Cavalary: When it comes to DRM, the rule should be simple: If it has it, don't buy it. If you really want it, there are other ways to obtain it, without supporting those who treat you as a criminal by default.
For digital manga here in italy there are still at the beginning, it's like middle age of digital manga. I don't even care about drm for that reason (I just remove it as soon as I buy a digital manga) I just want to support the idea of digital manga right now with italian editors.
Also I like the (drm-free made by me) version that I can buy, better quality than scan, less space on my hard disk and I like the amazon cloud platform.
I'll start to support drm-free digital manga when and if there will be an alternative for italian digital manga and, of course, if I cannot remove drm I'll stop to buy anything (they already know that I'm removing the drm, I'm not even sure why they bother to use it at all, it's so weak...)... right now I'm just glad they started to publish digital manga at all... before that you could only get a physical version (double the price, much more difficult to store, low quality paper).
For games that's different. There are good drm-free alternative. It's not always easy to remove the drm. I got so many games to play that I can decide to ignore a lot of games release.
In the end I just don't care about drm if I can remove it, I just liked gog because there was no reason to worry about drm and I'm angry that they lied about it. If they decided to say "from now on we will sell also drm games, sorry" I could accept that, I would just avoid drm games and/or remove the drm.
But since they lied I decided to just stop buying from gog.