Pidgeot: I played those, and they provided me with more than enough confidence in him to place a pre-order for his most recently released game.
That pre-order was placed in 2005.
He released it in 2012.
I was not disappointed.
So yeah, go play 'em if you haven't.
CarrionCrow: Damn....
I see what you mean. I played it years and years ago, got my ass handed to me as handily as it possibly can be when you're playing a puzzle game, have a memory with Swiss cheese-levels of holes in it, and I still remember it.
I say thank you for the ringing endorsement while my wallet spits at me for telling it I'll have to cleave another 40 from its recesses some time in the near future.
In fairness, The Fool's Errand was RIDICULOUSLY hard at times. Careful notes are pretty much mandatory if you want to complete the overarching map puzzle.
At the Carnival/Puzzle Gallery is the easiest of his old games; 3 in Three is sort of in the middle. The Fool and his Money, the new game, is probably somewhere between The Fool's Errand and 3 in Three.
I can also recommend the games by
Everett Kaser - other than the MESH series, all of his games are pure puzzlers, and there are A LOT of them. I'm one of his beta testers and translators, so I suppose I'm somewhat biased (because he's a friend, and I want to see him do well enough to keep making games... :) ), but I've honestly never been disappointed by his games.
Those games I've been playing since 2004... and I'm not even close to being done :) All of his games have demos, and there's a large discount if you buy all of them in a bundle.