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Well, My only regret for sleeping late is Journeyman 1 but as we're now starting to see a few repeats pop up, no doubt l'll have another chance to grab it before the 25th.

Having scanned the thread to catch up, I was happy to see I'm not the only one here who likes casual games. l enjoy a good time management game and puzzlers like the World Mosaics series but l cannot stand hidden object games. I think this is partly due to the fact that whenever I pick up a reasonably interesting looking horror game in my local Game store it's a freaking HOG! They only have one small stand for PC games and they fill it with CD versions of games that can be downloaded in 2 minutes!

Sorry, rant over!

It's just that I remember when Game had three full walls of PC games but now it's console, console, console and the PC games that started the business are relegated to a tiny shelf in the corner.
hellmonster67: Pretty sure I am missing a stamp from the first day of the sale as well.. that happen to anyone else?
Me, but it's my own fault -- I didn't realize that we had to CLAIM our stamps. I thought it was automatic.
I've just done a bit of calculating, and discovered that the items I've acquired so far (Mount & Blade bundle and freebie + three other games) have been reduced collectively by an amazing - get ready...... 78%!

Wow, thank you GOG!
Post edited November 15, 2014 by Stilton
Grargar: I'd rather wait at least till we are halfway. Then, the money will start talking.
IAmSinistar: Yes, there are a number of titles I still plan on picking up in this sale, but am going to wait first to see if they come around through the Flash Deals. Not that I have a problem with the 50% off price, I just like the endorphin rush that accompanies getting the best bargain. :)
I couldn't have said it any better :)
This seems to be the list then, 114 in flash sales? Bit of an odd number, but it is over 100, which seems to be the rule for them, so may well be. And it may mean we'll get each of them 4 times, with a possible crazy everything together period on the last day.
So far today, every game appeared on Day 1 first. We'll see if this trend holds up. Seems a lot more organized than the randomness of the Summer Sale.
114 different flash deals is OK, but I hope for MOAR! :)
Cavalary: This seems to be the list then, 114 in flash sales? Bit of an odd number, but it is over 100, which seems to be the rule for them, so may well be. And it may mean we'll get each of them 4 times, with a possible crazy everything together period on the last day.
I still hope for some new games on sale every day. Otherwise 4 times repetition with the rather slow pace would be more and more boring towards the end of the sale.
LynetteC: Well, My only regret for sleeping late is Journeyman 1 but as we're now starting to see a few repeats pop up, no doubt l'll have another chance to grab it before the 25th.
Most definitely. That must have been you poking me to buy it while I was watching it tick away. :p
It will return!
eiii: Insomnia sale isn't bad, but one Insomnia sale per year is enough. I enjoy the slow pace of this sale, you still can have a life and get some sleep without missing much.
i want to second this.

i prefer this sort of sale - by far and away - to insomina. in fact, after seeing how insomnia worked, i shrugged and didn't particpate at all. there was just no telling how the chips would fall and it wasn't conducive to things like sleep or work or anything else. now, admittedly, i didn't "play" insomina like a game - like some folks did where they made a team and watched out for each other. it was just me on my lonesome.

this sort of sale at least gives me time to form opinions and do research. typically, in wave one, i only buy what's on my wishlist. when wave two starts, i make a short list of things that looks curious and then look into them. by wave three [or so, if there's one] i have formed an opinion and will either buy or not.

this is /much/ better from a customer perspective.

i totally get that some people prefer the randomness and frantic pace of the insomnia sales, but it's just not my cup of tea.
Cavalary: This seems to be the list then, 114 in flash sales? Bit of an odd number, but it is over 100, which seems to be the rule for them, so may well be. And it may mean we'll get each of them 4 times, with a possible crazy everything together period on the last day.
eiii: I still hope for some new games on sale every day. Otherwise 4 times repetition with the rather slow pace would be more and more boring towards the end of the sale.
Boring for a few of us following from the start. For most others, and for those they're trying to attract with these things in particular, repeats are required, since most would miss at least the first part.
We may even consider it like that, there's a first part of the sale for existing and more, er, dedicated users, a second for those who missed things the first time around, and then what follows is for newly attracted people.

As for comparing this with Insomnia, what lostwolfe said.

... Though I do have a pretty "evil" sale concept in my mind for quite some time now, keep wondering whether I should run it by them. It would be in parts though, 3 or 4 clear repeats, with set times and schedules, so there'd be no missing, but within one part it'd be pretty nasty. Or thrilling, depending on your take :))
lostwolfe: i totally get that some people prefer the randomness and frantic pace of the insomnia sales, but it's just not my cup of tea.
Insomnia is about craziness that is happening in the comment section :) Outside that yeah, this one is better for customers.
The problem with this sale is that if I see a title I'm not familiar with I have plenty of time to take a look and decide if it's something I'm likely to play. This is leading to purchases that I may not have had time to make in an insomnia type sale. (I'm looking at you, Gangland!)
lostwolfe: this sort of sale at least gives me time to form opinions and do research. typically, in wave one, i only buy what's on my wishlist. when wave two starts, i make a short list of things that looks curious and then look into them. by wave three [or so, if there's one] i have formed an opinion and will either buy or not.
I also enjoy it to have the time to look up a game I haven't seen before and have the chance to buy it in a later round of the sale if I like it.

Cavalary: Boring for a few of us following from the start. For most others, and for those they're trying to attract with these things in particular, repeats are required, since most would miss at least the first part.
Don't understand me wrong, I'm all for repetition as I'm one of the people which tend to miss things in the first or even second run. ;) So I always appreciate a second or third round in a sale.
My hope is only that we haven't already seen all of the discounted games when we are not even at half of the sale time.
LynetteC: The problem with this sale is that if I see a title I'm not familiar with I have plenty of time to take a look and decide if it's something I'm likely to play. This is leading to purchases that I may not have had time to make in an insomnia type sale. (I'm looking at you, Gangland!)
OK then, let me help you a bit; this is the historically-lowest price the game has ever been on GOG (and on other digital distributors).
Post edited November 15, 2014 by Grargar