IAmSinistar: This sale has become Anti-Insomnia. I'm fighting to stay awake for it.
Well, when you have a moment, feel free to check your PM's for a digital pick-me-up.
Stilton: What I'd like to see it more games in the Flash Deals (wouldn't we all) and have them on something like a 5x5 grid where each row progresses upwards, staying say 20 or 30 minutes on each row before shunting towards the top, where all five games would disappear (to be recycled again at some point to give everyone a chance) and a new row appear at the bottom. That would mean about 100-150 mins for each row from bottom to top; plenty of time to research titles, and loads of games on offer at once. Sales need more enthusiasm to succeed well, and this current one's almost asleep.
Even if the amount of games available didn't change, what you just mentioned about speeding up the rotation would work wonders. The amount of time available takes the process from "ample time to research" straight into either "WHY THE HELL WON'T THIS MOVE FASTER!!!!!!!!" or "oh, screw this, I'm going to sign off and do something else since this thing is crawling".