Chimerical: okay, so I'm thinking that we should be coming up on the end of this thing pretty soon. Some would say it should be over already probably. If you guys want to let me know if you want it to keep going or end just post your opinion how long it should keep going. Answers of -7 to +7 days are what I expect. If I don't get a sense that you as a group want to keep it going then I'll call it Monday or Tuesday. Hope you've had fun so far. :)
Crappynuker1: I hope you feel better already.
Maybe some gave up, and/or are waiting for hints for the top on the list, I can't tell.
If you end it now I prefer a special countdown with the community, maybe not in "prize"competition(or split prizes) but more for the sake of "the list" and especially to give more attention/appreciation to your fantastic work, together with those providing help collecting all answers too. So far it has been fun.
Personally, I wish I had more guesses left, but that's part of the game. But more importantly, I would actually like to have my internet back at home....
Because I lost it all; internet, phone and tv for 12 days now. As my isp terminated my contract without notice, saying afterwards I asked to cancel it. (via another provider or some other excuse). Fact is the isp unrightfully ended my contract and I have to deal with this and fight them about my rights.
I was hoping to do my best with my last available guesses, while getting out of the rabbit hole ;)
sorry to hear about your telecom troubles.