tascodlx: Super cool! My selection will be 'Dragon Lore: The Legend Begins' (yeah, I know, only $6... that's plenty for me :). Thank you, bork22!
Unfortunately, I really want to rate your game, but the itch.io site won't give me the option to rate it even though I'm logged in. If you have any ideas, please let me know. I won't give up, I really do want to rate it.
bork22: Hmmm. . . I'm honestly not sure! Does it have the two star things on the page? (Sent you a message about Dragon Lore)
I think I've figured it out. Quoting
this blog post: "If you've submitted a game to the jam then you're eligible to rate games."
Kinda sucks, I've played quite a few of those games already (some good, some not) and I'd like to rate them, but they're welcome to handle ratings however they want. Still, I'd like to be able to at least give a thumbs up/down without having to leave a comment.
I hope the other entrants will make an effort to rate a lot of them, even though there are 800! So far, it looks like most games weren't rated any more than a few times (if that) and the rating period only lasts until Sunday? Get on that, people! :))
Anyway, here's what I thought of your game:
I really liked how you kept the gameplay challenging without making it brutal. Some of those games are comically impossible, which means I'm fed up with them in less than a minute -- it's a Flappy Bird thing, I know, but I tend to like games where I have a fighting chance to survive for more than 10 seconds. Graphics are simple and straightforward, which is good for a game focused on gameplay. You could have done a little something else to vary the difficulty, but it did keep with the spirit of Flappy Bird, which itself is very simple. Also, I really liked the music. It's great atmosphere and didn't ever get annoying after a long while. 8.5/10