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Thanks for the replies. I guess since georgealmighty also sees the price and he is from Poland like me it is supposed to cost that amount.

The math still seems odd to me :)
Reinmar: Thanks for the replies. I guess since georgealmighty also sees the price and he is from Poland like me it is supposed to cost that amount.

The math still seems odd to me :)
Can you tell me what is the base price for Deponia 3 (for you)?
Grargar: Can you tell me what is the base price for Deponia 3 (for you)?
It's $18.79 / €14.99 in Poland
Hi everyone! ^^ Do you know if it's possible to buy the "Deponia Trilogy" bundle as a gift if you already own all the items from that promo?
Reinmar: Thanks for the replies. I guess since georgealmighty also sees the price and he is from Poland like me it is supposed to cost that amount.

The math still seems odd to me :)
Grargar: Can you tell me what is the base price for Deponia 3 (for you)?
Sure, price without promo shows up as $18.79. The other two are $19.99.
VampiroAlhazred: Hi everyone! ^^ Do you know if it's possible to buy the "Deponia Trilogy" bundle as a gift if you already own all the items from that promo?
Of course you can. Just click the green "Buy Now" button.
VampiroAlhazred: Hi everyone! ^^ Do you know if it's possible to buy the "Deponia Trilogy" bundle as a gift if you already own all the items from that promo?
Yes, two ways to do it.
1) Click buy now and it gets added to your cart.
2) Add the individual games.

In fact, if you own all the games, you can add only one or two of the games and still get the maximum bundle price.
Reinmar: Sure, price without promo shows up as $18.79. The other two are $19.99.
Well, the standard price used to be $19.99 worldwide. From 27 August onwards, some specific games, including Deponia 3, had a price that differed according to the regions. The reason why you still see the standard price, is because GOG hasn't updated the promo pages to display regional pricing or other currencies.

As for the math, $19.99+$19.99+$18.79 -85% equals about $8.81, so you do save a few cents. :P
Post edited November 15, 2014 by Grargar
VampiroAlhazred: Hi everyone! ^^ Do you know if it's possible to buy the "Deponia Trilogy" bundle as a gift if you already own all the items from that promo?
Grargar: Of course you can. Just click the green "Buy Now" button.
Haha, that was so silly of me!! xD (I clicked the promo image and I couldn't buy from that link) Thanks, Grargar!

RWarehall: Yes, two ways to do it.
1) Click buy now and it gets added to your cart.
2) Add the individual games.

In fact, if you own all the games, you can add only one or two of the games and still get the maximum bundle price.
Thank you too! And sorry for the dumb question. xD
Post edited November 15, 2014 by VampiroAlhazred
Reinmar: Sure, price without promo shows up as $18.79. The other two are $19.99.
Grargar: As for the math, $19.99+$19.99+$18.79 -85% equals about $8.81, so you do save a few cents. :P
The sale keeps getting better and better :P I guess they just went for a better looking number.
VampiroAlhazred: Haha, that was so silly of me!! xD (I clicked the promo image and I couldn't buy from that link) Thanks, Grargar!
No problem. It's quite inconvenient that there's no option to gift games from the promo page itself.
VampiroAlhazred: Hi everyone! ^^ Do you know if it's possible to buy the "Deponia Trilogy" bundle as a gift if you already own all the items from that promo?
Yes, just click on the buy button, it will take you to the checkout page where it'll say that it must be a gift.
nvm imagination
Post edited November 15, 2014 by Niggles
Niggles: nvm imagination
A vivid imagination is a good thing. ;-)
Greetings Folks!

Does any of you know if there will be more discounted games than already are? I mean i checked the list under the "browse all discounted games" button (which is damn impressive, i have to say), but to my great sorrow Divinity: Original Sin is not there. I'm hoping against hope that it will appear as a flash deal or maybe as part of a divinity collection...

The point is: is there any hope for that?