Posted November 16, 2014

We can't exclude the case of new games coming up as Flash Deals - given that the repeats started after 114 titles and with the Sale being of almost equal duration with the Summer one which had a total of 221 unique Flash Deals, it's possible that in a week's time these 114 titles will be replaced by or mixed up with a fresh batch.
I think that the multiple repeats serve to give people on each timezone a few chances to get their games. Take for instance this Sale and two of the titles that made two appearances so far:
Disciples: Sacred Lands Gold (Ends Wed, 12 Nov 2014 21:58:59 UTC)
Disciples: Sacred Lands Gold (Ends Sun, 16 Nov 2014 05:58:59 UTC)
Sacred Gold (Ends Thu, 13 Nov 2014 06:38:59 UTC)
Sacred Gold (Ends Sat, 15 Nov 2014 22:38:59 UTC)
One shouldn't and wouldn't normally catch them all. But if one follows the Sale very closely and spends significant amounts on here, it gets quite boring and feels overkill.
There's a big difference this time though - during the Summer Sale the Flash Deals went live in pairs with a duration of 36' for the most part and with the next batch being greyed out, and the pattern was changes a few times by putting up batches of six games (same duration). This time a total of eight games are live at the same time but for a varying duration, while only the very next title to go live is revealed. I expect GOG to refresh things, but honestly can't think how they'd go about it.