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600+ games discounted by at least 50%, bundle deals up to 80% off, daily personal deals!

It is here: 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale on! The biggest, the loudest, the most varied, and the most exciting sale we've ever done begins now. How big is it? There are way over 600 games from our catalog steadily discounted by at least 50%. How loud is it? Let's just mention the fact, that we're opening with a triple nuclear blast, giving away Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics for FREE the next 48 hours. How varied is it? On top of regular discounts you'll have daily deals including games presented by YouTube personalities, hot thematic bundles chosen each day by our dear users, offered with up to 80% discounts, and--finally--daily personal deals where you pick one of the special offers available to you, and you only. How exciting is it? Well, you probably get the idea by now. So, there you have it: time to save BIG on the best games in history, available DRM-free for Windows and Mac.

This holiday season, your Winter Sale experience include the company of Jesse Cox, Force Strategy Gaming, Dodger from Press Heart to Continue, and the YogsCast team. Each day we mash-up a classic game (or games) with it's modern successors and offer them with high discounts, while our tube-casting friends explain why they consider such a blend interesting and worth playing.

2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale Video Recommendations playlist

Section updated: Don't forget about your gamer friends that may not know yet! Sadly, for the sake of unburdening what servers we have, we had to turn off the option for gifting free games. But you can always just let them know they can sign up with and claim a free gift of Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics. On top of that, when they register to our service, they'll receive all the 12 free games we add to all the newly-created accounts. That way your friends will start their adventure with with a collection of 15 great games total already on their virtual shelves! Be kind, share the good news! :-)

We'd also like to remind you, that all purchases on are now covered with our new 30-day Worldwide Money Back Guarantee, so your holiday gaming shopping spree is safer than it ever was before.

Worldwide Money Back Guarantee announcement video

Our 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale will last until Sunday, December 29, at 1:59PM GMT. Happy holidays from team, everyone! And again, sorry for the server issues in the initial hours of our sale.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by G-Doc
gibbeynator: So, when does the sale end?
December 29
This word right here, is gorgeous...
Post edited December 15, 2013 by Tarhiel
Hmmmm.... If I own Sword of the Stars: the Pit and bought all the DLC seperately does that count as owning SotS: The Pit Gold Edition in the upcoming bundle or would I have to buy the game again to achieve the discount?
f_alcon: It's annoying when I click on one of the mystery "presents"/offers, and wonder what else I missed out on (because I can't go back to click the other 2 if I do not want what I initially picked).
Buenro-games: The presents are not fixed. Picking another box would result in another random old/new/all game. It's like asking for three chances instead of one. I see it now as a Scratch Card GOG is giving out, which should be seen as something fun and not something that generates negativity like "losing sales for GOG".
That's just the way I see it.
Fair point. From my POV, if the random mystery does not generate sales, then how is that beneficial for GOG? As I wrote, it's annoying more than negative, mostly because I do not know what else I could have chosen instead, and could have bought (meaning, have not bought any of the mystery gifts yet). Oh well.
CarrionCrow: From what I've seen, it's the gaming equivalent of a gag gift. You're supposed to perform surgery, but the controls are so intentionally hard to use that it turns into a cluster**** real quick. So it ends up being you wrestling the controls, making mincemeat out of your patient, but trying to somehow keep them alive long enough to finish the procedure.
jackster79: That is also what I gathered from the reviews posted on the game card. I was hoping someone here that has played it could convince me that it is a good one to play in a party-type of way with folks around taking turns trying it to see if they can do better than the last. But if the controls cross over into frustration territory, I am going to pass.

Of course, this is all a matter of personal taste and everyone's mileage will vary but I figured I could not hurt to solicit input.

Buenro-games: Looking at the video preview and images of this game, it looks like it was slapped together during a drunken lunch break.
jackster79: Thanks to you both for your input. :-)
I have SS 2013 (yeah, I actually bought it close to release). Honestly, if the controls were good, you would have no fun with the game. You're playing as a drug-addled surgeon, so the sloppy controls kinda fit and you feel good when you actually accomplish something. It's fun to get a few friends together and laugh at it, but don't regard it as something serious.
Voted for the Roguelikelike bundle. I have FTL and Rogue Legacy. Spelunky is one of the games I wanted to get during this sale and I don't have the gold edition of the Pit. So if it wins, that plus my daily surprise (Deadly Premonition) will get my shopping list done early for me this year.

Though I'm sure I'll end up getting a couple other things before the end as I always do.
Interesting. If you zoom the page text (eg select a smaller text font in your browser with the "CTRL+ -", or via the browser's ZOOM/VIEW menus), the 2nd_game in the COMMUNITY DEAL voting page does not appear (it's just blank: Pack1 VS "blank").

Anyone else notice this?
I honestly have no problem with the daily surprise. But, so far, the only offers I've gotten are games I already own. *shrug* Perhaps my luck will turn around before the 29th :P
f_alcon: Anyone else notice this?
The problem was reported here a few days ago, though the cause wasn't identified. Thank you for giving an explanation.
Went ahead and picked up that D&D bundle.
Almost grabbed Race the Sun too, but I passed. It looks like something I'd play for an hour or too, more or less enjoy it, and never touch it again.
Ophelium: I honestly have no problem with the daily surprise. But, so far, the only offers I've gotten are games I already own. *shrug* Perhaps my luck will turn around before the 29th :P
I'm 50/50 so far and I was not interested in the game I did not own but that's ok. I did not spent a cent the first two day and spent about $15 the last two to complete packages I owned parts of.
Ophelium: I honestly have no problem with the daily surprise. But, so far, the only offers I've gotten are games I already own. *shrug* Perhaps my luck will turn around before the 29th :P
I'm just getting stuff I wouldn't be interested in in a million years. Then again, if it doesn't include anything on your wish list I'm not ever likely to buy anything from the Mystery Surprise as I have everything I want on GOG already on my Wish List. If it's not on there, I don't want it, and I'd guess most other people are the same?
I don't want to be an ass really, but this is a fucking bullshit that since the beggining every offer I got on the 3 choice sale is a game I own. This is a joke...
Yay more coal. Once again I already have the gift choice. If you can't make it so only games that aren't owned show up, it would be nice if you could pick one of the other gifts if you own the game. GoG is only losing sales by not allowing that.
BTW. I do think it's a nice touch that GOG has asked YouTubers to make videos about sale games. Even if I'm not interested in the games, I'm still watching the videos as it's interesting to see what they have to say.

Plus, it helps GOG get out to an even wider audience. Good job, GOG :)