Posted November 18, 2014

So bad slept... and nothing to do with the sales, for a change :)
What have we now... ?
Shadowrun : Dragonfall... tempting, but only -33%... Does it really worth 5 stars ?? Did somebody test this director's cut edition ?
Kentucky Route Zero... ooh... it's quite a new game... Does the -50% sale worth it ? I read the synopsis but it doesn't tell much ; though it got a good review ;
Dustforce : the gameplay reminds me Super Meat Boy ; I loved that one... even if many levels were quite hard to accomplish. -80% makes it cheap...
Can't say anything about Shadowrun, but:
Kentucky Route Zero has good review here and I haven't been dissapointed by James's recommendations so far.
As for Dustforce, I got it from humble budle some time ago, and give it a spin. It's really quick paced, lots of platforming on walls and ceilings. Reminds me a bit of old Sonic with a dash of classic 2D Prince of Persia
Additional: Two Worlds II $3.99 (-80%). Upcoming Don't starve.
Post edited November 18, 2014 by georgealmighty