Elmofongo: 1. Elaborate?
2.Yeah.......I forgot about that.
3. What was the lore reason restricting Female Night Elves to become Druids?
4.OK when was that? And I played Warcraft 3 recently and I did not see any indication of Maive being killed. Infact I remember the mission. All we did was free Illidan and that was the last we saw of Maive.
5.Man that has been THE MOST controversial thing. Ruined the athmosphere of the Horde being strong warrior faction.
6. Again when has that been established? The first time we saw Draenei was in Frozen Throne (Excluding Archrimonde and Kil'Jaedan)
7. I never had a problem with the Naaru. At least it still feels supernatural and Fantasy which the midichlorians removed in Star Wars lore.
1) In WC3 Sargeras was once a champion of order, justice and blabla, but eventually was corrupted by the demonic Eredar and Nathrezim. It's all in the
manual. Lame explanation and extremely overused in already (Medivh, the Orcs, etc) but hey, it was just a backstory for a RTS.
TBC got the whole story backwards. It revealed that the Draenei were originally called Eredar and were not demons, but a noble race who lived in peace on their planet until they were corrupted by the evil dark titan Sargeras (sounds familiar?). A handful of them escaped, crashed on the orc homeworld with a spaceship, and called themselves Draenei.
While Sargeras never really appeared in the games, he's basically the reason behind the wars of WC1-3. He is THE supervillain of Warcraft. It was such a big screwup that Metzen himself posted a public
apology. I'm surprised you never heard of that if you're into Warcraft lore.
3) About ten thousand years of traditions, as stated in the WC3 manual. Priesthood was reserved to women and druidism to males. 'Course they had to introduce gender equality the moment they released an MMO.
4) Not in TFT; she was declared dead in the RPG and player guides.
Wowwiki cites 3 different sources. Several years later she showed up in TBC alive and (mostly) well.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/race/draenei 7) Fair enough, to each their own. Not interested in starting an argument about that. :)
Elenarie: 1. The Twisting Nether aided by the Old Gods. Countless titans have been corrupted before, nothing to see here.
You know I wasn't talking about that. :)
Elenarie: 2. Warlocks lore-wise don't deal with fel magic. So there is no reason why they wouldn't be accepted. Only gameplay purposes.
That's a curious statement. What are they then? They aren't elementalists. They don't use divine magic. Tapping into fel magic is what makes them warlocks, it's what sets them apart from the classic arcanists (aka mages). It's stated both in lore and in game. You can even find references in the tooltips:
Patch 4.0.6 (8-Feb-2011): Demon Armor and Fel Armor no longer cost mana and last until canceled.
Fel Armor has been redesigned. It now surrounds the caster with
fel energy, increasing spell power and causing the warlock to be healed for 3% of any single-target spell damage he or she deals.
I'd really like to know where did you get the idea they don't.
Elenarie: 5. The were betrayed by the Alliance in TFT and beaten heavily by the Scourge in WC3 and vanilla. Also, Sylvanas.
Garithos was an asshole, I'll give you that, but siding with the horde makes no sense. Nevermind that the Orcs happily murdered and raped the elven people in the Second War. Nevermind that the bulk of their forces is stationed in a whole another continent anyway. Let's ally ourselves with the very same undead creatures that annihilated our realm in the Third War. They say they have free will now, what could possibly go wrong!
And Sylvanas is just not herself anymore. For that matter, Vereesa (and Alleria, if she still lives) and the high elves are still with the Alliance.