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In for the $9.99 GOG bonus codes.

4) Classic - Planescape Torment, the reason I joined GOG. I missed owning it back in the day. New release - P:E and T:ToN. Well, not actually released yet. I wasn't excited about FTL at first, but it's sounding more interesting the more I've heard about it. Any number of the classic releases I'm excited about. I need to start buying some time off of GOG.

5) I've heard of it, but haven't really checked it out much. I do hear they like the non-gloss box art. ;)
I'll enter for a GOG code, thanks JMich!

4) One classic and one new release on GOG that really excited you, and why?

There were a number of classics that brought me to GOG - Fallout, Dungeon Keeper, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, and more! I used to play these games back in the day and it was cool to be able to get them all sanitized and offered through a single portal.

A new release that excited me... Legend of Grimrock... my wife and I both loved those old school dungeon hackers but neither of us liked it that much when it finally came out (mostly for the reasons you'll see cited by anyone who didn't like the game).
1. As far as failing bad goes - it's hard to say. I've failed so many times, that it wasn't any suprise to me. I used to play Counter Strike a lot, so I've experienced plenty of both moment. Nothing in a multiplayer FPS game is more rewarding, and gives a greater 'in your face' feeling than the following situation:
All of my team mates are dead - the only one left standing is me. I'm against a few oponents (~ 3-4). I run for the bomb dropped by my fellow terrorists, kill one guy, and then run to the bombsite (it depends where was the bomb dropped, if it already on a bombsite, I plant it, if it wasn't I run to the BS.
After planting, some counter-terrorists finally show up, only to catch a bullet to the face. I win the round when everybody in my team was thinking that we'd lose.

That's just an example, if've had plenty of these situations, too bad they didn't happen more often (however, thanks to that factor, every such victory gave me a lot of satisfaction).

2. I have no idea. There is some stuff that I'd like to try that already is in place, but I propably won't try it due to it costing a lot of money (Steel Battalion for Xbox - the game costs a lot nowadays, and lets at to it the cost of the actual console, it seems pretty amazing though). But that isn't really an anwser to your. - this also seems amazing, but building such a setup would cost a fortune, so it's out of the question. How cool would it be to be able to play any FPS in that manner.

3. Not really, I'm too young, and to inexperienced in any matter to be doing any research (apart from one needed to complete some assignment) .

4. New releases - Sword of the Stars: The Pit. After playing FTL I thought that maybe I could give a try to some other roguelikes, and this seems like a good one.

Old releases - Wizardry 8 and System Shock 2. Haven't played both but would like to try them - Wizardry to try a different approach to an RPG (haven't played anything similar so far), SS2 to see the game that was an inspiration to Bioshock, the conspect seems really interesting (and the atmosphere, which imo is one of the most important things regarding...well, pretty much everything).

An user HMDK has also put another game in my spotlight - The Last Express. I've never really seen anything like it before, it looks very innovative (even though the game is from 1997 ;p), I'm gonna have to try it some time.

5. Yeah, I know about it, but don't really have much time needed to make a meaningful addition.

I'm in for a 9.99$ game.
Post edited May 29, 2013 by DrYaboll
Appreciate the chance. Would like to enter for the $9.99 GOG game. And grats on the rep achievement. Have another +1 :).

The fourth question is the only one I can really answer as the rest I have no opinion on or do not apply.

I'm generally excited every morning after I wake up and see what the new release and/or game on sale is. Sometimes, after seeing it, the excitement fades quickly and other times, I get more excited. I have no idea what GOG's release schedule is or what they are working on to release here so I just check on it in the morning after I wake up and react accordingly to my likes/dislikes.
Post edited May 29, 2013 by teshra
high rated
Updated the lists of participants again, and bumping the thread as well.
1) It took me 36 attempts to finally defeat the final boss in Half-Life: Opposing Force. I still have no idea what the damn turning point was.

In for the gog code, thanks.
Has anyone ever wondered how much pain you get when you give birth? Im a guy so I wouldn't know. Anyone that knows would be very nice to get me up to speed.
Post edited May 30, 2013 by valdaintheking
valdaintheking: Has anyone ever wondered how much pain you get when you give birth? Im a guy so I wouldn't know. Anyone that knows would be very nice to get me up to speed.
Im told its worse than catching your foreskin in your zipper, but how a woman could know that level of pain is beyond me.
I'm in for the GOG code. Congratulations on your upcoming 4 star promotion and thanks for the generous giveaway.

If I answered any of the questions wrong, let me know.

1. Can't remember well. It's been a long time last time I played. Getting killed mysteriously from long distance in Battlefield1942 or got my head shot for peeking from behind the wall in Counter Strike Source game.

2. Dunno.

3. Negative.

4. Classic: Settlers 3. My childhood game. I played the pirated game. I got no iron from the iron smelter, but pork instead. Wanted the expansion so bad but couldn't get it.
New release: Can't remember. I'm more into old games than newly released ones. Besides, GOG has more old games than new ones and new releases' genre wasn't my favorite usually. Except maybe the new Conquistador game. Quite interesting.

5. I don't because I haven't played any game lately and has no time or need to look for such feature.

Yes, lack of cash.
About the games, they are not the games that I wanted so much.
Not sure about payment method. Never tried it.
Post edited May 31, 2013 by le_chevalier
Star shaped BUMP
Congrats on approatching 1K Rep! I´m in for the 9.99$ game!
Here are my answers.
2) Jade Empire Controls for Witcher II: It´s very easy to find out what Controls Schema was the model for WItcher II´s one. But they never hit this geneous-smooth combat like Jade Empire did.
But Jade had other really bad things, which shouldn´t be copied by Witcher II. The camera, for example... ;)
4) Really exiting releases?
Oh, of course Eador: Genesis was a fantastic modern release course it was able to combind Heroes III, Heroes IV, Civilization and Battle for Wenoth to a perfect complex, challenging and fast experience.
But I also really loved Tiny and Big, course it just was a fantastic entertaining and innovative Action-Adventure!

Classic Release:
Blade of Darkness really was a "holy shit"-one.
It´s still a very awesome game with fantastic style and balancing. A few levels are using to much copy-paste, but everything else is really good!
high rated
Added 3 latest entries.
Ok, seeing as I'm not a forum regular (yet) I'll answer a question or two.

1. I play Battlefield 3 quite a bit and, there are times when I'm not on my "A" game. There are times when I go after an enemy whose running the other way, start shooting, miss every single shot, and then, while reloading for a second attempt, die to him as he turns around and fires twice.

There are also other times when I get my favorite LMG and, in a map that is a metro station, go on a killing spree the likes of which have never been seen. Running into a hallway where a group of enemies are and mowing them all down...Priceless

5. As I am new to GOG I didn't actually know there was a GOGWiki. I haven't been there because I didn't know about it BUT, if I were to sponsor a page, it would be, drumroll please, Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga. As I am playing this game at the moment I think that if I found out any bugs or issues I would be able to notify other people about them on the Wiki. And maybe add some tips and tricks I pick up along the way.

I am in for one of the GOG bonus codes (So I might pick up Baldur's Gate 2)

You are awesome for the giveaway so + rep for you (totally not trying to get the contest to end sooner >.>)
high rated
MeImNot: Ok, seeing as I'm not a forum regular (yet) I'll answer a question or two.
And that is the best way to become a regular. Read the various threads and feel free to participate in them.
Do I count as a regular if I only started posting recently?.. :/ Anyway, there are two questions I can answer.

4) Classic release: Little Big Adventure 2. It was one of the very few games I've played over and over and over again, so I was really happy to see it here. I rarely visited GOG at the time when LBA was added, so it was a pleasant surprise.

New release: probably The Night of the Rabbit, because I love fantasy point-and-click adventure games.

That's not to say I don't get excited when something truly epic appears here that just doesn't happen to be the kind of game I like. System Shock 2 and the Wizardry games are examples; I could feel the happiness of people who wanted these games here.

5) I discovered the GOGWiki some time ago, but I'm not sure whether I could really do anything useful there. I often have trouble just figuring out where to start. :/

P.S.: in for a GOG code. Thank you, JMich, and congratulations on the upcoming 1000 rep points!