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Another year over, and time to take some stock.

The 10 best selling games of 2013 (according to Fiscal Times) where:
GTA V (27.75M units)
Call of Duty: Ghost (12.71M units)
FIFA 2014 (8.11M units)
Pokemon X&Y (7.64M units)
AC IV: Black Flag (4.11M units)
The Last of Us (3.69M units)
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3.35M units)
Tomb Raider (3.18M units)
Monster Hunter IV (3.05M units)
Bioshock Infinite (2.89M units)

The top 10 highest rated games of 2013 (according to Metacritic) are:
Grand Theft Auto V (PS3): 97 (User rating 8.2)
Grand Theft Auto V (X360): 97 (User rating 8.1)
The Last of Us (PS3): 95 (User rating 9.1)
BioShock Infinite (PS3): 94 (User rating 8.4)
BioShock Infinite (PC): 94 (User rating 8.5)
Skulls of the Shogun (iOS): 93 (User rating 7.3)
Super Mario 3D World (WIIU): 93 (User rating 9.0)
BioShock Infinite (X360): 93 (User rating 8.4)
Papa Sangre II (iOS): 93 (User rating 7.3)
Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection (PS3): 93 (User rating 9.0)

The top 10 highest rated PC games of 2013 (according to Metacritic) are:
BioShock Infinite: 94 (User rating 8.5)
Fez: 91 (User rating 6.3)
Spelunky: 90 (User rating 7.2)
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons: 90 (User rating 8.5)
Dota 2: 90 (Usr score 6.2)
Rocksmith 2014 Edition: 89 (User rating 8.2 )
Rayman Legends: 89 (User rating 8.3)
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods: 88 (User rating 8.5)
The Stanley Parable: 88 (User rating 8.0)
The Swapper: 87 (User rating 8.8)

The 5 lowest rated PC games of 2013 (according to Metacritic) are:
R.I.P.D The Game: 26 (User rating 1.4)
BlackSoul: 25 (User rating: -)
Citadels: 20 (User rating 1.3)
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny: 18 (User rating: 2.3)
Ride to Hell: Retribution: 16 (User rating 1.2)
GTA 5 was awesome. Better than Bioshock Infinate and Last of Us Combined.
wheres the PC version of GTA V?

Holycrap thats a bad score for ROA :/

Oh wait. All the scores are metacritic. To be taken with a grain of salt i guess...
nijuu: wheres the PC version of GTA V?
not out yet. release date is in February this year.
nijuu: Holycrap thats a bad score for ROA :/

Oh wait. All the scores are metacritic. To be taken with a grain of salt i guess...
Metacritic is an aggregated score based on many reviewers, so it is indicating the trend in reviews in general. User rating for ROA is 2.3, so slightly better, but still bad.
I can't see a single game there that I'd play, let alone pay for. 2013 was pretty terrible, though Expeditions Conquistador was at least good.

Realms of Arkania might be OK if they're still patching it in 2016
Thanks for the recap amok.
The Stanley Parable and The Swapper were awesome, the former another one of those "a game but not counted by gamers" and the latter is a puzzle game where the background story really makes you wonder about life.

Out of the AAA games the only one I played were Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite, the former was good but the latter I stopped due to the excessive shooting. I'll likely try it later it when I find some way to minimize the amount of enemies, but it seemed to have a decent setting.
it's sad to see Blacksoul rated the lowest :( great indie survival horror game.
In the other hand I'm glad that gone home didn't appeared in that list as one of the highest rated games
amok: BlackSoul: 25 (User rating: -)
What's wrong with this one? Bought it from Groupees, played for w while and it seems to be a nice early-RE \ early-SH clone with static backgrounds, fixed cameras and clunky fighting.
Is it that people lost interest in the genre or the game becomes really bad later?
Yeah, the title is pretty uninspired but that's the biggest flaw I've encountered so far :)
Oh, and it was greenlit, to which I contributed my vote. So, it can't be that bad, can it?
Post edited January 04, 2014 by Novotnus
Ghosts sold 12.71M units? what the fucking fuck.
Mr.Caine: Ghosts sold 12.71M units? what the fucking fuck.
At this point all it takes is labeling something CoD. If they released a game called 'Call of Duty: Turd swimming in a sewer simulator' that would sell well too :)
Mr.Caine: Ghosts sold 12.71M units? what the fucking fuck.
Activision has a good thing going there even if the game is ordinary by all reports...
nijuu: wheres the PC version of GTA V?
amok: not out yet. release date is in February this year.
nijuu: Holycrap thats a bad score for ROA :/

Oh wait. All the scores are metacritic. To be taken with a grain of salt i guess...
amok: Metacritic is an aggregated score based on many reviewers, so it is indicating the trend in reviews in general. User rating for ROA is 2.3, so slightly better, but still bad.
I honestly dont know
Have u actually seen the so called 'reviews' from user reviewers? plenty of spam going both ways...
Post edited January 04, 2014 by nijuu
I played none of the games listed. The few that would have interested me are only on consoles which I don't own nor plan to buy one in the foreseeable future.

It was also the year I further turned my back on Steam and the like, and fully embraced the DRM-free revolution. Those damn bloat-ware ridden gaming clients are too much of a nuisance to me.

It was the return of the turn based strategy for me in 2013. Battle Worlds: Kronos, Expeditions: Conquistador, Shadowrun Returns and Omerta were my games of the year. Oh and Divinity: Dragon Commander as well as Aarklash: Legacy were also very nice games in 2013.

2014 might be a good year for RPGs and continue the turn based strategy revival I hope. With Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity, Divinity: Original Sin, Witcher 3 and the Shadowrun Returns Addon the RPG-side seems settled for me in 2014. Further interesting games might be Elite: Dangerous, Satellite Reign and probably a few more I miss at the moment. Funny how most of the games I look forward to are crowd-founded games.

On topic of Call of Duty, I always have to think of the prank the guys from BulletStorm did as a PR stunt.
Duty Calls:

I can only say "Sergeant of the Master Sergeants most important Person of extreme Sergeants to the Max"! I think it is symptomatic how this prank really shows the stand of the modern FPS genre. All I can finally say is, "USA IS DOMINATE".
Post edited January 04, 2014 by Quasebarth
amok: BlackSoul: 25 (User rating: -)
Novotnus: What's wrong with this one? Bought it from Groupees, played for w while and it seems to be a nice early-RE \ early-SH clone with static backgrounds, fixed cameras and clunky fighting.
Is it that people lost interest in the genre or the game becomes really bad later?
Yeah, the title is pretty uninspired but that's the biggest flaw I've encountered so far :)
Oh, and it was greenlit, to which I contributed my vote. So, it can't be that bad, can it?
nothing wrong with the game, people look the graphics and they start talking s** about it, that's how it is this days
Post edited January 04, 2014 by GastonArg
Would have thought Rogue Legacy would have popped up there somewhere. Only games I've played on the list are Fez and Dota 2 I think.