Stilton: Are any of these Myst games worth going for, and if so, which is the best?
Just my two cents: While they are all great, I really enjoy the original Myst the best. Currently, the RealMyst: Masterpiece Edition is on Flash Sale and that might be the ticket you want. I have been unable to pull the trigger on it as I already own RealMyst standard and Myst: Masterpiece Edition. Essentially, RM:ME is both of those two titles combined. It takes the free roam 3D world of the RealMyst remake and ups the resolution and textures while, simultaneously, having a "Classic Mode" which is the original point-n-click 2D version.
With the current site-wide sales, you could buy RM and M:ME separately for the same price that RM:ME is going for in the Flash Sale, or simply just buy one or the other to save $3. While I do love the "traditional" visuals of the original Myst, being able to explore the same world in 3D and with full movement is very cool.
I know, ultimately, this creates more of a conundrum than it solves, but I thought I would share my thoughts as I've been mulling over buying this game for the umpteenth time. :P