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katya_stevens: From what I've played, it's open-ended sandbox. Just keep tending to and raising your Norns and see what unexpected genes may pop up. There may be more definitve goals in the later ones, but I've only played the first -- I have tendancies towards needing to play a game series in order as much as I can.

(Though I'm pretty bad at keeping my Norns alive at the moment. I really need to put the manual on my tablet or something so I have it easily accessible -- I might have a degree in a field related to biology, but I still need help recalling what some things are telling me.)
CarrionCrow: Interesting. Okay, thank you for helping me get more info about it. =) Also, I'm pretty sure you didn't misread anything. The question was one thing and now it seems to be mutating into everyone talking about wishlists. -laughs-

Additional - just started playing Baldur's Gate EE. Got it since I could not, no matter how hard I tried, get multiplayer to work. It comes with its own glitches to work out, but the multiplayer runs, at least. Also, it should be interesting to see what the experience is like with all the extra class kits that are available.
(And yes, I'm sure that if I dug through the mods and got them all working, I could have something just as good if not better. But with my luck, they'd probably break everything so I went the simpler route.)
Ahaha, whoops. I'm never quite sure in situations like that -- I'm neuroatypical (as in, my brain doesn't follow the same paths and workways most other people's do) so I sometimes read a situation or question in a completely different way to a lot of people. When other people read something differently, it does make me wonder if I've read it wrong than was intended.

My friend gave me a whole laundry list of mods for the original BG that I'm going to need to sort through (plus she's also the one who bought me Mass Effect, then bugged me to get Baldur's Gate when I enjoyed it; she's also the friend I'm considering cooping in Divinity: Original Sin with). Be visiting the inlaws this holiday season and our old, cheap laptop is perfect for GOG's old games gaming. Might chuck on BG1&2 with mods, and pick a few other games I've yet to try. 111 games, there's gotta be a few there that I can play :P
CarrionCrow: Interesting. Okay, thank you for helping me get more info about it. =) Also, I'm pretty sure you didn't misread anything. The question was one thing and now it seems to be mutating into everyone talking about wishlists. -laughs-

Additional - just started playing Baldur's Gate EE. Got it since I could not, no matter how hard I tried, get multiplayer to work. It comes with its own glitches to work out, but the multiplayer runs, at least. Also, it should be interesting to see what the experience is like with all the extra class kits that are available.
(And yes, I'm sure that if I dug through the mods and got them all working, I could have something just as good if not better. But with my luck, they'd probably break everything so I went the simpler route.)
katya_stevens: Ahaha, whoops. I'm never quite sure in situations like that -- I'm neuroatypical (as in, my brain doesn't follow the same paths and workways most other people's do) so I sometimes read a situation or question in a completely different way to a lot of people. When other people read something differently, it does make me wonder if I've read it wrong than was intended.

My friend gave me a whole laundry list of mods for the original BG that I'm going to need to sort through (plus she's also the one who bought me Mass Effect, then bugged me to get Baldur's Gate when I enjoyed it; she's also the friend I'm considering cooping in Divinity: Original Sin with). Be visiting the inlaws this holiday season and our old, cheap laptop is perfect for GOG's old games gaming. Might chuck on BG1&2 with mods, and pick a few other games I've yet to try. 111 games, there's gotta be a few there that I can play :P
Well, no worries on that one. You read and processed it just fine. =) It's funny that you mention Divinity co-op, that's the main reason why I'd buy it for full price. (Usually WAY more of a sales fiend.) And yes, that's one of the many great things about GOG. Even if you don't have a fantastically powerful computer, you can play a lot of games and have a lot of fun.
Vythonaut: *sigh* We are all doomed...
HypersomniacLive: Listen to Mr Cheese Biscuit - grab a tinfoil hat and run for the bunker, if you're lucky there will be more than just chocolate flavoured food supplements.
Hmmm, chocolate... tempting.. *grabs a piece of tinfoil* Hope we won't have Witcher 2 copies provided to us for our entertainment down there.. "The Legion" might get attracted.. :/ (sorry for the late answers - hard to monitor the forum through my dumbphone)

Would have solved the whole issue, now they've left us here alone to be overwhelmed! :O
Stilton: At least we have the forum!
Or... you know... you could play the games you already have. *gasps everywhere, followed by* "Heresy! Burn the witch!"
katya_stevens: Ahaha, whoops. I'm never quite sure in situations like that -- I'm neuroatypical (as in, my brain doesn't follow the same paths and workways most other people's do) so I sometimes read a situation or question in a completely different way to a lot of people. When other people read something differently, it does make me wonder if I've read it wrong than was intended.

My friend gave me a whole laundry list of mods for the original BG that I'm going to need to sort through (plus she's also the one who bought me Mass Effect, then bugged me to get Baldur's Gate when I enjoyed it; she's also the friend I'm considering cooping in Divinity: Original Sin with). Be visiting the inlaws this holiday season and our old, cheap laptop is perfect for GOG's old games gaming. Might chuck on BG1&2 with mods, and pick a few other games I've yet to try. 111 games, there's gotta be a few there that I can play :P
CarrionCrow: Well, no worries on that one. You read and processed it just fine. =) It's funny that you mention Divinity co-op, that's the main reason why I'd buy it for full price. (Usually WAY more of a sales fiend.) And yes, that's one of the many great things about GOG. Even if you don't have a fantastically powerful computer, you can play a lot of games and have a lot of fun.
I'm an incredible sales fiend, and I'm going to wait on a D:OS sale. Partly because if I don't I'll be dropping £60 (minus fair pricing credit) for two copies of the game, and partly because my friend is in the middle of nowhere with internet roughly twice the speed of dial-up. And then the whole wanting to play the prior games (even though I know it has no reflection on the later ones)...yeah, I have a few reasons to wait :)

I'll have to go through and see what games will play -- FTL and Jade Empire are my baselines. FTL's a newer game that does run, but no options to change the game screen resolution mean I can't actually play it (that laptop is a weird widescreen one that has a vertical resolution of 600px), while Jade Empire is an older one but has higher specs than the laptop has. But like I said, I should have more than enough to choose from, especially as I never really played them when they originally came out.
Post edited November 18, 2014 by katya_stevens
CarrionCrow: Okay, here's a question for everyone - what would you say are the games that you ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE from GOG? Whatever you think is best, it'd be interesting to hear. (Even if it's Fahrenheit.)
System Shock 2
The Witcher
Escape Goat 1 + 2
Legend of Grimrock 1 + 2
Clive Barker's Undying
Don't Starve
Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition
Oddworld series
Risk of Rain
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series
Paper Sorcerer

If my account suddenly vanished, those are the games I would buy right away again on my new account.
foxworks: Like cheese topped flour-based food products
How many cheese biscuits do you have in the bunker? :)
Anybody want a carrot while we wait for the next worthy game to show up? Really not brought much yet
Stilton: At least we have the forum!
mistermumbles: Or... you know... you could play the games you already have. *gasps everywhere, followed by* "Heresy! Burn the witch!"
Silly mistermumbles, games are not meant to be played.
I'm getting a silent inward groan now every time one of the same old same old Flash Deals turns up yet again. It won't be long until I start vocalising it, or just crying.

Ever seen a Viking cry? Its not a pretty sight...
Stilton: At least we have the forum!
mistermumbles: Or... you know... you could play the games you already have. *gasps everywhere, followed by* "Heresy! Burn the witch!"
Hey, where's the fun in that? ;-)
Post edited November 18, 2014 by Stilton
IAmSinistar: If my account suddenly vanished, those are the games I would buy right away again on my new account.
You need Torchlight and you know it...
CarrionCrow: Okay, here's a question for everyone - what would you say are the games that you ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE from GOG? Whatever you think is best, it'd be interesting to hear. (Even if it's Fahrenheit.)
IAmSinistar: System Shock 2
The Witcher
Escape Goat 1 + 2
Legend of Grimrock 1 + 2
Clive Barker's Undying
Don't Starve
Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition
Oddworld series
Risk of Rain
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series
Paper Sorcerer

If my account suddenly vanished, those are the games I would buy right away again on my new account.
Interesting. 6 shy of having all those you mentioned, but I did just pick one up based on your recommendation from yesterday. =)
foxworks: Like cheese topped flour-based food products
stg83: How many cheese biscuits do you have in the bunker? :)
Truck deliveries are scheduled to arrive soon :)
foxworks: Truck deliveries are scheduled to arrive soon :)
Haha.. wow you were certainly prepared for this but we can't survive the Gogocalypse on cheese biscuits alone. ;)