Posted September 03, 2022
Cavalary: Butting in here but... excuse me???
Hoping it won't be, personally, but this current flame war is indeed providing every reason for that to happen... Though, at the same time, maybe not, depending on how GOG staff considers that it reflects on ZP. Personally I find it reflecting very badly on them. And that saddens me, because they do stick closer to what GOG used to be and I want them to do well and be(come) a noteworthy alternative. But there are... issues.
Syphon72: I would love an alternative DRM free store and for it to keep GOG more on its toes. GOG is not perfect, for sure. But ZOOM is handling this wrong by trying to make people hate GOG. I'm repeating myself, but they're blaming GOG for selling games they had for years before at a limited discount. Also, blaming GOG for what EA is doing to them. I lost a lot of respect for them and will think twice before buying from ZOOM. It just sucks the two DRM free stores acts like this. Hoping it won't be, personally, but this current flame war is indeed providing every reason for that to happen... Though, at the same time, maybe not, depending on how GOG staff considers that it reflects on ZP. Personally I find it reflecting very badly on them. And that saddens me, because they do stick closer to what GOG used to be and I want them to do well and be(come) a noteworthy alternative. But there are... issues.