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high rated
Sachys: entering for any of the prizes!
I'd preferred if you selected which prize you want to aim for, since as I said it makes my job (or more specifically,'s job) a bit easier. One list for each prize, no need to doublecheck if the participants already won something. Not to mention that if a participant is in more than one list, the order of the rolls will make a difference, however slight.
And glad to see a researcher :)
I'll enter for the Hundle Indie Bundle, if ya don't mind :) The reason I can't get it is because I don't have a PayPal account, and I'm only 16, so I don't have the resources to make one and put money into it. Also, I have no money (lol)! 'Grats on your (almost) 1000 rep! You deserve it!
hmmmmm... in that case, I'll go for... the $9.99 GOG, cheers!
In for the GOG codes

1. When I completed Soldier of Fortune by killing everyone one possible with throwing knives.

2. Condemned Series with Die by the Swords motion programme, Would be awesome to swing the weapons about with a flick of a mouse

3. NO

4. Classic would have been Seven Kingdoms as It was one of my fav games as a child
Modern game Witcher 2 as I enjoyed the first one

5. Heard of it but I find the forum caters for all my needs
Not in, got too many games and too little time at the moment. But wanna congrat you on the near 1000 star General promotion, and throw a +1 your way to make it happen sooner. Also, thanks for all your great help, and information you spread here on the forums...You're a GOG asset in and of yourself. Carry on soldier!
Congratulations! Thank you for the giveaway.

I'm in for one of the $9.99 GOG bonus codes.

3) I used to work at Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennessee in the United States. In high school, I applied for a summer internship there. At the end of the internship, I was offered a job and I worked there as a regular employee for a while before going to college. Most of the research I did involved studying the properties of elements while in the presence of other elements (how strongly did they bond, if they were moved toward each other did the angle matter, etc.). The most interesting research I got to participate in was different - it involved tornadoes. We studied the conditions inside tornadoes to try to better predict when and where they would occur. We created little monitors inside of spheres. One of my co-workers flew jets into the tornadoes to release the spheres.
In for GOG codes. :-)

I consider myself a forum regular, however I'll try to answer your questions to my best ability:

1) Tell me of an "Oh God, how did I fail that bad" or "In your face!" experience you had in an FPS game.
I consider myself an old-school FPS player, because that when I started and that's where I left off. I haven't kept up, so when I've played a match with some friends, I've felt good the few times I've been able to take down one of the best out of sheer chance. That's been good for a laugh.

2) What control scheme that has gone at least up to the prototype stage would you like to use for a game that doesn't support it, and how would it make the game more entertaining/fun.
Interesting question, but I don't have an answer for it. Back when PC was the primary platform and Xbox/Playstation were new, there were some games announced for PC, that ended up being console exclusives (or at least primarily), that I would have liked to play on my PC in their original form.

3) Are you (or were you) active in a research field? How did you become involved into it?
I've studied Computer Science and have been involved in research projects, however I do not have any publications to my name, though I may occur in the thanks section.

4) One classic and one new release on GOG that really excited you, and why?
Of the ones I've witnessed, it has to be System Shock 2 for classic release. I never played it back in the day, even though I saw and had been able to pick up a copy from a bargain bin long ago (my memory is fuzzy and it may have been the first System Shock). I've regretted that ever since. Though I haven't picked it up yet, it is at the top of my wishlist.
As for new releases I haven't kept up with the beat so to speak to get overly excited for a specific new release. However, I watched the live stream of Divinity: Dragon Commander and am looking forward to that one.

5) Do you know about the GOGWiki? Why haven't you been active there yet? What page of the Wiki do you think you could "adopt", to make sure it's correct and up-to-date?
Yes, I know about the GOGWiki, but I haven't been active there yet. I haven't had the time to make updates there, but I'd like to at some point.
JMich, thank you very much for your generosity +1

In for $9.99 GOG chance if I may be so bold.

I decided to try Crysis mp (think it was Crysis) - what i didn't know was that they paired you up with another online player. Well this poor bloke got me lol. Wave 1 of baddies, I had died about 20 times in the 1st 60 seconds, and when he came to rescue me, he got killed to. I already felt bad for him, but at the same time it was hilarious, me being so bad. He didn't think it was funny, and told me to "go forth" in a message then disconnected lmao :D
Congrats, and thanks for the giveaway! I'd like to enter for the $9.99 GOG game.

1) Tell me of an "Oh God, how did I fail that bad" or "In your face!" experience you had in an FPS game.
I am awful at FPS games and never really played them until I finally tried Mass Effect, and then I decided I had to learn the genre just for that series. I was then shown Fallout 3 by a friend, and I gave it a go. I never know how to be evil in a video game without feeling so in real life, so I always play the "good guy" role, but upon escaping the vault and such, I shot one of the wrong people, and the next thing I knew, I was panicking and shooting and running all over. It ended in me nuking the town about twenty minutes later. I'm not sure if that qualifies as an "Oh God, how did I fail that bad" moment or an "In your face!" moment, but it sure felt like a bit of both.
Thanks for this amazing giveaway JMich and wow on reaching soon the milestone!

I am aiming for $9.99 GOG bonus codes in the form of The Guild. It is mocking me as sort of game I would enjoy and haven't played anything quite like (that I know of).

I'll answer q5: Not part of GOGWiki but have looked around. I'm not a useful contributor I suppose, but I guess if I find any errors, I'll do my best to help correct ;)
Thank you for the giveaway, +1 and congratulations in advance. Entering for a $9.99 gog game.
Let me help you with your goal by giving you +1! I'm in for the GOG codes by the way.

Now, as for the questions themselves...

1) Both moments involve Unreal Tournament. They both also involve the Redeemer. In the fist case, I blew every single opponent with it earning a nice killing spree. In the second case, I blew myself up without killing anyone else.

2) I would definitely welcome the usage of a joystick or even the Wii Remote+Nunchuku in a Starfox game. Sure enough, Starfox might not be a space sim, but you still fly a spacecraft with the intention of destroying your enemies while doing death-defying stunts and using evasive maneuvers.

3) Nope, I haven't participated in any.

4) Classic release: Carmageddon. The addition of Carmageddon means that at some probable point in the future, will release Carmageddon 2, which I used to play like crazy back when it was released.
New Release: Neverwinter Nights 2 complete. I hated the train wreck of having to install specific patches to play the game, so this release (which comes DRM-free and with Mysteries of Westgate included) was glorious music to my ears.

5) I am aware of as I used in the past to check what games were removed from I'm not active there due to a lack of time.

These are my answers and thanks for the giveaway!
I'm in for the $9.99 GOG goody. Thanks JMich!

1) Definitely more of the former than the later for me... More recently (as in a few hours ago), I somehow managed to drop down from a high ledge about 3 seconds after joining a game of L4D and kill myself.

3) Sort of, I guess. I'm participating of a electronic instrumentation and digital filters research project, but my contributions so far have been minimum compared to the rest of the teachers and researchers involved. I wasn't doing anything useful other than studying and one of my acquaintances mentioned they were needing a helping hand from able students, but nobody was interested in it. Nearly one year later and only now I'm catching up with the basic theory... Oh well.

4) System Shock 2 and Fez.
Thank you JMich? How do you differentiate between a regular and non-regular? Where does a lurker fit in?

Regardless, your questions...
1) FPS games - play solo and don't play any MOBA type games. Have no recollection of "in your face" moments vs the pc.
2) Can't even pretend to understand this question.
3) No.
4) I came here for MOO, MOM and SMAC when I found they were available here. I stayed for the other oldie games.
Was excited for Eador till I read the reviews and found out it was still a work in progress.
5) No. And not active there cuz I spend time on the GOG main site to get my GOG information.

Interested in the $9.99 option, already beat Hotline Miami. Thanks again.
1) Tell me of an "Oh God, how did I fail that bad" or "In your face!" experience you had in an FPS game.

Team Fortress 2's Scout class is a very twitch-oriented class, since the scout moves very quickly and fires very slowly (shotgun). I went head to head against another scout and we did the dance of circling around each other firing shotgun blasts. I fired 5 times and missed 5 times. Never heard the end of it later.

2) What control scheme that has gone at least up to the prototype stage would you like to use for a game that doesn't support it, and how would it make the game more entertaining/fun.

Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator should be the standard control scheme for all spaceship-command games. Makes being a space captain so much more real. Imagine playing FTL with your friends like this, each one handling one crew member, and trying to coordinate a space battle while losing oxygen and shields.

4) One classic and one new release on GOG that really excited you, and why?

Classic: Wizardry 6-7. Getting Wiz Gold to work on modern systems is a real feat of digital preservation!
New: Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete. Mysteries of Westgate was quite rare and hard to come by, so I'm glad GOG put them all together in one package.

5) Do you know about the GOGWiki? Why haven't you been active there yet? What page of the Wiki do you think you could "adopt", to make sure it's correct and up-to-date?

I know it exists but I am not active there because usually, there hasn't been any useful content in it. Most of the useful game-specific information (like various fixes, patches, mods) is in the game-specific forums. More people probably use the forums to get that info. So my Krondor music/sound guide is in the forum, hopefully enough people will like it and it can get a sticky. It would be better if the game forums had stickies with links to the wiki, otherwise people might not know it exists or what resources it has, but that needs a blue.

In for the $9.99 GOG bonus code, thanks