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I'd say its looking pretty BEEEEEP good.
Never ceases to amaze me, the video is age-gated (for all the use that is), it shows rather graphic closeups of a guy being shot to shit (sorry, shot to BEEEEP) and yet swearing is beeped out...
Stupidity aside, looks like the game will be another winner. The only real concern I have is the way the driving was in the early part, didn't seem to attract any police attention even thought he was going pretty quick but then there are missions in M1 where you didn't get any heat and it might also just be lucky that he didn't get spotted
Post edited July 18, 2009 by Aliasalpha

>age gate
>30 second ad
>slow loading

I'm still grinding my teeth in fury.
oh yes, I forgot the ad & didn't mention the slow loading, it IS after all
Full HD 750MB version.
Mafia 2 will be the best game of 2010, just like Mafia 1 was the GOTY of 2002.
Looks fun. Mafia was a decent game, and it was nice to see how they decided to use the sandbox elements by giving them some direction and consequences., even if they went a bit overboard with the amount of driving. And I did regret so much that for a game focusing on a story, said story was shallow and lacking good characters. I hope the sequel will expand upon what made the first game good and avoid what dragged it down.
But knowing that as soon as I start to hope for a game, it turns out bad, maybe I should just stop caring.
Paul_cz: Mafia 2 will be the best game of 2010, just like Mafia 1 was the GOTY of 2002.

Until it has been butchered by invasive DRM. Needless to say I have lost all faith on any new game and all new releases are on boycott list until proven otherwise. Small wait is small prise to pay for letting crappy games and DRM fallout to pass.
Gragt: Looks fun. Mafia was a decent game, and it was nice to see how they decided to use the sandbox elements by giving them some direction and consequences., even if they went a bit overboard with the amount of driving. And I did regret so much that for a game focusing on a story, said story was shallow and lacking good characters. I hope the sequel will expand upon what made the first game good and avoid what dragged it down.
But knowing that as soon as I start to hope for a game, it turns out bad, maybe I should just stop caring.

Maybe you should be less picky ;-)
Personally I thought the story in mafia was great (especially for the time) and the characters were also great. If you didn't like that story i wonder if there are any game stories you could possibly like.
The city they created was awesome and full of character. And i loved the driving... it was kind of the point of the game, wasn't it?
Only problem i had was that my character kept lowering his gun in firefights (which kept getting me killed) and that after you finished the story there wasn't much to do in the world except drive around... the side missions weren't half as fun as those in GTA.
Other than that, it was an awesome game.
I am really affraid of what Mafia II is going to be. I dont want to play another damned Godfather. I want MAFIA.
Beluga: I am really affraid of what Mafia II is going to be. I dont want to play another damned Godfather. I want MAFIA.

Godfather was too easy anyways and the driving parts sucked....Now if I could just play another Scarface: The World is Yours...
A gentleman like me can't afford to be picky, good sir. :monocle:
The story was less than great. It introduced characters but you never got to know them. Tommy got to but we only got an ellipsis. Like we see Tommy court his future wife, take her home, and while they are chatting they get attacked and must defend themselves, which of course strengten their bonds. That's cool, they spend the night together but we then learn that Tommy doesn't want to commit to that kind of relationship and it basically stays there. And later we learn, in a conversation, that he eventually got married with her. That's cool for him but there is no way to learn more about their relationship, see the problems that his line of work would bring to his family life, even though Tommy is the one who brings the subject to the table. You just see his (future) wife appear for a mission, a cutscene, and then she's out of the picture. And the game is full of moments like that, where the character cares for someone or something but we aren't really told why. It's like the ending, when Tommy discovers he has been betrayed by Sam, but Sam is up to this point a very minor character and it's anti-climactic to have him be the last opponent, not including that it is easily predictible because he was introduced from the start but had yet no big role to play. Paulie would have been better at this because he had more screen time, we got to know him a bit better, even though he still wasn't very detailed.
I guess I was expecting too much, especially when they compared the story to a Scorecese movie like Goodfellas.
I liked the driving too but after a while it became a bit too mundane to just drive from point A to point B just to visit or drop someone. It was definitely more interesting when you had to, say, race against the clock while not drawing attention from the cops.
Bah, hopefully the devs learned from their previous work and will apply it to Mafia 2. I hope.
Gragt: A gentleman like me can't afford to be picky, good sir. :monocle:
The story was less than great. It introduced characters but you never got to know them. Tommy got to but we only got an ellipsis. Like we see Tommy court his future wife, take her home, and while they are chatting they get attacked and must defend themselves, which of course strengten their bonds. That's cool, they spend the night together but we then learn that Tommy doesn't want to commit to that kind of relationship and it basically stays there. And later we learn, in a conversation, that he eventually got married with her. That's cool for him but there is no way to learn more about their relationship, see the problems that his line of work would bring to his family life, even though Tommy is the one who brings the subject to the table. You just see his (future) wife appear for a mission, a cutscene, and then she's out of the picture. And the game is full of moments like that, where the character cares for someone or something but we aren't really told why. It's like the ending, when Tommy discovers he has been betrayed by Sam, but Sam is up to this point a very minor character and it's anti-climactic to have him be the last opponent, not including that it is easily predictible because he was introduced from the start but had yet no big role to play. Paulie would have been better at this because he had more screen time, we got to know him a bit better, even though he still wasn't very detailed.
I guess I was expecting too much, especially when they compared the story to a Scorecese movie like Goodfellas.
I liked the driving too but after a while it became a bit too mundane to just drive from point A to point B just to visit or drop someone. It was definitely more interesting when you had to, say, race against the clock while not drawing attention from the cops.
Bah, hopefully the devs learned from their previous work and will apply it to Mafia 2. I hope.

Dan Vavra (lead designer and writer) said many times that story in Mafia 1 kind of sucked and he would do many things differently if he could go back in time and have enough resources to pull it off.
But even with that said, story in Mafia is still much better than 99% other games, and it has the one ending that really made me melancholic..with other games (including gta4, sadly) I just say..."another game finished..".
Enjoyed the trailer.
Shotgun seems awesome!
honestly, nothing in there looks like anything i haven't seen before. it looks more like a really polished take on a familiar concept.
i think this game's quality will hinge on its storytelling.
Post edited July 18, 2009 by captfitz

>age gate
>30 second ad
>slow loading

I'm still grinding my teeth in fury.

If you have a GameTrailers account you can download videos in a variety of formats without having to use the site's player. As for the ad in the player, Adblock Plus says hi.
captfitz: honestly, nothing in there looks like anything i haven't seen before. it looks more like a really polished take on a familiar concept.
i think this game's quality will hinge on its storytelling.

Much like Mafia then. Objectively it did nothing really new but the combination of solid story (I do agree that sam & sarah should have been more involved), good gameplay, a level of realism and general high quality made it more than the sum of its parts