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Apart from the obvious ones: , [url=]Extra Credits, , [url=]MrBtongue, , aswell as the likes of [url=]Gggmanlives, Giant Bomb, Jim Sterling, Matt Lees, and [url=]Yahtzee.

Although not a dedicated gaming channel Blunty is also worth mentioning!

So for all of you lovely inhabitants of GOGland: What else could you suggest? What are the ones you didn't knew until now? What are you personal preferences (funny ones, short ones, long ones, in depth, rants, retro gaming, etc)?
T̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶u̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ ̶b̶e̶l̶l̶o̶w̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶u̶b̶s̶c̶r̶i̶b̶e̶!̶ ̶

Updates (the ones that I really, really liked):

All Russel (R.I.P. Channel :/),
Antisocialfatman (R.I.P.),
The Point (Danny O'Dwyer from Gamespot) ̶(̶R̶.̶I̶.̶P̶.̶ ̶s̶e̶r̶i̶e̶s̶:̶/̶)̶ It's back! :D,
Errant Signal,
Noah Caldwell Gervais,
Shamus Young.

Moar Updates :D -
[game array] ,
Joseph Anderson,
Mark Brown/Game Maker's Toolkit,
Turbo Button

A few moar :D :D -
Cee Marshal
Precise Hit

I was going to update with the suggestions that I didn't like that much too, but there was a lot (thanks), so for anyone who cares to read I'll just say: read/watch the other users suggestions aswell, you may find something that is more what you like. ;)
Post edited August 25, 2016 by neurasthenya
A couple lesser known ones that I have consistently enjoyed are and [url=]DWTerminator.
Post edited February 07, 2015 by KillingMachine
KillingMachine: A couple lesser known ones that I have consistently enjoyed are and [url=]DWTerminator.
I also recommend Gggmanlives. Want a guy that reviews all kinds of classic PC FPS games from Doom, NOLF, F.E.A.R. System Shock, Hexn, etc. he is your guy.
neurasthenya: Apart from the obvious ones: , [url=]Extra Credits, [url=]MrBtongue, , aswell as the likes of [url=]Gggmanlives, Giant Bomb, Jim Sterling, Matt Lees, and [url=]Yahtzee.

Although not a dedicated gaming channel Blunty is also worth mentioning!

So for all of you lovely inhabitants of GOGland: What else could you suggest? What are the ones you didn't knew until now? What are you personal preferences (funny ones, short ones, long ones, in depth, rants, retro gaming, etc)?
T̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶u̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ ̶b̶e̶l̶l̶o̶w̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶u̶b̶s̶c̶r̶i̶b̶e̶!̶ ̶
I've never heard of any of those except for TotalBiscuit, whose stuff I don't watch, and am only aware of his existance because of GOG promoting some streaming he did or something. I guess that shows just how out of touch I am with today's gaming. I am a relict of the printed word age and I never switched to following any YouTubers. I think the only exception to this rule is . His [url=]Ultima Retrospective is a phenomenal series, immensly funny and informative at the same time. His Final Fantasy reviews are great to, but they are much more comedy than actually reviews. It's a pity he does not seem to be doing any more reviews now. I don't know if he's just taking a break (he's still making tabletop-RPG vlogs), or if he's done with video game and movie reviews for good. Still, if You've never seen any of his stuff I heartily recommend it.
Post edited February 07, 2015 by Breja
Lazy Game Reviews, , [url=]Ancient Dos Games (his Youtube channel is , but not nearly as up to date as his main site), [url=]Avalanche Reviews and possibly Retsupurae.
AntisocialFatMan was one of the most thoughtful gaming commentators I have yet come across - his "reviews" were often lengthy philosophical rants about game design topics that his game-of-the-moment just happened to exemplify. Very interesting stuff to listen to. (And in case that made him sound too dry, I should mention that he's funny, too.)

Unfortunately, he died several years ago, so obviously he isn't making any new stuff. Still, I think his work is worth going back to. I discovered him through his review of Pathologic, though note that this is being narrated by a different youtuber from a script he wrote (I presume after his death).
Errant Signal, Accursed Farms (Ross's Game Dungeon), Gaming Historian, Electronic Heroes, 16-bit Gems, AVGN, High Wang, TheGameDirect, SomecallmeJohnny, and Angry Joe.
Post edited February 07, 2015 by Sabin_Stargem
Lord Karnage or Classic Game Room, although he rarely does PC games, he's also the first/oldest videogame vlogger on the net.

Gamesack, they handle discontinued consoles and games only but they do have a very slick show and have a lot of in depth information.

LGR, already mentioned, his in depth shows are very informative, gameplay videos are mostly The Sims though.

Metal Jesus Rocks, old Sierra employee, funny videos but not too informative.

DOS Nostalgia, Russian guy who has often interviews with gamedevelopers from the past, it's a bit like a live radioshow and interviews can be very lengthy.
Just ignore these " critics/reviewers " :

Angry Joe
Giant Bomb
Jim Sterling
Strijkbout: DOS Nostalgia, Russian guy who has often interviews with gamedevelopers from the past, it's a bit like a live radioshow and interviews can be very lengthy.
Thanks .
Post edited February 07, 2015 by ne_zavarj
The critic you listen to will sort of be determined by your taste. AngryJoe tends to put too much energy into his reviews, naturally based on his name that's to be expected.

LGR i'm watching his stuff, and almost most of his reviews are lack luster he does a lot of older titles or content packs which means he doesn't have to get too in depth with too many systems. Biased to older 8-bit hardware, otherwise just shows you the product and it's features... not much else. Although the oddware he usually shows how impractical it is.

Rinry specializes in Retro Console games, but she hasn't posted anything in like 2 years.

The Completionist is pretty good, but the joking they force in gets old real fast that i wish wasn't there. I'm tempted to get his videos, edit out the bad jokes and re-upload the series with appropriate notes.

TotalBiscuit concentrates on facts and mechanics, giving you reasons why not to get a game, or why something is especially fun. He also goes out of his way to show you really really bad game breaking bugs or visual issues that really shouldn't be present in AAA games; Not to mention a very enjoyable voice to listen to. Although i prefer his WTF, his 15 minutes of game is pretty good (blindly trying something), Let's not play, Steam sells, etc. The title usually says it all if the review is biased and usually for good reasons. Steam salesbox is interesting since it's 10 mini reviews/recommendations in as many minutes, but it won't get me to go back to steam. If you're trying to abstain from steam, don't watch these...

Zero Punctuation/Yahtzee - puts on a very snarky feel and condenses his feels down. Unless you've played the game you won't follow what he's talking about, but the games i've played i can only nod my head and say 'yep'. Not sure if i dislike him or not... He goes a fine line between funny and irritating.

JimQuisition/Jim Sterling... i don't know. I can't say i like his stuff, something about his attitude to the whole thing, usually talking down game developers or publishers (although they usually deserve it). His stuff isn't really entertaining, but i guess that isn't his intent either.

Spoony, I'm biased to enjoy his stuff after watching most of his Counter Monkey series. He usually targets bad games usually, like FMV games or VCR games... Games that are really bad and you really shouldn't play, or how logic just doesn't make sense for a variety of reasons.

ProJared. Does a lot of good stuff, be it reviewing oddball hardware to games that summarize the games and history in a nice little package. If memory serves me right his rating system is odd the wall. 'This game gets a Banana wielding monkey in a palm tree, out of ten'.

I'm trying to think of other ones off the top of my head, and failing at this moment. I can probably append my thoughts on the critics, but as i said, it's subjective to your tastes, or what game types you are really interested in.
Post edited February 07, 2015 by rtcvb32
This fella is pretty good with some of his video's
I have a following hierarchy when it comes to game reviews and coverage:
TotalBiscuit > SuperBunnyHop > Nerd3's "critical" stuff

I do like TotalBiscuit a fair bit as he's one of the few youtube reviewers I've encoutered capable of giving in-depth analysis and factual critique, directly supported by what you get to see on screen. A lot of people confuse bluntness for arrogance, and it's kind of a shame, but oh well. Then there's SuperBunnyHop, who does very professional reviews, but his content is also few and far between, and he tends to be a bit spoilery in his reviews. Then there's Nerd3, who is a good indication of whether or not I'm going to enjoy purely mechanics-based games.

Other youtubers I regularily watch are Ahoy for extremely professionally done analysis and insights into ... well, whatever topic he picks really, Nerd3 for being fairly entertaining, Extra Credits for being Extra Credits (I'm hooked on Extra History now, but James Recommends is pretty good too), Helloween4545 for not-annoying let's plays, and ... That's it I believe.
Post edited February 07, 2015 by Fenixp
Some more youtube LP'ers and reviewers I like...

Mr Odd

And of course, the Freelance Astronauts. They don't do group LPs any more, but their archived stuff is hilarious.
Great stuff so far you guys! :D

rtcvb32: Zero Punctuation/Yahtzee -

JimQuisition/Jim Sterling -
These two in particular definitely I think aren't suited everyone. And in my b̶i̶a̶s̶ opinion I feel that sometimes people can't look past the humour or style or format of the content, specially Yahtzee since the majority of people don't seem to read his column and/or just assume he doesn't like anything and just rant about games. And yeah, with is Jim persona either you love or hate it.

Also how could I forget to mention the best "Youtuber" that ever existed (may his soul rest in peace now :P) Fitzthistlewits

Just a taste of his really in-depth analysis (humour not suited for everyone)
Post edited February 08, 2015 by neurasthenya
Thank you so much for this topic, I always wanted to know good critics but could never find a trusted recommendation. The only 3 critics I ever listen to are TB, AngryJoe and Boogie2988. Apart from those I didn't know many others.