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Stilton: Are any of these Myst games worth going for, and if so, which is the best?
Tekkaman-James: Just my two cents: While they are all great, I really enjoy the original Myst the best. Currently, the RealMyst: Masterpiece Edition is on Flash Sale and that might be the ticket you want. I have been unable to pull the trigger on it as I already own RealMyst standard and Myst: Masterpiece Edition. Essentially, RM:ME is both of those two titles combined. It takes the free roam 3D world of the RealMyst remake and ups the resolution and textures while, simultaneously, having a "Classic Mode" which is the original point-n-click 2D version.

With the current site-wide sales, you could buy RM and M:ME separately for the same price that RM:ME is going for in the Flash Sale, or simply just buy one or the other to save $3. While I do love the "traditional" visuals of the original Myst, being able to explore the same world in 3D and with full movement is very cool.

I know, ultimately, this creates more of a conundrum than it solves, but I thought I would share my thoughts as I've been mulling over buying this game for the umpteenth time. :P
That is the best response I've had to a 'What's this game like?' inquiry in about the last three hundred years. There's actually a lot more clarification there than confusion, so thank you very much. Plus one, sir!
All right, damn it. Need to get this rapidly accelerating mental train back on track before it careens off a cliff, Wile E. Coyote-style.

Before? Magicmaker. 4.99, 50 percent off.
Then? Waking Mars. 1.99, 80 percent off.
Now? Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. 1.99, 80 percent off.
Post edited November 18, 2014 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: It's all madness at this point....a hallucinogenic mindscape of angels with rage in their eyes, succulent meat pies and vicious beatings, a land where the same techno remix of Tetris plays endlessly and a giant clock in the sky drips blood as it ticks backwards, mocking all who gaze upon it with the illusion of a zero that will never come....
I just read this after taking my (15) evening pills. Have to say it took a moment to decide whether they were hitting harder than usual.
CarrionCrow: Diet Pepsi works. Diet Dr. Pepper's pretty tasty as well. =)
Zsolan.741: I might not post much on these forums ( a bit of a loner), but i have to say i love the conversation around these parts. Always colorful. :)
Welcome and don't be shy. We're all (somewhat wacko) friends here! ;)
Post edited November 18, 2014 by donsanderson
Haha! Thanks! Ultimately, I think I am deciding against picking up RM:ME this time around, but I will eventually collect it if it pops up in some future sale. Either way, I'm glad my ramblings helped. ^_^
CarrionCrow: All right, damn it. Need to get this rapidly accelerating mental train back on track before it careens off a cliff, Wile E. Coyote-style.

Before? Magicmaker. 4.99, 50 percent off.
Then? Waking Mars. 1.99, 80 percent off.
Now? Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. 1.99, 80 percent off.
Next? Go on, make a wildly implausible guess.
CarrionCrow: All right, damn it. Need to get this rapidly accelerating mental train back on track before it careens off a cliff, Wile E. Coyote-style.

Before? Magicmaker. 4.99, 50 percent off.
Then? Waking Mars. 1.99, 80 percent off.
Now? Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. 1.99, 80 percent off.
Stilton: Next? Go on, make a wildly implausible guess.
Next? Judas appears on Twitch and performs a burlesque dance for the assembled thread audience, all while singing karaoke to the 90's pop classic, Aqua's Barbie Girl.
I figure it will be sexy, but dignified.

Additional - Holy frigging crap. I get what you meant now. Giggling uncontrollably.

Next - FTL Advanced Edition. (But at least I can see that shy man become a confident stage performer in my mind's eye....-wistful sigh- ;)

Additional additional - Have you ever seen/heard someone with a southern accent singing the lyrics, "I'm a Barbie girl, in my Barbie world" while trying to fight back tears because they can't quite manage to get their pasty tassels to spin in opposite directions simultaneously?
Post edited November 18, 2014 by CarrionCrow
Stilton: Next? Go on, make a wildly implausible guess.
CarrionCrow: Next? Judas appears on Twitch and performs a burlesque dance for the assembled thread audience, all while singing karaoke to the 90's pop classic, Aqua's Barbie Girl.
I figure it will be sexy, but dignified.

Additional - Holy frigging crap. I get what you meant now. Giggling uncontrollably.

Next - FTL Advanced Edition. (But at least I can see that shy man become a confident stage performer in my mind's eye....-wistful sigh- ;)
I see that putting 'wildly' and 'implausible' in there was a mistake....

Tekkaman-James: Haha! Thanks! Ultimately, I think I am deciding against picking up RM:ME this time around, but I will eventually collect it if it pops up in some future sale. Either way, I'm glad my ramblings helped. ^_^
I feel that I ought to start with the basic version, to get an idea what it was like 20 years ago. After that I could try the others, but I'm a bit of a purist at heart. So thanks for easing me in that direction.

CarrionCrow: Additional additional - Have you ever seen/heard someone with a southern accent singing the lyrics, "I'm a Barbie girl, in my Barbie world" while trying to fight back tears because they can't quite manage to get their pasty tassels to spin in opposite directions simultaneously?
Would you be surprised to hear the answer to that question is no, not that I haven't imagined it on an almost daily basis...
Post edited November 18, 2014 by Stilton
Am I the only one here that had not heard of Aqua's Barbie Girl before?

I had to look it up and then go to tube and have a listen. (。9_9)


Honest question - where you really listening to this earlier?

Also, is it my imagination or did IAmSinistar make everyone drooling for pies and then just left?
donsanderson: As close as I can get tonight is chicken nuggets and Diet Pepsi, it'll do just fine.
Now I crave chicken nuggets. DAMN YOU!!!
CarrionCrow: Additional additional - Have you ever seen/heard someone with a southern accent singing the lyrics, "I'm a Barbie girl, in my Barbie world" while trying to fight back tears because they can't quite manage to get their pasty tassels to spin in opposite directions simultaneously?
Stilton: Would you be surprised to hear the answer to that question is no, not that I haven't imagined it on an almost daily basis...
Honestly, I hadn't imagined it until tonight. But now I know, in my deepest heart of hearts, that from this day forward, a day without imagining it will never feel complete again....
Post edited November 18, 2014 by CarrionCrow
foxworks: That's me, just lurking in the shadows (∵)
IAmSinistar: Fool, that is where you find me! Waiting, among the sleep(ers).

Check your PMs for a lesson as to what befalls those who cross into my realm!
Normally one doesn't get such, err gifts in the shadows ;-) Cheers for this!
HypersomniacLive: Am I the only one here that had not heard of Aqua's Barbie Girl before?

I had to look it up and then go to tube and have a listen. (。9_9)


Honest question - where you really listening to this earlier?

Also, is it my imagination or did IAmSinistar make everyone drooling for pies and then just left?
Yes....yes I was. And I can sing along to it. And if I don't mind my chest hurting, I can make my voice cover both the male and female parts....Yay for being talented! -laughs-

Well, he did....but then it went from there to angels and sadomasochistic kicks in the throat and Tetris music and diet soda and now it's Judas dancing around half-naked while singing and it's become kind of apparent that things are going downhill rapidly.
Post edited November 18, 2014 by CarrionCrow
donsanderson: As close as I can get tonight is chicken nuggets and Diet Pepsi, it'll do just fine.
Wurzelkraft: Now I crave chicken nuggets. DAMN YOU!!!
Sorry, I overcooked them if it helps. ;)
This is it, nearly 3.05am, I cann barly tipe porperly and my head is finally deflating. I must bid you all a very good night, morning, sing-along or whatever else the conversation ends up becoming, as for now my bed is glaring at me through the ceiling and if I don't go up soon it'll come down after me.

Its been a gas, guys. Enjoy the sale and I'll see you tomorrow (later)...
Post edited November 18, 2014 by Stilton
HypersomniacLive: [...]
I had no intention of charging you, so perhaps you might want to reconsider. (~_^)

*points to wishlist*

Glad to know GOG is an accepted currency :)

Am I the only one here that had not heard of Aqua's Barbie Girl before?

I had to look it up and then go to tube and have a listen. (。9_9)
Yes, but what did you think of it? :D