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600+ games discounted by at least 50%, bundle deals up to 80% off, daily personal deals!

It is here: 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale on! The biggest, the loudest, the most varied, and the most exciting sale we've ever done begins now. How big is it? There are way over 600 games from our catalog steadily discounted by at least 50%. How loud is it? Let's just mention the fact, that we're opening with a triple nuclear blast, giving away Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics for FREE the next 48 hours. How varied is it? On top of regular discounts you'll have daily deals including games presented by YouTube personalities, hot thematic bundles chosen each day by our dear users, offered with up to 80% discounts, and--finally--daily personal deals where you pick one of the special offers available to you, and you only. How exciting is it? Well, you probably get the idea by now. So, there you have it: time to save BIG on the best games in history, available DRM-free for Windows and Mac.

This holiday season, your Winter Sale experience include the company of Jesse Cox, Force Strategy Gaming, Dodger from Press Heart to Continue, and the YogsCast team. Each day we mash-up a classic game (or games) with it's modern successors and offer them with high discounts, while our tube-casting friends explain why they consider such a blend interesting and worth playing.

2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale Video Recommendations playlist

Section updated: Don't forget about your gamer friends that may not know yet! Sadly, for the sake of unburdening what servers we have, we had to turn off the option for gifting free games. But you can always just let them know they can sign up with and claim a free gift of Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics. On top of that, when they register to our service, they'll receive all the 12 free games we add to all the newly-created accounts. That way your friends will start their adventure with with a collection of 15 great games total already on their virtual shelves! Be kind, share the good news! :-)

We'd also like to remind you, that all purchases on are now covered with our new 30-day Worldwide Money Back Guarantee, so your holiday gaming shopping spree is safer than it ever was before.

Worldwide Money Back Guarantee announcement video

Our 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale will last until Sunday, December 29, at 1:59PM GMT. Happy holidays from team, everyone! And again, sorry for the server issues in the initial hours of our sale.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by G-Doc
BillyMaysFan59: The problem over here is, we have a DSL connection, so it isn't really that fast. I suppose I could let it download overnight, or if I happen to be at the library with my laptop some day.....
I've got a buddy who lives about 250 metres outside city limits just beyond the range of cable modem service who has been forever stuck on DSL 6Mbps service with no better alternatives, and it flakes out and only gives him 3-4Mbps so I've seen the pain second hand at least. What's funny about it is that about 12 years ago when he first got the service by stroke of luck, where I lived at the time in-town was stuck on dialup for a good year or two before we got broadband availability to my neighbourhood in the form of cable. My cable at the time was a cheaper price but slightly slower service than his and it remained that way for about 5 years with both of us getting small free upgrades from our ISPs but the DSL service giving a slightly higher max rate. Problem for him is that he lives in a rural area and is lucky to even have the service as he's close to an industrial park that is serviced and the service has sat stagnant for over 10 years without evolving at all in performance or reliability, however during the same timeframe our cablemodem service went 3Mbps -> 5Mbps -> 7.5Mbps -> 10Mbps for the basic tier, and they started offering higher end tiers for very small additional prices going to 25Mbps, 50Mbps, 100Mbps now also. I'm on 25Mbps and actually get 30Mbps out of it and find it works very well but man.... being stuck on 6Mbps in today's day and age would be rather painful! You develop certain habits when you have bandwidth available and your expectations evolve over time. Nowadays if I were to be moving somewhere one of the first things on my list would be finding out what the broadband availability was like and anything that wasn't serviced at a rate of what I'm used to or better would be stroked off the list fast. :)

What's sad is that North American broadband is fairly slow in price:speed compared to a lot of other places in the world such as the UK, and many areas either have no broadband or terrible broadband. Hopefully our governments will do something about that in the next few years! :)

Ghorpm: I think you've slightly missed my point. I was talking about going back to a checkpoint after dying in a platformer game (rather than starting at the very beginning of the level/game), not about checkpoint based save system ;) Those are two different stories, they just happen to share a word "checkpoint" :) I may even add that I like a lot the former and loathe the latter.

As for emulators - I don't use them. When I feel like playing a C64 game I play it on my C64. Full stop ;)
I understood your point, but it extends beyond platformers to any games that use checkpointing IMHO. I have 4 working C64s here that get dragged out of the basement every few years for some nostalgic fun, but I do like emulators as an easy way to experience nostalgia as well, and some of the good ones can give a simulated feel of the old CRT displays also with analog filtering simulation, scan line simulation, and other effects that look pretty convincing. Both have their merits. :)
Post edited December 23, 2013 by skeletonbow
BillyMaysFan59: I guess I could pick up this Wing Commander bundle since it's so cheap, but man! Some of those games are real big downloads, like 3GB or 6GB or something. I guess not ALL of them are like that. And it's a good deal anyway.
skeletonbow: 3-6GB is a big download? LOL Maybe if one lives in Inuvik or Vanuatu I suppose. LOL That's only a 10-30m download on any kind of sane Internet connection. The Witcher 2 is 25GB, Mafia II is 30GB. Time to buy an ethernet card and throw away the 14.4kB modem! LOL
I'll never understand people who like to put down others who might not be so fortunate instead of simply being content with what they have. I have no problems with my internet download speeds but I sure don't go around laughing at others who might have issues with it.

And no, one does not have to live in a small island to have low download speeds, mostly it's a question of economics. In many countries around the world, especially developing countries, the cost of high internet speed is prohibitive in comparison to the purchasing power of most people. Why make fun of them? Because they are poorer than you? Because they live in worse of situations than you?

I still don't understand . All deals are revealed ?
Buenro-games: I'll never understand people who like to put down others who might not be so fortunate instead of simply being content with what they have. I have no problems with my internet download speeds but I sure don't go around laughing at others who might have issues with it.

And no, one does not have to live in a small island to have low download speeds, mostly it's a question of economics. In many countries around the world, especially developing countries, the cost of high internet speed is prohibitive in comparison to the purchasing power of most people. Why make fun of them? Because they are poorer than you? Because they live in worse of situations than you?

It's just some good natured humour about it, you're taking it too seriously, lighten up a bit. :) Up until this past February I ran a 2.8GHz P4 Northwood with 1GB of RAM, a Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB on a 20GB hard disk (my last working spare after several larger drives died over time). I got no end of jokes and razzing from friends, acquaintences and even total strangers online when talking about it. It was all in good nature as well of course, and we had some good laughs about it over time. Sadly I corrected that problem in February so I don't get it all the time anymore, but the camaraderie is all good both coming and going. Sense of humour is what makes us human. ;oP

Heck, I used 10base2 up until about 4 years ago and never heard the end of that either... I'd have friends giving me coaxial terminators they found in the basement etc. for my birthday, or old ISA sound cards and whatnot. A friend of mine even made a Christmas wreath out of old motherboards, RAM, sound card and CDs hanging off it for a good laugh as an "upgrade" to my computer for me.

Seriously, lighten up. :)
Skysect: I still don't understand . All deals are revealed ?
We've seen all the Recommended deals, yes. They were all unveiled on the Solstice sale, so we're not expecting anything new on that front. The Community deals are new, though.
If you mean the personal daily deals, then the system is still random (and you can actually reroll indefinitely until you get what you want, though it's a bit of an exploit and we're not actually supposed to do that, I believe). Instead of choosing blindly among three possible pools, you see which games you can get.
I'm expecting for the deals I want to show up on the days I'm busiest this week.
Pica-Ludica: Join the club, we've got T-shirts- oh. Right. No, we don't. We need T-shirts! Or rather, *I* need a T-shirt, that would say "GOG Anonymous" on it, and I would wear it during sales to resist my magpie instincts ("I don't have the time to play these games right now, I should save my money... but that discount is so SHINY!").

Awwww :( I'd love some GOG swag. I love mugs, a GOG mug would be great (to use during the next Insomnia sale - if there's ever another one). Or a little GOG box or shelf to store our physical backups for our GOG collection? Or a GOG bear plushie, in various sizes? (Or, indeed, a "GOG Anonymous" T-shirt :D)
skeletonbow: The back of the shirt could have the 12 steps to recovery...

1) The first step is admitting that you have a goglem. ;)
It's probably a little bit telling that I just thought of steps 1-11 being "buy more games".
Skysect: I still don't understand . All deals are revealed ?
Let's see if we can make it a bit clearer for you :-)

The sale consists of three types of deals:

1. The daily Recommended Deal - that's the upper left box on GOG's home page. All the Recommended Deals that are part of this year's Winter Sale were revealed on 2013 Solstice Festivmas! day. A number of them had run the previous days (and are not going to be repeated, as per the 2013 Solstice Festivmas! thread), while the rest are running one each day till we reach the end of the Sale. Basically, though we've seen all of the Recommended Deals, we don't know the order they appear each day.

2. The daily Community Deals - that's the upper right box on GOG's home page. Not counting tomorrow (as we know which one it'll be based on the on-going voting), there are still three more, yet unknown, deals to come (Wednesday through Friday, as we suspect an encore on the last day of the Sale). You can check which ones have passed in this thread here.

3. The Daily Surprise Deals - that's the three "personalised" boxes right under the Recommended & Community Deals. These ones are supposed to be a different surprise choice each day, but there's a finite pool of games in each category (Timeless Classics, Brave New Worlds and Random Magic), which causes a lot of the repetition. I'm pretty confident that the Daily Personal Deals tracker lists all the games that could come up.

To sum it up - the only truly unknown deals still to come are the three Community Bundles.
Skysect: I still don't understand . All deals are revealed ?
HypersomniacLive: Let's see if we can make it a bit clearer for you :-)

The sale consists of three types of deals:

1. The daily Recommended Deal - that's the upper left box on GOG's home page. All the Recommended Deals that are part of this year's Winter Sale were revealed on 2013 Solstice Festivmas! day. A number of them had run the previous days (and are not going to be repeated, as per the 2013 Solstice Festivmas! thread), while the rest are running one each day till we reach the end of the Sale. Basically, though we've seen all of the Recommended Deals, we don't know the order they appear each day.

2. The daily Community Deals - that's the upper right box on GOG's home page. Not counting tomorrow (as we know which one it'll be based on the on-going voting), there are still three more, yet unknown, deals to come (Wednesday through Friday, as we suspect an encore on the last day of the Sale). You can check which ones have passed in this thread here.

3. The Daily Surprise Deals - that's the three "personalised" boxes right under the Recommended & Community Deals. These ones are supposed to be a different surprise choice each day, but there's a finite pool of games in each category (Timeless Classics, Brave New Worlds and Random Magic), which causes a lot of the repetition. I'm pretty confident that the Daily Personal Deals tracker lists all the games that could come up.

To sum it up - the only truly unknown deals still to come are the three Community Bundles.
Thanks , I completely understand now :D Maybe I see some different community deals , because I already have many of them or many of them , out of my interests :)
VultureDude: anyone know if 'Stacking' has showed up as one of the three gift boxes for anyone? I was able to get Costume Quest for 2.99, so I was curious about the other Double Fine games...
FoxySage: I got it one or two times today while i was cycling through to try get Bloodrayne, which i had no luck in getting.
Only once for me, late last week or over the weekend (cannot remember)...
nijuu: So what other games are people hope to come on recommended and community deals?. Yeah MOH would be great, Splinter Cell (i forgot that game is on GOG), Gangland.....
The one that got away in the Insomnia Sale: La Mulana....
skeletonbow: Ok, so against my better judgment... I bought Port Royale 1+2, Patrician 1+2, Corsairs Gold. A couple of them were on my wishlist but were not high priority items by any means, however... $1.49? Geeze GOG, you really know how to trigger spontaneous whimsical purchase receptors in the human brain sometimes. :oP Still get a failing grade on the mystery gifts though, LOL

I'm not even going to bother closing my wallet, I'm just leaving it propped open staring at me for the Wing Commander promo in an hour. You guys should consider adding a swag store to the website and selling things like a 200g logo paperweight slash pending purchase credit card holder thingie, maybe with blinking lights on it or something, and a button that when pressed a voice yells out like a war torn battle cry into the room "GOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Just an idea! :)

Oh, and I totally want a T-shirt too! Put things ilke that in the swag store too, need to spread the word!
I would take the Atlas Bear.... something just so endearing every time I see him... :-)
Post edited December 23, 2013 by jackster79
Pica-Ludica: Join the club, we've got T-shirts- oh. Right. No, we don't. We need T-shirts! Or rather, *I* need a T-shirt, that would say "GOG Anonymous" on it, and I would wear it during sales to resist my magpie instincts ("I don't have the time to play these games right now, I should save my money... but that discount is so SHINY!").

Awwww :( I'd love some GOG swag. I love mugs, a GOG mug would be great (to use during the next Insomnia sale - if there's ever another one). Or a little GOG box or shelf to store our physical backups for our GOG collection? Or a GOG bear plushie, in various sizes? (Or, indeed, a "GOG Anonymous" T-shirt :D)
CarrionCrow: If the next Insomnia sale runs as long as the last, we'll need 5 gallon GOG coffee drums rather than mugs. Or GOG-logo bags of liquid caffeine IV's. Would definitely go for the t-shirt, especially if they would put the number of items a person has on it somewhere.
They should also have pins that we can get and put on ourselves that say: "I survived Jack Keane" :-) I know that if I were to wear one and someone who knows nothing read it aloud, the looks I would get would be priceless....
jackster79: I would take the Atlas Bear.... something just so endearing every time I see him... :-)
I think what I would want most is an Atlas bear t-shirt. It's cute enough that it could function just fine as a regular shirt, and then if I ever met somebody who recognized it, we would connect instantly. I could ferret out the unknown GOGites in my midst, without weirding out everybody else.
jackster79: I would take the Atlas Bear.... something just so endearing every time I see him... :-)
Elinnea: I think what I would want most is an Atlas bear t-shirt. It's cute enough that it could function just fine as a regular shirt, and then if I ever met somebody who recognized it, we would connect instantly. I could ferret out the unknown GOGites in my midst, without weirding out everybody else.
Ya know....even as diametrically opposed to the idea of anything cute and/or cuddly as I am, I would totally buy one of those. While some might wonder why the weird-looking guy was wearing a cartoon bear shirt, I would know the truth - that the Atlas bear is an avatar of anxiety, frustration and denied desire. Think about it - if you sat through the Insomnia Sale and you tried to get ahold of something popular, you cursed that bear by the fifth time in a row you saw them.
Post edited December 23, 2013 by CarrionCrow
Elinnea: I think what I would want most is an Atlas bear t-shirt. It's cute enough that it could function just fine as a regular shirt, and then if I ever met somebody who recognized it, we would connect instantly. I could ferret out the unknown GOGites in my midst, without weirding out everybody else.
CarrionCrow: Ya know....even as diametrically opposed to the idea of anything cute and/or cuddly as I am, I would totally buy one of those. While some might wonder why the weird-looking guy was wearing a cartoon bear shirt, I would know the truth - that the Atlas bear is an avatar of anxiety, frustration and denied desire. Think about it - if you sat through the Insomnia Sale and you tried to get ahold of something popular, you cursed that bear by the fifth time in a row you saw them.
I like your idea even better Elinnea, for the reason you listed.

Yeah CarrionCrow, I am like you in that regard - you would not catch me dead with anything cute and cuddly on my person, but I think I could make an exception for Mr. Atlas, given his special significance (for me it was denial of viewing / refreshing the sale thread more than anything, which was at least as good as the sale itself; this tended to happen when someone would summon THE LIST).
Post edited December 23, 2013 by jackster79
Elinnea: I think what I would want most is an Atlas bear t-shirt. It's cute enough that it could function just fine as a regular shirt, and then if I ever met somebody who recognized it, we would connect instantly. I could ferret out the unknown GOGites in my midst, without weirding out everybody else.
CarrionCrow: Ya know....even as diametrically opposed to the idea of anything cute and/or cuddly as I am, I would totally buy one of those. While some might wonder why the weird-looking guy was wearing a cartoon bear shirt, I would know the truth - that the Atlas bear is an avatar of anxiety, frustration and denied desire. Think about it - if you sat through the Insomnia Sale and you tried to get ahold of something popular, you cursed that bear by the fifth time in a row you saw them.
My thoughts exactly. I joined relatively recently, so I never actually knew what anybody was talking about with this bear until the infamous Insomnia sale. Now they will be forever linked in my mind. ;)