end I think those very things would lead to frustration at not being pushed enough. So I woke up and resumed my vigil for my next want.

Go on, GOG, tell us what's coming. Is week two going to be any different?
Stilton: That sounds great, can I come round? I'll bring some ales...
donsanderson: Sure, one belching contest coming right up! ;)
And later we can try something a little more....fragrant.
Post edited November 19, 2014 by Stilton