Spinorial: You know,
something tells me that if people posted
WHY they want the bundle, say that there's this great game that they've been
REALLY hyped over and eager to play, they would stand
a much better chance of winning...
Don't phone it in, guys! Just saying...
Thespian*: I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you... :P
Just kidding. :D I love Thief series AND side-scrolling games, so as soon as I learn about Mark of the Ninja I felt in love with it (besides, who knows, maybe playing this game will improve my arthritic ninjitsu in the Ninja thread -hey, dreaming is free!- :D). Trine 2 is the sequel to one of the most gorgeous indie games I ever played, and I'm looking forward to enjoy it. Fez gameplay looks really amazing and innovative and Eets Munchies is so... cute. Aww! ;)
I chose not to enter in another previous GA with HIB 9 as the prize because I already own Brutal Legend (thanks, ISC!) and FTL (thanks, Gazoinks and Starmaker!), but the temptation was too great to let it pass a second time (I'm half-human, after all).:D
Figures. The guy who didn't really need to, put in the most effort. Well, I'm
! And that's partly because the bloody pointy-eared bugger wouldn't take my Steam keys ;)