I recently opened up an account on Zoom because I was just too goshdarn curious about that "Uncensored 2003 Pre-Retail Build" of Postal 2. I PMed a certain Zoom representative who shall go unnamed about giving me details about this build but didn't hear back. So far, I'm somewhat underwhelmed (ie. they failed to meet my already low expectations). Here are my findings:
- Registration and buying is fairly straightforward. No complaints there.
- When you try to download a PDF file, it opens the file instead and when you want to go back, it takes you all the way back to the library overview, so you have to click on the game again to open the game downloads. There's no way to circumvent this, you can't right-click the downloads or open them in seperate tabs. Not a huuuge issue, I guess, but it's more cumbersome than it needs to be.
- The Postal 1 manual has a replacementdocs.com logo on the front page. For all I know, gog could be using the exact same manual, but they at least airbrushed out the logo (which would be in keeping with gog's MO of appropriating community content and proclaiming it as their own).
- The Postal Forms and the comic book seem identical with the gog versions, but with all the gog logos replaced with Zoom logos.
- The "Uncensored 2003 Pre-Retail Build" turned out it is the exact same bloody thing that's also included in gog's extra content (where it's called the "Complete original version"). Even has the same version number (1409). It's neither "uncensored" nor is it "pre-retail" (I own the STP retail version and in terms of content, it's basically identical to the 1409 version I played on gog years ago). There have been numerous stories by RWS employees in the past about how they had to cut content because of publisher interference, so calling it "Uncensored 2003 Pre-Retail Build" gives off the false impression that someone dug up an old beta that had all that stuff intact. Teeters quite close to false advertising IMHO. In any case, for me it means another 10 bucks flushed down the toilet!
- Instead of breaking up the downloads into separate installers for each game, it is one large installer, broken up into one setup.exe, two 1.8GB BIN files and a third 46MB BIN file. Why 1.8 GB? I'm at a loss here, maybe someone else knows the answer...
- Here's a real mind-boggler: After installation is complete, your computer will be clogged up with not one, not two but FIVE separate installations of Postal 2!!! I get that you need seperate installations for the latest build and the 2003 build. But why oh why does it install a separate version of Postal 2 for EVERY SINGLE MOD?!? And since it's all tied to one installation package, you can't uninstall each of these seperately. At least Corkscrew Rules (which IMHO is the main selling point of the Zoom version, as it was sourced from a rather pricey collector's box that's only available in Japan) is a seperate installer.
- The only info I found online re Zoom's Postal 2 version was the following post on Leddit:
They also have a Special Edition of Postal 2 called Your Mom's Box Set that has everything from the Steam version PLUS updated compatible versions of Eternal Damnation, A Very Postal Christmas and the original complete version of A Week in Paradise, which had cut content for its Steam release, and even the multiplayer mode all bundled alongside the latest Steam version v5025.
(Emphasis mine) I can confirm that this is NOT the case. The current Zoom build of Postal 2 only features the one version of A Week in Paradise that's included natively with the latest build (ie. it's cut compared to the original mod). I guess I have only myself to blame for listening to a Ledditor. There is, however, a subtle hint that the original version of AWP was scrubbed from the Zoom version - if you check the System subdirectory in the 1409 folder you'll notice a file called AWP.ico, which would be a sign that the original AWP was part of the 1409 build at some point).
I inquired about whether the Zoom version of Hatred has mod support, but didn't hear back. Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. So I'll be holding off on getting Hatred on Zoom until a reliable source can clear that one up for me.