RedRagan: The battle is not over yet! In for Thief 2!
Note: How about giving away Thief series up to Thief 4? So you can type "THI4F" and see people rage about it.
Th4s4 gam4s were donat4d so it's just 1 and 2 ;-p
Thespian*: Please, count me in for
ggf162 (thank you to the misterious donor). Also, congrats to the winners so far.
And for those of you who enjoy love songs (hi, milady!):
Phil Collins - Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) I'm preparing a second list (
here is the first one) with a fair amount of them. It's a promise...
... or perhaps a threat, depends on whether you like this kind of songs. :p
dr.schliemann: Easier said than done. :-)
Thespian*: Totally agreed. :D
I do adore a promise AND a gets something going that is inexplicably delicious ;-p
Dzsono: I'm in for Thief 2: The Metal Age if I can:
1. Enter even though I won previously. Perhaps I can pledge to give away another of my all-time favourite GOG titles if I win?
2. Get confirmation if this particular Thief 2 is a GOG version.
Thanks Momo and anonymous benefactor!
Steamy version - sorry but beggars can't be choosers and frankly any version of this game is awesome ;-)
Spinorial: The gift of momo keeps on giving :D Congrats, WO! Oh, and thanks, Mr. Anonymous Donor ;)
Luckily, I'm already blessed with the gift of Thief 2, and it's still on top of my GOG shelf! So, I'll add my vote to someone else's aspirations of thievery, just need to figure out who...
Try to convince me!!! Figure it out soon! ;-p This is ostensibly a daily GA with the usual "life gets in the way" provisos....