Timboli: Of course, but the ultimate determining party is the provider, so it is whatever they are prepared to agree to, and neither GOG nor ZOOM Platform can be held responsible for trying to get a good deal.
Seeing as you quoted me, you should take notice of the bit that says ...
any kind of threat, and not just argue out of context.
Taking ZOOM Platform to task over any of this is just ridiculous.
What about Steam poaching games from GOG etc etc. Hell Steam and Epic etc often have exclusivity deals that prevent games turning up here for years.
And personally, I think we should actively discourage customers buying all their games at just one store, as most seemingly prefer to do with Steam.
So if ZOOM Platform are trying to attract more customers to their store, good on them ... more gamers should use them. I dislike monopolies, whether that be Steam or even GOG.
Alas, too many gamers wear blinkers, and don't see the wider picture.
ZP cannot be held responsible for "trying to get a good deal," but they
can be held responsible for poaching GOG games, and for agreeing to shady exclusivity terms, and to using those shady exclusivity terms as a selling point which paints them in a positive light.
None of those dubious things are necessary for "making a good deal."
And they result in things being a
bad deal for customers who
should have freedom to buy the game on their platform of choice, but that freedom is being taken from them.
As for the comment that I argued "out of context," that doesn't seem to me to be what I did. Your comments were that this thread is supposedly "ridiculous," and "a laugh," seemingly on the basis that I was asserting that GOG is under "threat" because Zoom poached A Vampyre Story. But, that is not the premise of the OP, and I never asserted that there was any "threat" to GOG, so therefore to call this thread "ridiculous" and/or a "laugh" based on the premise that I was saying that, even though I wasn't, is a strawman argument, which is what I attempted to indicate in my reasonable rebuttal posts.
As for your point of other platforms poaching games too: I am against that as well. However, just because others also do a bad thing, that in no way justifies ZP's act of likewise doing that same bad thing. It's still a bad thing every bit as much as it always was, regardless of if others do it too.
Others doing it too in no way diminishes it being a bad and shady and dubious thing that ought not to be done, and that should be objected to when it is done (but very bizarrely, it seems that most are fine with this kind of poaching, which therefore I guess means it will inevitably continue and snowball and get worse over time, until eventually, many people are going to be complaining about it, I predict, once it starts to hit games that they care about en masse).
As for your point when you said "I think we should actively discourage customers buying all their games at just one store, as most seemingly prefer to do with Steam" ... that point directly contradicts & opposes your other argument, wherein you advocate the idea that nothing is wrong with games being de-listed off of GOG so that they can be converted into being ZP-exclusives.
ZP's act of doing that
forces everyone to buy from just one store, their own store, if they want that game. Therefore logically, if buying from just one store should be discouraged, then ZP exclusives, especially after they were created by way of removing those same games from other stores, should be strongly objected to.