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phaolo: Soo.. no more new flash deals?
That's good for sleep & wallet, but my wishlist is still long! (Interplayyy!!)
Oh dear gods, I feel your pain on that one. Interplay is probably the only publisher that I'm still missing an unacceptably large-sized chunk of, and it continuously bugs the crap out of me. Once the Winter sale is pretty much dead, probably on the last day, I'm going to run through with whatever's left and start clearing that out big-time.

Just checked because I'm frigging weird like that. Still missing 21 items from a 31 item collection when it comes to them.
Post edited November 18, 2014 by CarrionCrow
On the plus side, having a wishlist is a good thing, 'cause it gives us something to look forward to (finding a great deal in the future.) ;D
IAmSinistar: Don't be sad! I've always wanted to be a Beekeeper, so perhaps we can get together, have a meeting, a compromise, and a sing-along. Maybe that will cheer you up.
Cheers, that got me out of my snoozing for a few minutes. But what now?

Stilton: It worked, it cheered me up!
Waiting for the Vikings and Beekeepers poem.
foxworks: I'm truly spent :D
CarrionCrow: I kinda wish I could say that. But until the wishlist is wiped out, it's not really possible. Seriously hoping that my type of weird hoarding whatever you want to call it calms the hell down since I'll have nearly 600 games out of an 861 game catalog. If not, then I really will end up doing crap like buying old soccer games that pretty much no one anywhere cares about anymore.
If it helps, sounds like you've already surpassed my library. I now like to refer to it as a collection or archive of DRM-Free games :)
CarrionCrow: I kinda wish I could say that. But until the wishlist is wiped out, it's not really possible. Seriously hoping that my type of weird hoarding whatever you want to call it calms the hell down since I'll have nearly 600 games out of an 861 game catalog. If not, then I really will end up doing crap like buying old soccer games that pretty much no one anywhere cares about anymore.
foxworks: If it helps, sounds like you've already surpassed my library. I now like to refer to it as a collection or archive of DRM-Free games :)
I think that as long as it's all games you actually find interesting, even if you never get around to playing them all, it's a collection. However, if you find yourself clicking accept on that soccer game collection when you don't even give a crap about soccer? Then it's just straight-up hoarding. -laughs-
foxworks: If it helps, sounds like you've already surpassed my library. I now like to refer to it as a collection or archive of DRM-Free games :)
CarrionCrow: I think that as long as it's all games you actually find interesting, even if you never get around to playing them all, it's a collection. However, if you find yourself clicking accept on that soccer game collection when you don't even give a crap about soccer? Then it's just straight-up hoarding. -laughs-
My collection agrees with you.

It's strange how you can have so many games and no idea which one to play, though.
Longest Journey is coming back!!! Lets see how ubah cheap it goes :P
I keep throwing my money at the screen whenever there is a sale like that and it is hard to pace myself not to spend all money on games here, BTW my 47 games collection is puny in comparison to some of you guys. Still those sales made me rebuy so many games I have in box already it is just silly. But what you gonna do. I just hope they won't start selling classic sit coms like White Dwarf or more game related Tick or Sam and Max, cause if they do I will have to leavy my job to find time for all of that.
CarrionCrow: I think that as long as it's all games you actually find interesting, even if you never get around to playing them all, it's a collection. However, if you find yourself clicking accept on that soccer game collection when you don't even give a crap about soccer? Then it's just straight-up hoarding. -laughs-
Pidgeot: My collection agrees with you.

It's strange how you can have so many games and no idea which one to play, though.
Two things. First? That collection page is intensely appealing.
Second? It kinda makes sense. Say you have three games, and they all speak to a certain mental state or desire at any given time. It should be pretty easy to discern which speaks to what mood, and then you put it on. The game is compatible with what you want, and everything's good.
But what happens when you start adding more games, all of which have fragments that speak to different states? After a while, it's an absurdly complex spread of compatible and incompatible elements, all of which keep shifting depending on your own shifting mental states, all of which have their own fragments.
Might be overthinking it just a tad, but that's what's coming to mind on the subject.
Its nice to see a healthy disregard for the game collection size/play ratio. I've got a bucket load of games now but I've only scratched the surface in terms of how many I've played vs those still looking at me forlornly for some attention. It used to bother me a bit (why did I buy ALL of those games?). But I just like having them around and seeing them on my virtual shelves and thinking, 'Yeah, I'll have a go with you now.' Oh yes.
genkicolleen: On the plus side, having a wishlist is a good thing, 'cause it gives us something to look forward to (finding a great deal in the future.) ;D
Good point!

"Your dreams would not be worth much if they came true to the letter."
-Baby Can You Dig Your Man by Self
CarrionCrow: Two things. First? That collection page is intensely appealing.
Second? It kinda makes sense. Say you have three games, and they all speak to a certain mental state or desire at any given time. It should be pretty easy to discern which speaks to what mood, and then you put it on. The game is compatible with what you want, and everything's good.
But what happens when you start adding more games, all of which have fragments that speak to different states? After a while, it's an absurdly complex spread of compatible and incompatible elements, all of which keep shifting depending on your own shifting mental states, all of which have their own fragments.
Might be overthinking it just a tad, but that's what's coming to mind on the subject.
You're right, it does get complex, with what started as a definite taste for a thing of a specific type being influenced by other things that may or may not be related but which start to compete for attention. I've spent a long time deciding which game to play, using YouTube and various review sites to bolster my decision, only to have that decision change at the last minute or no decision be made at all. In a peculiar way, I sort of like it... Maybe its because I know I have loads of time ahead of me and I can select what I want and when I want to play it with reasonable leisure. Who knows. There needs to be a psychology game so I can work it out.
Stilton: Its nice to see a healthy disregard for the game collection size/play ratio. I've got a bucket load of games now but I've only scratched the surface in terms of how many I've played vs those still looking at me forlornly for some attention. It used to bother me a bit (why did I buy ALL of those games?). But I just like having them around and seeing them on my virtual shelves and thinking, 'Yeah, I'll have a go with you now.' Oh yes.
I can realte to this. GOG collection is just a drop in the sea of games I have. I had to buy new bookstand for my new purchases and there is no way I am gonna live long enough to play them all even though I plan on some 35+ years of quality living.

BTW I kind of miss those old timey big cardboard box games with nice and colorufull manuals and maps, although new ones are much easier on storage space.

Lastly I am glad that there is finally good games distributor from Poland, too bad CDP failed me so many times with the physical releases offering only Polish language in them.
my quick list is:

curently priced:
......................................................better fall price for the 3games: 6.99 euro (cheaper is always welcome)
Eschalon: Book III: 5.99 ----> 2.39
Eschalon: Book II: 3.99 --->2.39
Eschalon: Book I: 2.39 ---->2.39

i have the fall deal from spiderwebs
and am hoping for the eschalon games aswell as a bundle for a nice price

Banner Saga, The
everybody says its no good and boring, but 15 or 16 bucks is to high for me
to see for myself if its that bad and I cant find a decent demo
videos and screenshots are not enough, playbale demo is the only way i can see if i like a game

5.99 bucks would be a nice price

A Golden Wake

same here... it looks okay but even at EUR 7.99 its to much, 4.99 euro would be better

besides adventures dont have an afterlife, :D
while fighting games and rpg games realtime/turnbased have :D
genkicolleen: On the plus side, having a wishlist is a good thing, 'cause it gives us something to look forward to (finding a great deal in the future.) ;D
Well not when you have a very limited budget, then the wishlist just makes you hope that the good discounts reappear in the next promo either at the same or even better price. :)