Momo1991: Well with a grand total of 62 entries, who did you think was going to win? ;-p
Srsly, those fifty love songs practically assured
Thespian* the win - so game my system peeps ;-)
~back momentarily with a new offering~
Thank you very much, both of you, Momo and the mysterious donor! :)
Thanks a lot, too, to all the people who entered on my behalf: KainLocke46, DeMignon, lukslo, lugum, triock, Crsldmc, joppo, Spinorial and blotunga! (hope I didn't forget anyone), and for the kind congratulations. :)
It was really heartwarming (and a bit embarrassing :D) to see so many forum members rallying in my support. :)
But, Momo, are you serious about the 62 entries? I thought my post counted as one entry, maybe as two for the list of love songs, but 51? The songs were meant as a gift for you, exactly like the first list I previously posted in the thread, when I saw no many people fulfilled the optional bonus you offered. :(
If I had known, I'd have included only one song in my entry, and posted the other ones once the draw had been decided. My sincere apologies to all the other contestants for HIB 9, I didn't meant to unbalance the odds so much.
BlueKronos: congrats Thespian*!
May the odds ever be in your favor! Hope not, or I'll be lynched by the angry mob in no time. :D