Posted December 25, 2013
This promo started on Thursday, Dec 12, 2013 at 2pm (GMT)
Free Games:
Day 1 and 2
Fallout 2
Fallout Tactics
Community Deal
Day 1
The BIG Ones 2013 up to 80% off from $6.66
Divinity: Dragon Commander Imperial Edition $22.49
Shadow Warrior (2013) $9.99
Omerta: City of Gangsters (4 DLCs included) $7.99
Magrunner: Dark Pulse $7.99
Outlast $6.66
Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs *
Aarklash: Legacy *
Rise of the Triad (2013) *
Day 2
Collected Bullfrog Classics save 75% when purchasing all games at once $59.90 -> $14.90 otherwise 50% off
Theme Hospital $1.49 ($1.99)
Dungeon Keeper Gold™ $1.49 ($1.99)
Dungeon Keeper™ 2 $1.49 ($1.99)
Syndicate Plus™ $1.49 ($1.99)
Syndicate Wars™ $1.49 ($1.99)
Magic Carpet Plus™ $1.49 ($1.99)
Magic Carpet™ 2: The Netherworlds $1.49 ($1.99)
Populous™ $1.49 ($1.99)
Populous™ 2: Trials of the Olympian Gods $1.49 ($1.99)
Populous™: The Beginning $1.49 ($1.99)
Day 3
Ultraviolence Uberpack 75% off save 75% when purchasing all games at once $57.93 -> $14.43 otherwise 50% off
Carmageddon Max Pack $2.49 ($3.33)
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now $2.49 ($3.33)
Hotline Miami $2.49 ($2.49)
Blood (One Unit Whole Blood) $1.49 ($2.99)
Blood 2: The Chosen + Expansion $1.49 ($2.99)
POSTAL: Classic and Uncut $1.49 ($2.99)
POSTAL 2 Complete $2.49 ($4.99)
Day 4
Dungeons and Dragons Desire 80% off $105.90 -> $21.10
Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga $1.99
Baldur's Gate 2 Complete $1.99
Icewind Dale Complete $1.99
Icewind Dale 2 Complete $1.99
Planescape: Torment $1.99
Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition $1.99
Neverwinter Nights 2: Complete $3.99
Temple of Elemental Evil, The $1.19
Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard $1.99
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone $1.99
Day 5
Roguelikelike Bundlelike 70% off save 70% when purchasing all games at once $54,94 -> $16.44 otherwise 50% off
Spelunky $4.49 ($7.49)
FTL: Faster Than Light $2.99 ($4.99)
Rogue Legacy $4.49 ($7.49)
Sword of the Stars: The Pit $2.09 ($3.49)
DLC: MindGames $1.49 ($2.49)
DLC: Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition Upgrade $0.89 ($1.49)
Day 6
Tales of Might and Magic 75% off save 70% when purchasing all games at once $27.96 -> $6.96 otherwise 50% off
Might and Magic® 6-pack: Limited Edition $2.49 ($4.99)
Might and Magic® 7: For Blood and Honor™ $1.49 ($2.99)
Might and Magic® 8: Day of the Destroyer™ $1.49 ($2.99)
Might and Magic® 9 $1.49 ($2.99)
The BIG Ones 2013 (see above, games marked with * not offered that day)
Collected Bullfrog Classics
Ultraviolence Uberpack
Dungeons and Dragons Desire
Roguelikelike Bundlelike
Tales of Might and Magic
Turn-based 4X Classics 75% off save 70% when purchasing all games at once $43.96 -> $10.99 otherwise 50%
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri™ $1.49 ($2.99)
Master of Orion 1+2 $1.49 ($2.99)
Colonization, Sid Meier\'s $1.49 ($2.99)
Fragile Allegiance $1.49 ($2.99)
Galactic Civilizations I: Ultimate Edition $2.49 ($4.99)
Space Empires IV: Deluxe $2.49 ($4.99)
Day 8
Turn-based 4X Classics (See Day 7)
Day 9
Sci-Fi Combat Sims 75% off $43.94 -> $10.94
Descent + Descent 2 $2.49 ($3.99)
Descent 3 + Expansion $2.49 ($3.99)
Terminal Velocity $1.49 ($2.99)
Shattered Steel $1.49 ($2.39)
AquaNox $1.49 ($2.99)
AquaNox 2: Revelation $1.49 ($2.99)
Day 10
Fantasy Through History 80% off save 80% when purchasing all games at once $56.95 -> $11.35 otherwise 50% off
King of Dragon Pass $1.19 ($2.99)
Driftmoon $2.99 ($7.49)
Lords of Midnight, The $1.19 ($2.99)
Inquisitor $2.99 ($7.49)
Torchlight $2.99 $7.49)
Day 11
Sail, Trade and Plunder 75% off save 75% when purchasing all games at once $29.95 -> $7.45 otherwise 50% off
Corsairs Gold $1.49 ($2.99)
Patrician 1+2 $1.49 ($2.99)
Port Royale $1.49 ($2.99)
Port Royale 2 $1.49 ($2.99)
Pirates! Gold Plus $1.49 ($2.99)
Day 12
Complete Wing Commander 75% off save 75% when purchasing all games at once $47.92 -> $11.92 otherwise 50% off
Wing Commander™ 1+2 $1.49 ($2.99)
Wing Commander™ 3 Heart of the Tiger™ $1.49 ($2.99)
Wing Commander™ 4: The Price of Freedom $1.49 ($2.99)
Wing Commander 5: Prophecy Gold Edition $1.49 ($2.99)
Wing Commander ®: Privateer ™ $1.49 ($2.99)
Privateer 2: The Darkening $1.49 ($2.99)
Wing Commander: Academy $1.49 ($2.99)
Wing Commander: Armada $1.49 ($2.99)
Day 13 (Dec 24, 2013)
Rule by Magic 75% off save 75% when purchasing all games at once $41.95 -> $10.45 otherwise 50% off
King's Bounty: The Legend $2.49 ($4.99)
Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic $2.49 ($4.99)
Master of Magic $1.49 ($2.99)
Lords of Magic: Special Edition $1.49 ($2.99)
Fantasy Wars $2.49 ($4.99)
Day 14
Globtrotter's Gear 80% off save 80% when purchasing all games at once $45.95 -> $9.15 otherwise 50% off
Syberia $1.99 ($4.99)
Syberia 2 $1.99 ($4.99)
Myst: Masterpiece Edition $1.19 ($2.99)
Journey to the Center of the Earth $1.99 ($4.99)
Amerzone - The Explorer\'s Legacy $1.99 ($4.99)
Day 15
Chivalry Chest 75% off save 75% when purchasing all games at once $39.94 -> $9.94 otherwise 50% off
Stronghold HD $1.49 ($2.99)
Stronghold Crusader HD $2.49 ($4.99)
Lords of the Realm: Royal Edition $1.49 ($2.99)
Lords of the Realm 3 $1.49 ($2.99)
Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion $1.49 ($2.99)
Castles + Castles 2 $1.49 ($2.39)
Day 16
Run, Jump, and Fighr 66% off save 66% when purchasing all games at once $54.95 -> $18.29 otherwise 50% off
Dust: An Elysian Tail $4.99 ($7.49)
Guacamelee! Gold Edition $4.99 ($7.49)
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack $2.66 ($3.99)
Volgarr the Viking $3.99 ($5.99)
VVVVVV $1.66 ($2.49)
Recommended Deal
Day 1
Deep in the Dungeons: $20.98 -> $6.48
Ultima Underworld 1+2 66% off $1.99
Legend of Grimrock 70% off $4.49
Day 2
Mistique and Mysterious $35.98 -> $11.48
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 75% off $1.49
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller 66% off $9.99
Day 3
The Joy of Platforming 66% off $20.98 -> $6.98
Pandemonium $1.99
Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams $4.99
Day 4
Charge-up and Go $15.98 -> $4.48
Re-Volt 66% off, $1.99
Race the Sun 75% off, $2.49
Day 5
Space Sim Succession 66% off, $35.96 -> $11.97
Wing Commander 5: Prophecy Gold Edition $1.99
Strike Suit Zero $6.66
DLC: Heroes of the Fleet $2.33
DLC: Raptor $0.99
Day 6
To Infinity and Beyond $40.97 -> $16.47
Icewind Dale Complete $2.99
Icewind Dale 2 Complete $2.99
Aarklash: Legacy $10.49
Deep in the Dungeons (See Above)
Mistique and Mysterious
The Joy of Platforming
Charge-up and Go
Space Sim Succession
To Infinity and Beyond
Santa got Scared $29.98 -> $11.98
System Shock 2 80% off $1.99
Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs 50% off $9.99
Scrub in $15.98 -> $4.48
Theme Hospital 66% off $1.99
Surgeon Simulator 2013 75% off $2.49
Full of Stars $15.98 -> $4.98
Startopia 66% off $1.99
Space Colony HD 70% off $2.99
A Study in Red $29.97 -> $9.15
Carmageddon Max Pack 66% off $3.33
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now 66% off $3.33
Hotline Miami 75% off $2.49
Twise Risen Twice Fallen $20.98 -> $6.98
Rise of the Triad: Dark War 66% off $1.99
Rise of the Triad (2013) 66% off $4.99
Adventures in Little Worlds $25.98 -> $7.48
Gobliiins pack 75% off $1.49
The Night of the Rabbit 70% off $5.99
Bullet Heaven $15.98 -> $3.98
Raptor: Call of the Shadows 2010 Edition 75% off $1.49
Humans Must Answer 75% off $2.49
Jump and Slash $17.98 -> $6.78
Realms of Chaos 66% off $1.99
Volgarr the Viking 60% off $4.79
Against All Odds $20.98 -> $5.23
Robinson's Requiem Collection 75% off $1.49
Miasmata 75% off $3.74
Day 8
Scrub in (see Day 7)
Day 9
Full of Stars (see Day 7)
Day 10
Twise Risen Twice Fallen (see Day 7)
Day 11
Santa got Scared (see Day 7)
Day 12
Jump and Slash (see Day 7)
Day 13
Adventures in Little Worlds (see Day 7)
Day 14
A Study in Red (see Day 7)
Day 15
Against All Odds (see Day 7)
Day 16
Bullet Heaven (see Day 7)
DAILY SURPRISE (Timeless Classics, Brave New Worlds, Random Magic):
DAY 1-5 Random for every user See this post and the whole thread
Starting from Day 7 these deals are randomly generated every time you clear the cookies
Day 17=2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale Wrap Up
All deals called "Recommended Deals"
Sci-Fi Combat Sims (see Day 9 in Community Deals)
Fantasy Through History (see Day 10 in Community Deals)
Sail, Trade and Plunder (see Day 11 in Community Deals)
Complete Wing Commander (see Day 12 in Community Deals)
Rule by Magic (see Day 13 in Community Deals)
Globtrotter's Gear (see Day 14 in Community Deals)
Chivalry Chest (see Day 15 in Community Deals)
Run, Jump, and Fighr (see Day 16 in Community Deals)
Complete Tex Murphy Files 75% off save 75% when purchasing all games at once $35.96 -> $8.96 otherwise 50% off
Tex Murphy 1+2 $1.49 ($2.99)
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon $2.49 ($4.99)
Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive $2.49 ($4.99)
Tex Murphy: Overseer $2.49 ($4.99)
Free Games:
Day 1 and 2
Fallout 2
Fallout Tactics
Community Deal
Day 1
The BIG Ones 2013 up to 80% off from $6.66
Divinity: Dragon Commander Imperial Edition $22.49
Shadow Warrior (2013) $9.99
Omerta: City of Gangsters (4 DLCs included) $7.99
Magrunner: Dark Pulse $7.99
Outlast $6.66
Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs *
Aarklash: Legacy *
Rise of the Triad (2013) *
Day 2
Collected Bullfrog Classics save 75% when purchasing all games at once $59.90 -> $14.90 otherwise 50% off
Theme Hospital $1.49 ($1.99)
Dungeon Keeper Gold™ $1.49 ($1.99)
Dungeon Keeper™ 2 $1.49 ($1.99)
Syndicate Plus™ $1.49 ($1.99)
Syndicate Wars™ $1.49 ($1.99)
Magic Carpet Plus™ $1.49 ($1.99)
Magic Carpet™ 2: The Netherworlds $1.49 ($1.99)
Populous™ $1.49 ($1.99)
Populous™ 2: Trials of the Olympian Gods $1.49 ($1.99)
Populous™: The Beginning $1.49 ($1.99)
Day 3
Ultraviolence Uberpack 75% off save 75% when purchasing all games at once $57.93 -> $14.43 otherwise 50% off
Carmageddon Max Pack $2.49 ($3.33)
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now $2.49 ($3.33)
Hotline Miami $2.49 ($2.49)
Blood (One Unit Whole Blood) $1.49 ($2.99)
Blood 2: The Chosen + Expansion $1.49 ($2.99)
POSTAL: Classic and Uncut $1.49 ($2.99)
POSTAL 2 Complete $2.49 ($4.99)
Day 4
Dungeons and Dragons Desire 80% off $105.90 -> $21.10
Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga $1.99
Baldur's Gate 2 Complete $1.99
Icewind Dale Complete $1.99
Icewind Dale 2 Complete $1.99
Planescape: Torment $1.99
Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition $1.99
Neverwinter Nights 2: Complete $3.99
Temple of Elemental Evil, The $1.19
Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard $1.99
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone $1.99
Day 5
Roguelikelike Bundlelike 70% off save 70% when purchasing all games at once $54,94 -> $16.44 otherwise 50% off
Spelunky $4.49 ($7.49)
FTL: Faster Than Light $2.99 ($4.99)
Rogue Legacy $4.49 ($7.49)
Sword of the Stars: The Pit $2.09 ($3.49)
DLC: MindGames $1.49 ($2.49)
DLC: Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition Upgrade $0.89 ($1.49)
Day 6
Tales of Might and Magic 75% off save 70% when purchasing all games at once $27.96 -> $6.96 otherwise 50% off
Might and Magic® 6-pack: Limited Edition $2.49 ($4.99)
Might and Magic® 7: For Blood and Honor™ $1.49 ($2.99)
Might and Magic® 8: Day of the Destroyer™ $1.49 ($2.99)
Might and Magic® 9 $1.49 ($2.99)
The BIG Ones 2013 (see above, games marked with * not offered that day)
Collected Bullfrog Classics
Ultraviolence Uberpack
Dungeons and Dragons Desire
Roguelikelike Bundlelike
Tales of Might and Magic
Turn-based 4X Classics 75% off save 70% when purchasing all games at once $43.96 -> $10.99 otherwise 50%
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri™ $1.49 ($2.99)
Master of Orion 1+2 $1.49 ($2.99)
Colonization, Sid Meier\'s $1.49 ($2.99)
Fragile Allegiance $1.49 ($2.99)
Galactic Civilizations I: Ultimate Edition $2.49 ($4.99)
Space Empires IV: Deluxe $2.49 ($4.99)
Day 8
Turn-based 4X Classics (See Day 7)
Day 9
Sci-Fi Combat Sims 75% off $43.94 -> $10.94
Descent + Descent 2 $2.49 ($3.99)
Descent 3 + Expansion $2.49 ($3.99)
Terminal Velocity $1.49 ($2.99)
Shattered Steel $1.49 ($2.39)
AquaNox $1.49 ($2.99)
AquaNox 2: Revelation $1.49 ($2.99)
Day 10
Fantasy Through History 80% off save 80% when purchasing all games at once $56.95 -> $11.35 otherwise 50% off
King of Dragon Pass $1.19 ($2.99)
Driftmoon $2.99 ($7.49)
Lords of Midnight, The $1.19 ($2.99)
Inquisitor $2.99 ($7.49)
Torchlight $2.99 $7.49)
Day 11
Sail, Trade and Plunder 75% off save 75% when purchasing all games at once $29.95 -> $7.45 otherwise 50% off
Corsairs Gold $1.49 ($2.99)
Patrician 1+2 $1.49 ($2.99)
Port Royale $1.49 ($2.99)
Port Royale 2 $1.49 ($2.99)
Pirates! Gold Plus $1.49 ($2.99)
Day 12
Complete Wing Commander 75% off save 75% when purchasing all games at once $47.92 -> $11.92 otherwise 50% off
Wing Commander™ 1+2 $1.49 ($2.99)
Wing Commander™ 3 Heart of the Tiger™ $1.49 ($2.99)
Wing Commander™ 4: The Price of Freedom $1.49 ($2.99)
Wing Commander 5: Prophecy Gold Edition $1.49 ($2.99)
Wing Commander ®: Privateer ™ $1.49 ($2.99)
Privateer 2: The Darkening $1.49 ($2.99)
Wing Commander: Academy $1.49 ($2.99)
Wing Commander: Armada $1.49 ($2.99)
Day 13 (Dec 24, 2013)
Rule by Magic 75% off save 75% when purchasing all games at once $41.95 -> $10.45 otherwise 50% off
King's Bounty: The Legend $2.49 ($4.99)
Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic $2.49 ($4.99)
Master of Magic $1.49 ($2.99)
Lords of Magic: Special Edition $1.49 ($2.99)
Fantasy Wars $2.49 ($4.99)
Day 14
Globtrotter's Gear 80% off save 80% when purchasing all games at once $45.95 -> $9.15 otherwise 50% off
Syberia $1.99 ($4.99)
Syberia 2 $1.99 ($4.99)
Myst: Masterpiece Edition $1.19 ($2.99)
Journey to the Center of the Earth $1.99 ($4.99)
Amerzone - The Explorer\'s Legacy $1.99 ($4.99)
Day 15
Chivalry Chest 75% off save 75% when purchasing all games at once $39.94 -> $9.94 otherwise 50% off
Stronghold HD $1.49 ($2.99)
Stronghold Crusader HD $2.49 ($4.99)
Lords of the Realm: Royal Edition $1.49 ($2.99)
Lords of the Realm 3 $1.49 ($2.99)
Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion $1.49 ($2.99)
Castles + Castles 2 $1.49 ($2.39)
Day 16
Run, Jump, and Fighr 66% off save 66% when purchasing all games at once $54.95 -> $18.29 otherwise 50% off
Dust: An Elysian Tail $4.99 ($7.49)
Guacamelee! Gold Edition $4.99 ($7.49)
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack $2.66 ($3.99)
Volgarr the Viking $3.99 ($5.99)
VVVVVV $1.66 ($2.49)
Recommended Deal
Day 1
Deep in the Dungeons: $20.98 -> $6.48
Ultima Underworld 1+2 66% off $1.99
Legend of Grimrock 70% off $4.49
Day 2
Mistique and Mysterious $35.98 -> $11.48
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 75% off $1.49
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller 66% off $9.99
Day 3
The Joy of Platforming 66% off $20.98 -> $6.98
Pandemonium $1.99
Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams $4.99
Day 4
Charge-up and Go $15.98 -> $4.48
Re-Volt 66% off, $1.99
Race the Sun 75% off, $2.49
Day 5
Space Sim Succession 66% off, $35.96 -> $11.97
Wing Commander 5: Prophecy Gold Edition $1.99
Strike Suit Zero $6.66
DLC: Heroes of the Fleet $2.33
DLC: Raptor $0.99
Day 6
To Infinity and Beyond $40.97 -> $16.47
Icewind Dale Complete $2.99
Icewind Dale 2 Complete $2.99
Aarklash: Legacy $10.49
Deep in the Dungeons (See Above)
Mistique and Mysterious
The Joy of Platforming
Charge-up and Go
Space Sim Succession
To Infinity and Beyond
Santa got Scared $29.98 -> $11.98
System Shock 2 80% off $1.99
Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs 50% off $9.99
Scrub in $15.98 -> $4.48
Theme Hospital 66% off $1.99
Surgeon Simulator 2013 75% off $2.49
Full of Stars $15.98 -> $4.98
Startopia 66% off $1.99
Space Colony HD 70% off $2.99
A Study in Red $29.97 -> $9.15
Carmageddon Max Pack 66% off $3.33
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now 66% off $3.33
Hotline Miami 75% off $2.49
Twise Risen Twice Fallen $20.98 -> $6.98
Rise of the Triad: Dark War 66% off $1.99
Rise of the Triad (2013) 66% off $4.99
Adventures in Little Worlds $25.98 -> $7.48
Gobliiins pack 75% off $1.49
The Night of the Rabbit 70% off $5.99
Bullet Heaven $15.98 -> $3.98
Raptor: Call of the Shadows 2010 Edition 75% off $1.49
Humans Must Answer 75% off $2.49
Jump and Slash $17.98 -> $6.78
Realms of Chaos 66% off $1.99
Volgarr the Viking 60% off $4.79
Against All Odds $20.98 -> $5.23
Robinson's Requiem Collection 75% off $1.49
Miasmata 75% off $3.74
Day 8
Scrub in (see Day 7)
Day 9
Full of Stars (see Day 7)
Day 10
Twise Risen Twice Fallen (see Day 7)
Day 11
Santa got Scared (see Day 7)
Day 12
Jump and Slash (see Day 7)
Day 13
Adventures in Little Worlds (see Day 7)
Day 14
A Study in Red (see Day 7)
Day 15
Against All Odds (see Day 7)
Day 16
Bullet Heaven (see Day 7)
DAILY SURPRISE (Timeless Classics, Brave New Worlds, Random Magic):
DAY 1-5 Random for every user See this post and the whole thread
Starting from Day 7 these deals are randomly generated every time you clear the cookies
Day 17=2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale Wrap Up
All deals called "Recommended Deals"
Sci-Fi Combat Sims (see Day 9 in Community Deals)
Fantasy Through History (see Day 10 in Community Deals)
Sail, Trade and Plunder (see Day 11 in Community Deals)
Complete Wing Commander (see Day 12 in Community Deals)
Rule by Magic (see Day 13 in Community Deals)
Globtrotter's Gear (see Day 14 in Community Deals)
Chivalry Chest (see Day 15 in Community Deals)
Run, Jump, and Fighr (see Day 16 in Community Deals)
Complete Tex Murphy Files 75% off save 75% when purchasing all games at once $35.96 -> $8.96 otherwise 50% off
Tex Murphy 1+2 $1.49 ($2.99)
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon $2.49 ($4.99)
Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive $2.49 ($4.99)
Tex Murphy: Overseer $2.49 ($4.99)
Post edited January 03, 2014 by DrakoPensulo