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foxworks: I sense a sinister plan is in place :p

* Almost missed you!
high rated
foxworks: I sense a sinister plan is in place :p
HypersomniacLive: (►˛◄’!)

* Almost missed you!
When you have a moment, feel free to check your PM's. =)
Eye eye.
Stilton: The Flash Deals keep us guessing,
so many might appear
The joy they bring can give us
a grin from ear to ear

But slowly they're revealing
a sinister intent...
To hand over our money
until its all been spent!

Positive to pessimist in one small step...

Such is art...
*bows before the great bard*

Thank you, oh bard, your mighty tale speaks to my heart.

But why pessimist? Isn't spending what money is for?

CarrionCrow: Sinister would be ambush gifting someone Fahrenheit. Learned my lesson, though. Did that as a goof, but the person I did it to was cut from the same chunk of masochistic cloth as me, so they already had it.

*timidly raises hand*

CarrionCrow: When you have a moment, feel free to check your PM's. =)
I hope this does not mean what I fear it means! (;☉﹏☉)

*humbled by others generosity, sweats at fate for lousy finances that don't allow to be as giving*

*makes plans to rob a bank, then come here and spend all money on gift codes, and hand them around before going to jail*
foxworks: I sense a sinister plan is in place :p
HypersomniacLive: (►˛◄’!)

* Almost missed you!
That's me, just lurking in the shadows (∵)
foxworks: That's me, just lurking in the shadows (∵)
Stilton: The Flash Deals keep us guessing,
so many might appear
The joy they bring can give us
a grin from ear to ear

But slowly they're revealing
a sinister intent...
To hand over our money
until its all been spent!

Positive to pessimist in one small step...

Such is art...
HypersomniacLive: *bows before the great bard*

Thank you, oh bard, your mighty tale speaks to my heart.

But why pessimist? Isn't spending what money is for?

CarrionCrow: Sinister would be ambush gifting someone Fahrenheit. Learned my lesson, though. Did that as a goof, but the person I did it to was cut from the same chunk of masochistic cloth as me, so they already had it.

HypersomniacLive: *timidly raises hand*

CarrionCrow: When you have a moment, feel free to check your PM's. =)
HypersomniacLive: I hope this does not mean what I fear it means! (;☉﹏☉)

*humbled by others generosity, sweats at fate for lousy finances that don't allow to be as giving*

*makes plans to rob a bank, then come here and spend all money on gift codes, and hand them around before going to jail*
No need to worry about humility, or the finances, and there's certainly no need to rob a bank. Just enjoy. =)

Although, if I were to rob a bank, and I had a shirt on, and I just screamed to the CNN cameras that I did it all for GOG as they took me away? That'd be pretty damned funny.
Post edited November 18, 2014 by CarrionCrow
foxworks: That's me, just lurking in the shadows (∵)
Grargar: foxlurks?
HypersomniacLive: Thank you, oh bard, your mighty tale speaks to my heart.

But why pessimist? Isn't spending what money is for?
Tis my tortured soul that speaks for me, for I am legend's only guilt-ridden Viking!

A thousand years of sacking and pillaging takes its toll, you know. Its not all eating raw meat, thumping each other on the back and yelling, "Good deeds, stout yeomen!" at the top of your lungs.
IAmSinistar: So, The Witcher and Torchlight both as Flash Deals. Any other previously free games shown up in these slots yet? I don't recall seeing Little Big Adventure or Magrunner in there, but perhaps others?
AdamR: Empire Earth was free at some point.
Grargar: You can. It also comes with the Android port.
mobutu: Oh man, I saw some playgame videos and I can say that game is dope.
Hope to see it soon on gog, until then you can vote for it here:
Too bad you have to create an account to even run the game. At least with the free version of it.
Post edited November 18, 2014 by klappis
AdamR: Empire Earth was free at some point.
klappis: When?
I show 12 Dec 2011

EDIT: Link provided
Post edited November 18, 2014 by foxworks
klappis: When?
foxworks: I show 12 Dec 2011

EDIT: Link provided
Oh thx! That was before i even knew about GOG.
I'd like to say a big thank you to CarrionCrow (wink wink, everyone) and point out two sweet things about him:

(I) Notice how discretely and respectful he tells one that he just dropped a gift code in their PM - I wish I could +1 you multiple times, just for the way you do it.

(II) He does not reveal what the code contains, it's just like a physical gift, only in a virtual gift-bag with a big bow!

Heartily thanks, my fellow GOGger, though I have no idea what I did to deserve such kindness and thoughtfulness. (。◕‿◕。)
klappis: Too bad you have to create an account to even run the game. At least with the free version of it.
Not with the Deluxe one. You can just buy it from Humble, install and play.
lmc2002: Anyone think Sim City 4 will go on flash at some point, or shall I just get the bundle? I already have 2000 so I dunno :/ (I know I get a discount for already having it, but I'm not interested in Capitalism)
So actually if you already own games in a bundle you can still get the full bundle discount without re-purchasing the game(s) you already own. Just deselect the ones you already own and you will get the full 80% discount on SimCity 4. I was wondering about this earlier, had it confirmed by one guy on in this thread, and have verified it for myself since (I just go Sam 'n Max: Devils Plaything for $3.49 and I already had the other two games in the bundle).
Post edited November 18, 2014 by the.kuribo