Posted July 06, 2021

That said, yeah...many companies go corporate....which is why imo the best time for others(generally speaking) to make use of them is early on.
Also: JFG?
But yeah, well put. Companies that get big are rotten pretty much by definition, it's how the market works. If they're to exist at all (and I'll stop here on that topic), small but with an established niche is the best place to be, since they have a chance to avoid those rotten practices if they want to, but also have good chances to last in time, assuming the customers making up said niche don't scatter. Zoom might well be right in there... Though they do need payment methods for those who don't have or don't want to use cards or accounts (what I call two steps from cash methods, you buy something with cash, either the store's own prepaid cards or Paysafecard, or some other similar thing, though I'm not aware of one around here, and then use it to make the purchase), and sales (maybe not at the level of competing with others but at the very least at GOG's original level of 50% off just about all the catalog twice per year, at least a game per week at ~60% off and some occasional others), and definitely a better site (but preferably not a "modern" one - a very functional but old-looking one would even fit them).
Also yep, people forget that Zoom Platform has been operating since 2014. It just never really got promoted, and seems to me that it wasn't intended to get bigger, at least not until recently, maybe. The owners seemed content to have it as something on the side of their main business, which also means very little effort and resources required for it, so little risk of it going under. And I also always saw that as something making it have very little risk of something dubious going on.
As long as the market exists, one business isn't enough in any sector, it can only be awful for customers.
That said, I look at Zoom as more of a place that may again champion the one-world-one-price value, which is gone from the market, if they'll keep that up. DRM free exists in plenty of other places.