dear murderers,
I'm sorry to say that I kind of overestimated my resources (and underestimated your creativity! :o) and even though I've read some really great methods in here, I'm really not able to gift a game to everyone who posts a good idea... :(((
I will however come back here from time to time and WILL award the best ways to kill me, so hopefully we'll reach the 1000 ways one day...
my apologies again, I hope you'll come back to this thread to satisfy your "needs" and show me that you care... :)
for now I'm going to grant a 5,99 wish to HereForTheBeer, because his "way" of making profit out of my death really touched me ;) I know I said the killing itself wasn't very original, but the surroundings made me laugh... so, PM me, you freaky monster :D
PS: please, no more "locking in a room forcing to listen/watch/play something" ;o)