Momo1991: He's not going to tell us, is he? Gahhhhh!
Sachys: FINE!
We have artic weather on the way soon - regrdless of how fatigued I am through my insomnia, the pain caused by the effect on my arthritis keeps me awake too long and I end up with the sleep equivalent of a polar shift.
In short my body clock reverses at points in winter... In for DeMignon as the person closest to an answer. Meaning they'll now have to do something about it!
.. and I thought you just wanted to out-awake me, as out-staring doesn't work in forums ;-)
Thanks mate, then I'm in for now and maybe I'll change it in favour of someone else later.
EDIT: So it's a chain, cause I'm
in for 51nikopol 51nikopol: Being a point and clicker I am very interested in Resonance.
Thanks again Momo, and all contributors, for this giveaway!